Toby Swallow on LinkedIn: If you’re 40s or 50s and use exercise to cope with stress? Know that… | 22 comments (2024)

Toby Swallow

Health, Fitness and Longevity Mentor to Business Owners in their 40s and 50s

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If you’re 40s or 50s and use exercise to cope with stress? Know that anything that elevates your heart rate and turns on your sympathetic nervous system (fight and flight) and is a form of stress.That's why after a long, stressful day at work, pounding your body with more stress is often NOT what your body actually needs. There’s a difference between “feeling” better and what your body ACTUALLY needs.Too much stress on top of stress just equals more stress. They do not cancel each other out.So if you're feeling tired and stressed from life, you can still exercise, but keep the volumes and intensities much lower and focus on things like mobility, breathing, and active recovery.Your focus would be more productive tapping into your parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) by focusing on heart rate recovery, working to bring it down as quickly as you can. If you didn't get enough sleep and had a long day at work, you shouldn't be training the same as if when you're at your best.Adding too much physical stress on top of too much mental stress will only make your fitness and health worse, not better.The truth is that not every workout has to be a test of how hard you can run yourself into the ground. Training, especially cardiovascular training can certainly be a powerful tool to improve your ability to handle mental stress, but… …only if it’s in the right amount.Training should be about building your body up and that takes more than just endlessly breaking it down. Remember:Your body was built to last, but you’ve got to treat it right. Sign up to my newsletter to learn more about staying fit and healthy in your 40s and 50s.Link in the comments.

  • Toby Swallow on LinkedIn: If you’re 40s or 50s and use exercise to cope with stress? Know that… | 22 comments (2)



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Mark Carolan

Coaching you to be your very best self 💥 Transformational Coach for busy professionals who struggle with time 💥Life, executive & corporate wellbeing coach💥Public Speaking coach💥Keynote Speaker💥TEDx


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This is excellent Toby - there is a need in some people to train hard to reduce the stress - but it can add to it as you've demonstrated

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Chris K.

Technology Risk @ Franklin Templeton | Risk and Controls


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Another golden lesson here! Many a time I’ve smashed myself after not much sleep and a long, long few days at work. This is par for the course in the Military. It make sense to some degree…. But again I view fitness now as longevity not as work! 💪😄

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Daniel Glyde

Coaching and Mentoring Successful Men Who Feel Stuck to Cultivate Confidence, Connection, Empowerment, Purpose, and Clarity for Lasting Happiness. Men's Coach.


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Love this Toby Swallow, so much value in this post. I used to exercise to feel better. And often found myself exhausted the next morning. We all need to manage our energy. And find other ways to relax and reset.

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Peter McKenzie

The C-Suite Coach | I help senior leaders thrive in their roles by optimising their performance, energy and time to enjoy their careers once more (you deserve it). Book your discovery call today.


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What do you think about active recovery Toby Swallow.I now do more of this rather than complete relaxation and it has made a difference for me.It is hard to get back "Out there" when you get home late, but it has its benefits.What's your take?

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James van Beusekom

Business Funding Solutions | Cash Flow | Invoice | Finance | Funding | Innovation | Land Remediation | R&D | Tax Incentives | Capital Allowances | FX | Foreign Currency | Vehicles | Property | Asset | Investment | Loans


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Great post Toby 👏

Peter Clarke

Fleet Professional - now retired


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Must listen to both body and mind 👍

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Abbas Merchant

Senior Finance Executive


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Simple answer to stress is don’t overthink, you can as much as you can do so don’t over exert beyond your capacity. The world is going to carry on with or without you

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Nicolette (Nickie) S.

Chief of Staff I Global Estates Manager I E/PA – making the lives of U/HNWIs, CEOs, & Chairmen easier I Gatekeeper & Fixer I Global Travel Logistics I Asset & Lifestyle Management I Property Manager | Multilingual


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Love this.. my mantra is D.I.E.T - Did I Eat Today. Fuel your body and soul to thrive..

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Dr Asif Munaf


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Gotta give the body what it needs, not just what we think it wants

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Avinash Kumar 🌴

Coconut Lover | LinkyLand Junkie | Financial Advisor | Expert in Insurance


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I had a dizzy spell earlier today. I said WTF. May have been lacking oxygen in my system.Great post as always, Brother.

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    Health, Fitness and Longevity Mentor to Business Owners in their 40s and 50s

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    Want to THRIVE as you age?Your hips are involved in all major body movements, affecting how you…Walk, run, sit down and back up, get dressed, ascend and descend stairs, and most sports, contributing to your balance, locomotion and power production.Hip strength and mobility are linked to the quality of life, physical independence, and mortality rates.Ageing sees you slowly lose range of motion, strength and power, eventually making all those daily tasks you take for granted today, more and more challenging……think of lifting your knee towards your chest to put your pants and socks on!You don’t just lose range of motion simply because you're getting older, you lose it when you don’t use it.Meaning:You get a say in how much and how fast you lose this.Slow this process down by challenging the corners of your range of motion by moving with intentinto end ranges with control, strength, and stability, not just passively.If you don't have a range - you can’t own that range and get stronger, you can’t use that range, you can’t stabilise or control that range……until eventually your body adapts to what you use. So, it’s not simply about moving more, but rather using the right tool and intent for the right job.You're not getting any younger.Do the work to THRIVE as you age to live a high quality of life, now and in the decades ahead.Ageing is inevitable, how you age is a CHOICE.If you're in your 40s or 50s looking to improve your health, fitness and quality of life, sign up for my newsletter...



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  • Toby Swallow

    Health, Fitness and Longevity Mentor to Business Owners in their 40s and 50s

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    For 99.99% of human existence……we walked often, engaged in ‘challenging’ physical tasks, and ate whole foods.For the last 0.01%, we’ve become sedentary, drowned ourselves in screentime, guzzled foods designed to be pleasurable, think a physical challenge is getting out of breath and sacrificed sleep to cram is something less important than our health.You’ve not evolved to live this way. Feeling like sh*t has become the new normal.So normal, that you’ve forgotten what it feels like to be brimming with energy and moving fluidly.Eroding your health at a glacial pace that you don’t notice the effects and then blame your age or genetics for your lifestyle choices.Men today are physically weaker, less capable, fatter, slower, experiencing a faster physical decline, in need of more medication than men of comparable age, and living with more disease, than 40 years ago.But you don't realise this because you're comparing yourself to your equally weak and flabby contemporaries.Thinking you’re ok as you are.Hold yourself to a higher standard.Your health requires work.Just like your business success, it requires time, effort and commitment.Every. Single. Day.Movement, resistance, effective stress management and the right kind of food (and quantities) make a huge difference in your health and quality of life.Change your course and start building a brighter, healthier future.If you're a 40 or 50-something guy looking to improve your health, fitness and quality of life, sign up for my newsletter...

    • Toby Swallow on LinkedIn: If you’re 40s or 50s and use exercise to cope with stress? Know that… | 22 comments (21)



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  • Toby Swallow

    Health, Fitness and Longevity Mentor to Business Owners in their 40s and 50s

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    If you’re a guy in his 40s or 50s……imagine what your training would look like if the person you’re going to be in 20-30 years from now, has a say in what you did today...Don’t train for big arms.Don’t train for a 6-pack.Don’t train for rippling pecs.Don’t train chasing sports performance.Don’t train to chase weights with partial movements.Instead, train to preserve a rich quality of life and to age well; train for cardiovascular fitness, strength, balance, coordination and mobility.Train to play with your grandchildren on the floor and in the park.Train to safely navigate steps and flights of stairs.Train to avoid falls and reduce fracture risk in later life.Train to mitigate the risk of cardiovascular disease.Train to walk without a stick.Train to get up and down from the floor without assistance.Train to get to the toilet in time, to dress and shower yourself in the decades ahead.Train to mitigate aches, stiffness and ill health.Train to lower your anxiety.Train so you have the breath, balance and ability to walk to see friends and maintain social interactions.Train so as not to be a worry or burden to those who love and care for you.Train to be physically independent for as long as possible.Train for the BIGGER picture.The real goal.And if you do, aesthetics and good health will follow.It’s never too late to change course and start building a brighter, healthier future.If you're a 40 or 50-something guy looking to improve your health, fitness and quality of life, sign up for my newsletter...

    • Toby Swallow on LinkedIn: If you’re 40s or 50s and use exercise to cope with stress? Know that… | 22 comments (26)



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  • Toby Swallow

    Health, Fitness and Longevity Mentor to Business Owners in their 40s and 50s

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    You are someone’s world.Your spouse.Your children.They depend upon you to make the right decisions. To take the right actions.This is why you’re probably well covered with life insurance and critical illness cover, for that “just in case” scenario. That’s the right thing to do so financially, the ones you love will be ok.Yet this doesn't mean you WILL be ok.If you’re in your 40s or 50s, you’ll unfortunately know of guys your age who've died due to a heart attack, stroke, or some other condition. What hole would you leave if this happened to you?Never buying your son his first pint.Walking your daughter down the aisle.Teaching your kids to drive.Never being there when they need you for support, guidance and advice.Growing old with your wife and enjoying grandchildren together....all because you took your health for granted and didn’t give it as much work and attention as you do your business, career or even your car.The largest causes and risks of death are lifestyle-related.The decisions and actions you take, over time, affect your health. There are no shortcuts though to being healthy, or to fitness. It’s an investment of time and effort. The people you care about and love, need you to do that to avoid departing this world prematurely. Not doing so is weak.Not doing so is SELFISH. Not doing so is disrespectful to your physiology AND those who love you. Not doing so is something you can no longer put off. The time to take full ownership of health and well-being is TODAY. Commit for life. For YOUR life. I work with high-performing men just like you, who know that life is too short and don’t want to make excuses. Take the first step on your journey to taking back control… …DM me and we’ll talk.

    • Toby Swallow on LinkedIn: If you’re 40s or 50s and use exercise to cope with stress? Know that… | 22 comments (31)



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  • Toby Swallow

    Health, Fitness and Longevity Mentor to Business Owners in their 40s and 50s

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    What drives me to invest in my health?Fear.It’sthatsimple.Specifically, fear of being a liability to my family.My wife is 9 years younger and I’m an older dad.On both sides of the family lies cardiovascular disease - heart attacks, strokes, angina, high blood pressure and cholesterol, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.I don’t want to go from being the provider and protector to being ill, infirm, and incapable and needing supportive care and looking after. And to compromise the whole family’s lifestyle because I live with the aftermath of surviving a heart attack, or stroke, or even worried about losing a limb from poor wound care due to diabetes.And I sure as hell don’t want to be walking my daughter down the aisle with a stick.All because I failed to look after myself.It’s easy to blame genetics and the family tree.You don’t have to follow your family’s health path.Instead, choose the selfless act of taking mitigating action..To live a lifestyle that reduces the odds ofsomethinghappening.Tothriveand live life on your terms.YOU owe it to your loved ones, just as I owe it to my wife and daughter.To make better decisions and take the actions needed to build deep, vibrant, lasting health.Choices and actions have consequences. And you are free to make any choices you like, but you are not free of the consequences of those actions.Your middle decades are a crossroads in your life…Continue down the same path and allow the cumulative effects of life to take place, leading to a compromised life filled with disease and disability or……do you choose to take a different path?The choice is yours,Just don’t be sorry for the work you didn’t do.If you need help and are prepared to put the work in, I’m here for you.DM me, and we’ll talk.

    • Toby Swallow on LinkedIn: If you’re 40s or 50s and use exercise to cope with stress? Know that… | 22 comments (36)



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  • Toby Swallow

    Health, Fitness and Longevity Mentor to Business Owners in their 40s and 50s

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    So, you find yourself out of breath, fatigued, unable to run for the train?That’s to be expected. You’re not 20 anymore.Wrong.The research is clear: Cardiovascular and strength training have the BIGGEST impact on your health.Like all good investments, they compound over time, so the sooner you start, the more benefits you’ll reap. Does that mean you shouldn’t worry about it if you’re already “old?”NO!You might not have as long to “compound,” but that’s ok because even if you start late and start small, your new investment can dramatically improve your life.You can dramatically improve your fitness.You can keep building strength and muscle mass.You can stack the deck in your favour.Or you can accept premature ageing and avoidable health problems, and join God’s waiting room far sooner than you need to…If you're in your 40s or 50s looking to improve your health, fitness and quality of life, sign up for my newsletter...

    • Toby Swallow on LinkedIn: If you’re 40s or 50s and use exercise to cope with stress? Know that… | 22 comments (41)


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  • Toby Swallow

    Health, Fitness and Longevity Mentor to Business Owners in their 40s and 50s

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    Just wait until you’re 60…Everyone’s heard some version of that from someone older.Just wait until you have to deal with all the woes of ageing and then you’ll understand.Every year you get a little slower, weaker, fatter, stiffer, and more fragile. Your maximum heart rate decreases every year along with your ability to produce energy.Ageing appears to be a slippery slope to poor health and death.Yet, what about the “other people” in your life who seem to have aged amazingly, who despite their age continue to live with energy, vibrance, and good health?What’s even crazier is that these two kinds of people can be from the same family, which largely takes genetics out of the conversation.The difference: LIFESTYLE.The way you live as you age plays a massive role in what your health looks like at every point in your life, especially in middle age and onwards.If your lifestyle preserves cardiovascular fitness and muscular strength and mass, you can expect ageing to be significantly easier on you than your sedentary peers and family members.It’s your choice.Blame it on the number of trips you’ve been around the sun or get to work so you can enjoy many more trips around the sun.Do you want to be the 80-year-old skiing slopes in the Swiss Alps, cycling the hills in Tenerife, or……and checking out a suitable care home?The types of slopes you tackle are a choice.Time to get to work.If you're a 40 or 50-something guy looking to improve your health, fitness and quality of life, sign up for my newsletter...



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  • Toby Swallow

    Health, Fitness and Longevity Mentor to Business Owners in their 40s and 50s

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    …we grow old because we stop playing.When was the last time you played with movement?I’m not talking about structured exercise, just simply playing around exploring different corners of your movement ability.With no warm-up or preparation, it’s a simple quick minute or two, or longer.Regular and deliberate inclusion of play can improve your capabilities and physical competence.Moving into ranges with control, strength, stability and motor refinement is a must, not just passive range - if you don't have a range - you can’t get stronger in that range, you can’t use that range, you can’t stabilise or control that range.As we get older, if you’re not exploring, using and signalling that you need these ranges, your body will adapt according and over become less and less capable.This isn’t to turn another part of your day into “exercises’, it’s simply an expression and celebration of what your body can do with fun and curiosity.Movement play a thing.It’s something else to help your quality of life, now and in the decades ahead.Ageing is inevitable, how you age is a CHOICE.It’s about quality of life, now and in the decades to come.If you're in your 40s or 50s looking to improve your health, fitness and quality of life, sign up for my newsletter...



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  • Toby Swallow

    Health, Fitness and Longevity Mentor to Business Owners in their 40s and 50s

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    It’s OK to take pride in your appearance.We all want to like what we see in the mirror.We want to attract our partner.We enjoy fitting into a certain size.But why not improve your overall health while you’re at it?Too much advice from the fitness industry focuses on vanity.And yes, we humans are vane, egotistical creatures.But that’s not all we are. So it shouldn’t be all we focus on.Fitness is far from skin-deep, impressive-looking muscles or performances.It’s about being there for your family.It’s about leading by example.It’s about quality of life, now and in the decades to come.If you're in your 40s or 50s looking to improve your health, fitness and quality of life, sign up for my newsletter...

    • Toby Swallow on LinkedIn: If you’re 40s or 50s and use exercise to cope with stress? Know that… | 22 comments (54)



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  • Toby Swallow

    Health, Fitness and Longevity Mentor to Business Owners in their 40s and 50s

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    They can’t quite believe that after a lifetime of struggle with their weight, their self-esteem and their health and habits, they are finally:➡️Seeing - not just the obvious physical gains – they’re also noticing that zest and lust for life have returned.➡️Improving health complaints they thought they just had to accept.➡️Able to confidently lead their business and set the tone and pace.➡️Enjoying a better relationship with their partner.➡️Enjoying greater confidence and self-esteem. I work with business leaders who want much more than a strong physique.They want to break patterns, kickstart their health pension and enjoy more of what matters.You’re in the driving seat (unless you’re me and then your daughter is in the driving seat).I’m ready to show you how.Let’s talk.

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Toby Swallow on LinkedIn: If you’re 40s or 50s and use exercise to cope with stress? Know that… | 22 comments (63)

Toby Swallow on LinkedIn: If you’re 40s or 50s and use exercise to cope with stress? Know that… | 22 comments (64)


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Toby Swallow on LinkedIn: If you’re 40s or 50s and use exercise to cope with stress?
Know that… | 22 comments (2024)
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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.