Amanda Wants A Vacation In Mexico In Spanish (2024)

1. In this sentence, “Amanda quiere unas vacaciones en México.” Does it ...

  • 25 apr 2022 · In this sentence, “Amanda quiere unas vacaciones en México.” Does it mean “Amanda wants some vacations in Mexico? It doesn't sound natural ...

  • @qualitybeans It sounds natural to me, but I'd add: Amanda quiere TOMARSE unas vacaciones en México

In this sentence, “Amanda quiere unas vacaciones en México.” Does it ...

2. How do you say the vacation in Spanish (Mexico)? - Memrise

  • Bevat niet: amanda | Resultaten tonen met:amanda

  • Learn how to say the vacation in Spanish (Mexico), how to say it in real life and how you can use Memrise to learn other real Spanish (Mexico) phrases.

3. A Realist's Guide to Living in Mexico City. | by Amanda H - Medium

A Realist's Guide to Living in Mexico City. | by Amanda H - Medium

4. What to Do While Vacationing in Spain - Kevin & Amanda

  • Plan the most spectacular vacation in Spain with these travel tips! You won't want to miss out on the beautiful places we visited.

  • We experienced pure paradise when we vacationed in Spain. Check out all the places you can't miss during your visit! Caution: your jaw may hit the floor.

What to Do While Vacationing in Spain - Kevin & Amanda

5. I took my tablet with me to PV, Mexico while on vacation. Now, while ...

6. My next summer holiday plan – A1 English reading test

  • Reading comprehension test for beginners or elementary students (CEFR A1 level) about travelling plans. This is a free reading practice test.

My next summer holiday plan – A1 English reading test

7. 10 Surprising Facts About Mexico - Great Value Vacations

  • By Amanda Little. Mexico is a land of diversity and beauty known for a variety of iconic features, ranging from Ancient Mayan Ruins to underground cenotes.

  • While many people know Mexico for its incredible landscapes, beaches, and cuisine, there's so much more to Mexico than meets the eye. Curious? Here are 10 surprising facts about Mexico that you may have not known before.

10 Surprising Facts About Mexico - Great Value Vacations

8. Amanda Linnell with GSC World Travel - Virtuoso

  • Mexico; Turks And Caicos Islands; Cayman Islands. Interests. Family Travel; Beach & Sun; Ocean Cruising; Adventure; Spa Vacations. Languages. English. Company.

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9. De Aquí Y Allá | United Way of King County

  • 15 okt 2023 · On the final day of National Hispanic Heritage Month, we're featuring a blog post from Amanda Sandoval, United Way associate director of systems ...

  • National Hispanic Heritage Month is a 30-day observance that extends from September 15 to October 15 and is marked by celebrating histories, cultures, and impacts made by Americans whose ancestors…

De Aquí Y Allá | United Way of King County
Amanda Wants A Vacation In Mexico In Spanish (2024)


How do you wish someone a good vacation in Spanish? ›

Spanish: ¡Buenas vacaciones!

Español is the second most-spoken language in the world, so it's well worth learning some useful phrases. If your colleague is heading off on vacation, you can say “¡Buenas vacaciones!” or “Que pases unas buenas vacaciones”.

Is Spanish mandatory in Mexico? ›

Spanish is often cited as the official language of Mexico. But, while it's true that more than 90% of Mexican residents can speak Spanish, Mexico actually has 69 recognized official languages, including Nahuatl, Maya, and other Indigenous languages.

Should I learn Spanish before I go to Mexico? ›

Though not a requirement, speaking some Spanish will open your ears to a new side of the country that you had yet to explore and give you a deeper understanding of the people, the places, and the vast characteristics of the Mexican way of life.

What is the Spanish word for vacation? ›

vacation noun (plural: vacations) vacaciones pl f.

Can you visit Mexico if you don't speak Spanish? ›

While those who visit on vacation can enjoy Mexico without needing to speak any Spanish, when you're living here and doing everyday tasks like shopping at the market, paying your bills, getting your car repaired, and arranging for a plumber to fix a leaking pipe, most conversations you encounter will need to be ...

Are you Mexican if you can't speak Spanish? ›

Some households only speak Spanish, some only speak English and others fall in the bilingual category. Nobody is less Latino because they don't speak Spanish. Many Latinos in the U.S. share common-lived experiences, even if we don't all speak the same language.

What is 7th grade in Mexico? ›

Structure of the basic education system

In Mexico, basic education is normally divided in three steps: primary school (primaria), comprising grades 1–6; junior high school (secundaria), comprising grades 7–9; and high school (preparatoria), comprising grades 10–12.

Can Spanish and Mexican understand each other? ›

Mexican and Spain Spanish share the same linguistic roots, but there are some differences in pronunciation, vocabulary, and influences from other languages and cultures. People from Spain and Mexico generally understand one another, although a few distinct words, syntaxes, and facts of speech show their diversity.

Why is Mexican Spanish easier? ›

Mexican Spanish is known for its clear pronunciation, making it one of the most accessible dialects for learners.

Is it better to learn Spanish or Latin American Spanish? ›

If you're a new Spanish learner, Latin American Spanish is by far the best dialect to study. With its clear accents and slower pronunciation, Latin American Spanish is ideal for beginners. That said, certain Latin American countries break this norm and speak quickly, while others have a more difficult dialect.

How do you wish someone a safe trip in Spanish? ›

¡Te deseo un buen viaje!

If you want to make it more formal, you can change the “te” to “le” (“le deseo un buen viaje”. On the other hand, if several family members or friends are going on a trip, its plural form would be “les deseo un buen viaje” (I wish you a good trip).

How do you say happy vacation to someone? ›

  1. "I hope you have a nice vacation!"
  2. "It sounds like you'll have a nice vacation!"
  3. "I'm so happy that you're going to have a nice vacation."
  4. "You deserve to have a nice vacation."
  5. "You're going to have a nice vacation."
  6. "Do you think you'll have a nice vacation?"
Feb 16, 2016

How do you say wish you happy holidays in Spanish? ›

¡Felices fiestas! Happy holidays! ¡Disfruta los días festivos! Enjoy the holidays!

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