This Day, July 25, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)

July 25

306:Constantine I was proclaimed Roman emperor by his troops. Under the rule ofConstantine, Christianity would in effect become the official religion theRoman Empire. This was the beginning of a downward spiral in the life ofEuropean Jewry. No century was more decisive for Jewish-Christian relationsthan the fourth century. The Edict of Milan issued by Emperor Constantine in313 CE granted freedom of worship to all religious groups, including Jews. ButChristianity quickly was to become the chief beneficiary of this decree, whileJewish fortunes were to sink to a new low. In 323 CE Christianity was granted aspecial position within the empire. Judaism theoretically continued as a legalreligion, but it was frequently abused by Christian preachers and peoplewithout any action being taken by the imperial government. By the time EmperorConstantine converted to Christianity on his deathbed in 329, the imperialgovernment had already begun to institute restrictive measures against Jewishprivileges. By the end of the fourth century the civil status of Jews was inserious danger and their image had greatly deteriorated. The Jew was now seenas a semi-satanic figure, cursed by God, and specially set apart by the civilgovernment.

404: “EmperorsArcadius and Honorius repeal an earlier law which prohibits the Jewishpatriarchs from collecting their own taxes.” (As reported by Austin Cline)

864: Charlesthe Bald orders defensive measures to be taken against the Vikingmarauders. Regardless of whatever othersmay think of him, Charles the Bald, who was King of France, comes up on theplus side in Jewish history when compared to other monarchs since he resistedenforcing the anti-Semitic edicts of the Archbishop of Lyon. Charles’ motives were political and economic,not religious.

1016:Birthdate of Casimir I the Restorer, a member of the Piast dynasty, the dynastyunder which the first Jews would live in Poland during the 11thcentury.

1100: Jewishresidents of Haifa joined with the Fatimids of Egypt in defending the city.Tancred, who unsuccessfully attacked Haifa, was reprimanded for his lack ofsuccess and told that he made "a mockery of the God of theChristians." Once the city fell, the remaining Jews were massacred by thecrusading forces.

1195: Herradof Landsburg, the abbess of Hohenburg Abbey and the author of Hortus Delicarum(The Garden of Delights which contains depictions of King Solomon and thebanquet where Queen Esther exposed Haman as well as a depiction of Hellconnected with the Jews passed away today.

1196: AlMohades despoiled the Jewish community of Castille, taking the Codes Hilleli,a 600 year old Biblical manuscript considered to be the oldest Hebrew copy ofthe Bible in Spain. (Other sources date this to August 14, 1197)

1215:Frederick II, under whom the Jews prospered because he recognized them as “aseparate ethnic and religious group, and were not bound to the laws thattargeted the Christian population” had a second coronation as King of Germanyat Aachen today.

1261: The cityof Constantinople is recaptured by Nicaean forces under the command of AlexiosStrategopoulos. As head of the ByzantineEmpire, Alexios followed the pattern of toleration towards the Jewish peoplestarted by his father despite pressure from leaders of the church to dootherwise.

1312: InWorms, Bishop Emerich “ordered that the Jew-bishop (the name the gentiles gaveto the leader of the Jew they chose to lead the community) should no longer beconfirmed in his office by the emperor, but by the bishop of the diocese; andalso that a Jew-bishop once appointed should retain his title until his death,although his official duties should each year devolve on another member of thecouncil.” (This was more about money than theology since the Jews had to paythe Catholic Bishop an annual fee under the new arrangement.)

1360:Anti-Jewish riots in Breslau resulted in many deaths and the expulsion of thosethat remained alive.

1492: InToledo, “eight days before the expulsion, 5 Maranos were led to the stake, andmany others were condemned to imprisonment for life” today.

1492: The bookof Proverbs with commentaries of Levi ben Gershom (Gersonides) and Menham Meiriwas published in Leira Portugal by Abraham d’Ortas

1492: InnocentVIII passed away. The Pope’s Jewishdoctor had made a last-ditch attempt to save Innocent’s life by providing himwith a transfusion of human blood. Thiswas an experimental operation and all three attempts failed. The Jewish doctorfled when it did not work.

1547:Coronation of King Henry II of France to whom Italian Rabbi Obadiah ben JacobSforno dedicated his commentary on the Book of Ecclesiastes and to whomhe sent a copy of Or Ammim which he had translated into Latin.

1554: KingPhillip II, “who was a symbol of ‘Tyranny’ in Spinoza’s Political Writings” andwho expelled the Jews from Milan, began his reign as “jure uxoris King ofEngland and Ireland during his marriage to Queen Mary I.”

1554: CharlesV, who was known for his “intolerant treatment of the Jews” “formally abdicatedthe throne of Naples

1572 (5 Av5332): Isaac Luria the foremost rabbi and Jewish mystic in the community ofSafed in the Galilee region passes away.. He is considered the father ofcontemporary Kabbalah. He is known for the interpretation of his teachings inKabbalah known as Lurianic Kabbalah. There is no way that this simple blog cando justice to his writings and their effect.

1603: James VIof Scotland, son of Mary Queen of Scots is crowned first king of Great Britainand becomes King James I. During hisreign Jews were still not allowed to return publicly to England, but there wasan active community of Marranos living in the British Isles. Kings James is most famous for the King JamesBible, a translation commissioned during his reign completed in 161l. Most Americans, including a large number ofJews, only know the words of this translation of the Bible.

1644: Spanishmartyr and knight ("caballero i mui emparentado," Lope De Vara YAlacaron as he is designated by a contemporary) of noble family who was born about1619 at San Clemente la Mancha; passed away today at Valladolid.

1670: TheJewish community of Vienna was expelled.

1720: A Cubannamed Jose Dias Piamena was burned at a grand auto-de-fe in Seville. A pirate,Piamena had been imprisoned in Cadiz. In his cell he wrote an anti-Christiantirade on Isaiah 53. When he escaped from jail, he left a message saying he,"desired to live and die for Judaism." He was sentenced because hehad converted to Judaism while in Curacao and married a Jewish girl.

1721(1stof Av, 5481): Rabbi Aaron ben Benjamin Wolf, the son of Isaac Benjamin Wolf benEliezer Liebman, author of Naḥlat Binyamin passed away today atFrankfort-on-the-Oder.

1739: Fifty-six-year-oldJohann Christoph Wolf the “German Christian Hebraist” who authored the 4 volumeBibliotheca Hebræa which “brought together almost all the accessibleinformation relating to Jewish authors and their works, as well as to thewritings of Christians on Jewish subjects.”

1771: InPhiladelphia, Congregation Mikveh Israel which “had moved to a rented building on Cherry Street and held theirfirst Sabbath services” today.

moved to a rented building on Cherry Street and held theirfirst Sabbath services

1775: InZwolle, Holland, Joseph Simon Magnus and Bele Eliaser Cohen gave birth toElimelech (Elias) Magnus.

1776:Birthdate of Emanuel Abrahams, the New York born son Abraham Isaac Abrahams.

1778: MosesDobruška, “the first cousin once removed of Jacob Frank” who had converted toCatholicism and taken the name Franz Thomas Schonfeld “was elevated to thenobility in Vienna along Ephraim Joseph Hirschfeld who had not converted.

1799: AtAboukir in Egypt, Napoleon defeats 10,000 Ottomans under Mustafa Pasha. Thiswas part of Napoleon’s opening gambit to fulfill his imperial designs whichwould include promises during the siege of Acre about the creation of a Jewishhome in Palestine.

1799: AbigailDias, the London born daughter “of Haham Moses Cohen d'Azevedo and Sara deHaham Moses Cohen D'Azevedo and her husband, Isaac Haim de Abraham de JacobDias, gave birth to Nathan Dias

1804 JacobAbraham de Mist, the Dutch commissioner-general issued a proclamation in CapeTown instituting religious equality for all which allowed for the Jews, amongothers, to practice their religion openly in public.

1804: DavidDavis married Elizabeth Lazarus in the Great Synagogue today.

1808: One dayafter she had passed away, Deborah Proops, the wife of Nathan Vallentine, withwhom she had four children was buried today.

1809: Birthdateof Memmelsdorf, Bavaria native and future Philadelphian Abraham Adler, thehusband of Hannah Technor Adler and the father of Mathilde Adler Loeb.

1810: In SouthCarolina Mordecai and Leah Lazarus Cohen gave birth to Marx E. Cohen, the husband of Armida HarbyCohen with whom he had six children – Marx E., Eliza, Octavia, Herbert, Leahand Armida.

1814(8thof Av, 5574): Erev Tish’a B’Av observed for the last time during the War of1812.

1818: InBaghdad, David and Hannah Sassoon gave birth to Sir Albert Abdullah DavidSassoon who was a leading merchant in Baghdad who settled in Bombay where hisbusiness success reportedly made him “one of the richest men” in the city

1819: InBattenberg, Germany, Herz Seelig Langsdorf and Bina Biene Bienchen Langsdorfgave birth to Morris Langsdorf, the husband of Hannah Hessel Langsdorf withwhom he had had nine children.

1823:Birthdate of Hildesheim, Germany native Henriette Leon, the wife of AbrahamLeon and the mother of Golda and Joseph Leon.

1826:Birthdate of Spiesen, Germany native Pauline “Barbara” Victor Barth the wife ofGottieb Barth whom she married in 1846 and the mother of Victor, Simon, Bustav,Moses, Alexander and Solomon Barth.

1829(24thof Tammuz, 5589): Parashat Pinchas chanted for the first time during thePresidency of Andrew Jackson.

1832:In Bavaria, musician Henry Hassler gave birth to violinist Simon Hassler who1842 came to the United States where heperformed with an orchestra his father established in Philadelphiabefore going to lead orchestras at theWalnut Street Theater and the ChestnutStreet before being to chosen to drirect t the Walnut Street Theater in thesame city, and subsequently of the Chestnut Street Theater and of the ChestnutStreet Opera-House before being chosen to direct the orchestra at theCentennial Exposition at Philadelphia in 1876,

1833(9thof Av, 5593): Tish’a B’Av

1835: The Jewsof Hebron were attacked.

1839: InCanterbury, England, Abraham Abrahams and Elizabeth Levi gave birth to JacobAbrahams.

1841: InGrunberg, Silesia, Schiee Jaffe, the son of Simon Abraham Jaffe and Johanna(Cohn) Jaffe, and his third wife Ernestine (Neumann) Jaffe gave birth to Dr.Max Jaffe

1843: PèreAntoine Désiré Mégret, a Capuchin missionary, purchases for $900 the land thatwill become Abbeville, Louisiana located in Vermillion Parish which is also thehome of Kaplan, LA founded by Polish born Jew Abrom Kaplan

1844(9thDay of Av, 5604): Tish’a B’Av observed on the birthdate of painter ThomasEakins who “according to Weda Cook, a sitter for one of Eakins’ most famousportraits, the painter “didn’t like Jews” and who “was also a friend and allyof the reactionary arts administrator Harrison Morris, who believed that modernart was a conspiracy of Jewish artists and art dealers.”

1848:Birthdate of Arthur Earl Balfour.Balfour will serve as Prime Minister in the first decade of thetwentieth century. But his real claim tofame came during World War I with the issuance of the British policy statementthat bears his name – The Balfour Declaration.

1851: InLondon Barnett Phillips and his wife gave birth to Sidney Phillip Phillips thephysician who served as “lieutenant colonel in RAMC during World War I.

1853: In SanFrancisco, Abraham H. Belasco and Reyna Belasco (née Nunes), Sephardic Jews whohad moved from London’s Spanish and Portuguese Jewish community during theCalifornia Gold Rush”gave birth to the highly prolific theatrical producer andwriter, David Belasco who was involved in the production of almost 400 playsduring a career that spanned one of the most dynamic periods in Americantheatrical history.

1853:Birthdate of Russian-American archaeologist and linguist Immanuel M.Casanowicz, the holder of a Ph.D from Johns Hopkins who taught “Hebrew andChurch History at the German Theological School of Newark in Bloomfield, NJ”before becoming the “assistant curator of the Division of Old World Archaeologyat the U.S. National Museum in Washington, D.C.” while writing several worksincluding “Paranomasia in the Old Testament”

1854:In Frankfurt am Main Dr. Moritz Schiff and Caludia Trier gave birth to “Dr.Robert Schiff” who was “appointed professor of chemistry at the University ofModena in 1879” and then moved on to the same position at the University ofPisa in 1892.

1855:Birthdate of Edward Solomon, the English composer, pianist, and orchestraconductor. Solomon was the composer and first night conductor of two works atthe Savoy:The Nautch Girl in 1891 and The Vicar of Bray in 1892.

1855:Louis Lumley married Eliza Slowman at the Great Synagogue today.

1857:The New York Times carried a report that an English paper, TheAdvertiser, says there will be a new election for the city of Londonbecause Baron Rothschild had explicitly promised to resign if the bill for theremoval of Jewish disabilities was not carried during this session ofParliament.

1857:In Cleveland, OH, Rosa and Isaac Strauss gave birth St. Louis photographerJulius Caeser Straus, the wife of Flora Isaacs Strauss whom he married in 1883with whom he had three sons – Benjamin, Charles and Irving.

1858: After a five-and-twentyyears' wrangling the admissibility of the Jews to Parliament has been conceded.

1861: Birthdate ofCincinnati native and future St. Louis resident Aurelia Stix Eiseman, the wifeof David Eiseman, Sr. with whom she had three children – Etta, Richard andAlice.

1861: In Russia, AbrahamBernstein and his wife gave birth to Samuel Bernstein who served as a rabbi atPottsville, PA before assuming the leadership of Congregation B’nai Israel inAnsonia, CT.

1861(18th ofAv, 5621): Fifty-eight-year-old Sophia Goldsmid passed away today inBirmingham, UK.

1862:In Kremenchug, Russia, Anna Shoolova and Jacob Shamrayevsky gave birth to St.Petersburg Technological Institute trained engineer Michael Jacobs Shamray whoin 1902 came to the United States where he married Dr. Pauline Ortman, becamean “expert on reinforced concrete and hydraulic engineering and was a member ofthe Federation of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of New York.

1862: Birthdate ofAustrian native Pepi Eidelstein, who was buried at Hong Kong in the HappyValley Jewish Cemetery when he passed away at the age of 37.

1863(9th of Av,5623): Parashat Devarim; Shabbat Chazon; Erev Tish’a B’Av observed on the sameday that the Confederates reorganized their forces in the West by merging thecommands of Generals Buckner and Bragg.

1864: Corporal NathanielBloom of the 45th Regiment who had been serving since 1861 waswounded today at Petersburg, VA

1866: InDayton, Ohio Isaac Pollack and his wife gave birth to Hattie Pollack who becameHattie Rauh when she married Leopold Rauh under which name she served asPresident of the Hebrew Ladies’ Relief Association, treasurer of the Council ofJewish Women and Director of the National Jewish Home for Consumptives inDenver, CO.

1867: InMoscow, David Katzenelenbogen and Lina Meerowitz gave birth to Boris D. Bogen,a “teacher at the Baron de Hirsch Trade School in New York and “the principalof the Baron de Hirsch Agricultural School in Woodbine, NJ” and author ofPsychology of Teaching Foreign Languages and Born a Jew who was the husband ofElisabeth Scholtz.

1869; InMoscow, David Katzenelenbogen and Lina Meerowitz gave birth University ofMoscow and NYU School of Pedagogy Boris Bogen, the husband of Elizabeth Scholtzwhom he married in 1890 with whom he had six children who rose from being alibrarian and teacher at the Educational Alliance, to serving “as the directorof the United Jewish Charities in Cincinnati to serving as “director-general ofthe Joint Distribution Committee” before settling in California where he “servedas superintendent of the Jewish Charities in Los Angeles,” “internationalsecretary of B'nai B'rith” and “national secretary of the Anti-DefamationLeague”

1870:Birthdate of Tuini, Russia native and Yiddish author and paper bag andpackaging manufacturer Pincus Puchkoff, the husband of Braian Puchkoff withwhom he had five children – Abraham, Louis, Theodore, Morris and Rose – whoseautobiography was entitled My Four Homes.

1873(1stof Av, 5633): Rosh Chodesh Av

1875: SirMoses Montefiore arrived in Jerusalem.

1876:Birthdate of Louis Thomas McFadden the Pennsylvania Congressman who was thefirst to insert excerpts from the Protocols of Zion into the CongressionalRecord” [Editor’s Note – McFadden was an outspoken foe the Federal ReserveBoard. He blamed the board for the GreatDepression and saw it as part of a Jewish conspiracy to control theeconomy. McFadden also wanted to impeachPresident Hoover.]

1877(15thof Av, 5637): Tu B’Av celebrated for the first time during the Presidency ofRutherford B. Hayes.

1878: It wasreported today that “some officers of a Jewish synagogue in Liverpool” haverecently been “tried for cruelty to animals” because they allowed a bullock tobleed to death “instead of slaughtering him in the usual way. Professional experts testified that there wasno cruelty…and the charge was dismissed.”

1879: A reportpublished today described the desperate conditions in Russia brought on by anextended heat wave and an infestation of locust. Towns in Poland and Lithuania towns “areswarming with…a large…unemployed Jewish population” that has caused thegovernment to establish “more agricultural colonies in the various Provinces”because those created several years ago for the Jews surprisingly enough “haveshown signs of prosperity.”

1879(1stof Av, 5739): Rosh Chodesh Av

1880: InMinsk, Abraham Mordecai and Bessie (Farfel) Cohen gave birth to CCNY, Columbia,Harvard and NYU Law School trained philosophy professor Morris Raphael Cohenthe husband of Mary Ryshpan with whom he raised two children Leonora and FelixS. Cohen,

1880: In Manchester,England, Frankfurt born Clementine Fleischman and Altona, Germany born EphraimAscoli gave birth to Bettina Ascoli, the hus and of Oskar Ludwig Lagenbach whomshe married in 1901 at the Park Place Synagogue and with she had three children– Cyril, Margaret and Joan.

1880: It wasreported today that the Southeby’s has just completed a showing and sale of theworks of George Cruikshank whose works include an illustration of Dickens’“fa*gan” – “the foiled Jew sitting in his cell more like an evil bird of preythan any human thing.”*gin_cell.jpg

1881: It wasreported today the estate of the late Earl Beaconsfield was valued atapproximately £76.687 and after deducting for debts and funerals a net value of£63,312. His executors include SirPhilip Rose, a prominent gentile lawyer and Sir Nathaniel Mayer de Rothschild.

1882(9thof Av, 5642): Tish’a B’Av

1882: “LouisBerkowitz and Ignatz Mueller were appointed assistant teachers” at Hebrew UnionCollege.

1882: TheTurkish government added to the list of “bad things” that happened to Jews onthe 9th of Av when it barred immigration of Russian and RomanianJews and forbade the sale of land in Eretz Israel to Jews. The irony is thatthe Turks feared the Jews because they were Russians. Russia had cast covetouseyes on Turkish territory as it sought a warm water port.

1883:Birthdate of Lithuanian native Henry B. Cohen who came to the United States in1901, settling in Minneapolis, MN where he was an officer of the JewishSheltering Home and worked with Leo H. Frish, Benjamin Zalkind and Rabbi S. I.Levin as part of the Minneapolis Federation for Jewish Service.

1883: InBaccau, Rumania, “Nathan and Mollie (Greenberg) Falick gave birth to AbrahamFalick who came to the United States in 1903 as political refugee and beganworking in the furniture business where he formed and led two of his owncompanies – Bauman and Falick, Inc. and Windsor Furniture Company – whilebecoming a leader in the Jewish community as can be seen in his membership inthe “First Rumanian Congregation of New York,” serving as treasurer of theUnited Rumanian Jews of America and President of the Beuzeur RumanianBenevolent Society and his repeated visits to his homeland since 1916 “to pleadfor the betterment of the conditions among Rumanian Jews.”

1883: Amongthose arriving aboard the SS PersianMonarch from England were a Hungarian Jew named Anton Simony along with hiswife and two children and Russian Jew named Nathan Smilansky along with hiswife and six children. The Hebrew ReliefSociety of London had paid for their tickets.Both families were destitute.[This is an example of what appears to be a pattern – European Jewishagencies buying tickets for eastern European refugees to make sure they wouldnot settle in English and other cities.]

1883: MariaKozorswska, a Jewish immigrant who had arrived in the United States from Russiain June, was swindled out of 25 dollars today. For some inexplicable reasonsshe gave a stranger the money so that he would buy her a ticket on a steamshipthat would take her back to Europe.

1884: It wasreported today the conspirators who had tried to kill the Czar on his visit toWarsaw planned to start a rebellion in Poland and Western Russia that wouldinclude a plundering of the Jews.

1885(13thof Av, 5645): Parashat Vaetchanana; Shabbat Nachamu

1885(13th ofAv, 5645): On Shabbat Nachamu, Sir Moses Montefiore passed away at the age of101. Although he was an English man, Jews celebrated his 100th birthday aroundthe world and his passing was marked in the same way. Born in 1784, Montefiorewas a successful businessman and civic leader. He was recognized as a leader ofthe Jewish community and was knighted in 1837. He was a brother-in-law to thehead of the English branch of the House of Rothschild. Montefiore was anobservant Jew and a frequent visitor to Eretz Israel. He donated large sums ofmoney for the development of agricultural settlements and built the firstmodern Jewish housing complex outside the walls of what is called the Old City.In other words, he started the expansion of what is Jerusalem today. He alsoprovided funds for a windmill for grinding corn which is now known as“Montefiore’s Windmill.” It still stands today in Jerusalem as a testament to aman who supported the Jewish homeland and worked to alleviate the suffering ofEuropean Jewry.

1886: “Baronde Worm’s Suit” published today provides details of the divorce action broughtBaron Henry de Worms. He sued his wifeBaroness Fannie de Worms (nee Von Todesco) on grounds of adultery and namedMortiz von Leon as correspondent. The Baron is a member of a prominent Jewishfamily and a Member of Parliament. Hiswife was an Austrian Jewess. At the endof the hearing the President of the court granted the petition and awardedcustody of the children to the father.

1886: JacobNovek and Samuel Sturmak two Russian Jewish peddlers went to the police stationin New York and asked when the balloon would be leaving for Hamburg. They explained that any single person whomade the trip would be paid five hundred dollars and married travelers would bepaid one thousand dollars. The two saidthey were willing to go since they were starving. The police made inquiries and discovered thatthe two immigrants were the victims of a hoax perpetrated by a boy who ran asoda water stand on Canal Street.

1888: In NewYork City, Anna and Abe Dubilier gave birth to Cooper Institute trainedinventor William Dubilier “a pioneer in electronics and radio who was theholder of 600 patents” and a “founder of the Cornell-Dubilier ElectricCorporation” who was the husband of Florence Don.

1888: “PutSalt in the Water” published today described a scheme to victimize poor eastside Jews seeking relief on excursion to Raritan Beach.

1889:Birthdate of New York native Jerome Schneiderman, the Bayonne, NJ insuranceagency who was a leader of the New Jersey Federation of YM and YWHA’s and “adirector of the Hebrew Home for the Aged.

1889: Herzlmarried Julie Naschauer in Reichenau. The young couple traveled to Switzerlandand France and awaited the completion of their home in Vienna.

1889: OhavethSholum (lovers of peace) was founded today in Seattle, Washington, making itthe first Jewish congregation in the state’s largest city.

1890: “ForCharity’s Sake” published today described the upcoming fund-raiser that B’nai B’rithis sponsoring for the benefit of the Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews atYonkers.

1890:Birthdate of Minks native MauriceLiberman the Fordham College of Pharmacy alum and Boston University trainedattorney who served on the staff of the Jewish Advocate.

1891:Birthdate of Northeastern University Law School trained attorney Harry N.Guterman, the United States Commissioner and Assistant Attorney General whodivided his paychecks “equally among Catholic, Protestant and Jewish Charities”who was “a director of the Hebrew Immigration Aid Society” while raising adaughter, Paula, with his wife Henrietta Cooper Guterman.

1891: All buttwo of the members of the United States Immigration Commission returned toLondon from Liverpool today where they have been investigating the involvementof the steamship companies and railways in sending “pauper immigrants” to theUnited States including Jews who had originally lived in Russia.

1892(1st ofAv, 5652): Rosh Chodesh Av

1892:In Russia, “Isaac and Rachel (Lipcovitz) Chagy gave birth to Cantor Bert(Beryl) Chagy, the husband of Esther E. Feinsien, who after coming to theUnited State in 1913 “sang for the Columbia Gramophone Record and the VictorCompany” while performing at such venues as Madison Square Garden, CarnegieHall and Town Hall and serving as a cantor for a congregation in Newark, NJ.

1892(1st ofAv, 5652): Washington Nathan died today in Boulogne, France. Nathan was the sonof Benjamin Nathan, the prominent New Yorker, whose murder 12 years ago hasnever been solved. There are those whoare still convinced that Washington Nathan was involved in his father’s murder.

1892: ModestAronstam arrived in Pittsburgh intending to finish the botched attempt on thelife on Henry Clay Frick but panicked and went back to New York when newspaperarticles identified him as a possible assassin

1892:Birthdate of South Africa native of Brigadier General Hugh Llewellyn GlynnHughes the first British medical officer to enter Bergen Belsen who dideverything possible to save the victims and hold the perpetrators accountable.(Some sources show his birthdate as July 24),_June_1945_BU8226.jpg

1893:Birthdate of New York native Joseph Clarence Seide, the long-time employee ofthe Hershey Chocolate Corporation, leader of the Free Sons of Israel and thehusband of “the former Eva Kinder” with whom he had three sons – Walter, Louisand Maurice.

1893: A crowdof about 2,000, a third of whom were Jewish immigrants listened to the bandconcert tonight at Paradise Park.

1893(12thof Av, 5653): Forty three year old Paul d’Abrest, born Friedrich Kohn inPrague, the husband of Fanni Sulzer and the son-in-law of Cantor Salomon Sulzerand who pursued a career as a journalist in Paris and Vienna passed away today.

1893(12thof Av, 5653): Eighty-four-year-old Asher Kursheedt passed away in New YorkCity.

1894(21st ofTammuz, 5654): Fifty-two-year-old Dr. Isidor Cohnstein, the husband of IdaCohnstein, who was an author as well as a physician passed away today inBerlin-Charlottenburg, Germany

1895: TheSanitarium for Hebrew Children’s rail excursion is scheduled to leave thismorning at 9:20.

1895: It wasreported today that out of the nearly five million people in Belgium only 4,000are Jews.

1896(15thof Av, 5656): Parashat Vaetchanan; Tu B’Av

1896: OnShabbat, striking Jewish tailors and those who had not yet joined the strike,attended a mass meeting at Walhalla Hall

1896: TheChairman of the State Board of Mediation and Arbitration offered his servicesto the General Executive Committee of the Brotherhood of Tailors, most of whomwere Jewish in an effort to end their strike with their employers.

1897: Two daysafter he had passed away, Michael Greenstone, the husband of Leah Greenstoneand the father of George Greenstone was buried today at the Wolverhampton OldJewish Burial Ground

1897: Thefuneral services for Lewis May are scheduled to be held at 11 A.M. this morningat Temple Emanu-El the congregation he served as President up until the time ofhis death.

1897: A partyof thirty young Jewish men and women who were enjoying “some refreshments”after having visited the New Mount Sinai Cemetery at Woodside were accosted bya man claiming to be a police officer who said he would arrest them “unless hewas paid to leave them alone.”

1898: InHoboken, NJ, during a dispute over landownership, workmen arrived at the MosesMontefiore Congregation and used jack-screws to raise the building thirty feetin the air.

1898:Birthdate of Rovno native and Columbia alum Benjamin Abraham Gebiner who in1921 came to the United States where he graduated from Brooklyn Law School andserved on the Board of Directors of the the League for Industrial Democracy.

1900: InBerdichev, Maurice (Elimelech) Shulman, a peddler and Rachel Nemerov Shulmangave birth to Ohio Northern University Law School trained attorney and HebrewUnion College trained rabbi Dr. Charles E. Schulman who saw active duty in theSouth Pacific during WWII as a Navy Chaplain and wjp served as the rabbi forRiverdale Temple in the Bronx for more than twenty years while raising adaughter, Deborah, with his wife “the former Avis Clamitz.”

1900: PercyGeorge de Worms married Sir Harry Simeon Samuel’s only daughter, Nora, today.Although he was an English barrister and philatelist he was descended fromAustrian nobility; his great-grandfather having been made a Baron by EmperorFranz Joseph.

1901(9thAv, 5661): Tish’a B’Av observed on the same day Russia banished Americanjournalist George Kennan in the kind of hostile move usually reserved forAmerican Jews trying to do business in the Empire under the terms of the treatyof 1832.

1901: HarryRosenberg who had been born in Kidev in 1883 today came to America firstsettling in Montreal and then New York before coming to Reading, PA where hebecame a partner in a successful “iron and metal business:” while raising threechildren with his wife, the former Anna Mahel.

1902(20thof Tammuz, 5662): Eighty-one-year-old Louis Stix, the Demmesldorf. Germany bornson of Deborah Cohen and Solomon Stix were married in 1815 and the husband ofYetta Hackes whom married at Cincinnati in 1852 with whom he had ten children,passed away today in New York City.

1902: James J.Jeffries defended his title as Boxing World Heavyweight Championship, a titlethe only Jew, Max Baer, ever one which is surprising considering the largenumber of Jewish prizefighters in the first half of the 20thcentury. (For more see Ellis Island to Ebbets Field)

1903(1stof Av, 5663): Parashat Matot-Masei: Rosh Chodesh Av

1903(1stof Av, 5663): Fifty-two-year-old Ralph Lazarus of Columbus, OH, “a member ofthe firm of F and R Lazarus, a trustee of the Cleveland –Columbus Jewish OrphanAsylum” and the owner of the Southern Hotel, passed away today leaving a largefortune to be distributed among currently unnamed heirs since he never married.

1903: “TheodorHerzl arrived in St. Petersburg, Russia to intervene with the Russiangovernment to life the prohibition of Zionist activities and stop thepersecution of Zionists.”

1903: At theSun-Rise Hill Climb near Edgehill in Warwickshire Dorothy Levitt was theofficial passenger of S.F. Edge because her Gladiator was a non-starter. Levitwas born Dorothy Elizabeth Levi, the daughter of a tea dealer named Jacob Levi.

1904(13th ofAv, 5664): In a calendar coincidence the Yahrzeit Sir Moses Montefiore falls onthe 19th anniversary of his death on the secular calendar. (July 25,1885)

1905: In Ruse,Bulgaria, Jacques Canetti and Mathilde née Arditti gave birth to Elias Canettiwho won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1981.

1906(3rdof Av, 5666): Seventy-one-year-old Isabella H. Pollock, the wife of AbrahamRosenbach and the mother of Abraham Simon Wolf Rosenbach, her 8thchild known as a “collector, scholar and seller of rare books and manuscripts.”

1907: Americanbusinessman and philanthropist, William Guggenheim, the so of Meyer Guggenheim andhis second wife Aimee Lillia Steinberger gave birth to their only son, WilliamGuggenheim, Jr.

1907:Birthdate of Jacob Gillman the New York City native who gained fame as actorJack Gilford whose "rubber-face" led him to play numerous characterroles in films, televisions and commercials. One of his most famous roles wasin “Cocoon” where he played the role of a gravelly voiced "doubtingThomas.”

1908(26thof Tammuz, 5668): Parashat Matot-Masei; the Book of Numbers is completed forthe last time during the Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt.

1908: In NewYork City, Sophie and Aaron Gilman gave birth to Jacob Aaron Gellman, whogained fame as character actor Jack Gilford, the husband of Madeline Lee whoalso was one of those who made the infamous Hollywood Blacklist.

1909:Birthdate of Hudson, NY native and University of Virginia graduate Harry EugeneElmlark, the “president and editor of the Washington Star Syndicate” whichpublished the nation capital’s last evening newspaper and the husband ofLillian Rosenthal Elmlark with whom he had a daughter – “Mrs. Walli Kellert.

1910: The HaymSolomon National Monument Association was organized tonight in San Franciscofor the purpose of building “a monument in-Washington to the financier whocontributed $600,000 to the Colonies' Treasury during the Revolution.”

1911: “Thecause of action in the landmark case of MacPherson v. Buick Motor Co. happenednear Saratoga Springs, New York, when Donald MacPherson was severely injuredwhen the wooden spokes of the left rear wheel of his Buick Model 10 automobilecollapsed, throwing the car into a telephone pole and throwing him under thecar's rear axle” setting in a motion a chain of legal developments that wouldto “a famous New York Court of Appeals opinion by Judge Benjamin N. Cardozowhich removed the requirement of privity of contract for duty in negligenceactions.”

1912: It wasreported today that Professor John A. Paine “the archeologist for the firstexpedition of the Palestine Exploration Society east of the Jordan River andthe Dead Sea has passed away.

1913: Twenty-eight-year-oldHarry Mann, the Kovno born son of Zelick Mann, brother of Aaron Mann andco-owner of the Mann Iron and Steel Company in Norristown, PA married BessieMichelson of Baltimore, MD today.

1913: “Mr.Maurice Salzman, a prominent lawyer, delivered the first Friday night sermon atEagle’s Hall in Venice, CA at services which were arranged by Rabbi Hecht ofLos Angeles.

1913: Funeralservices are scheduled to be held today for Clemmie Nahm Ware, the “wife ofOscar W. Ware” and the mother of Sidney, Aimee and Leona Ware at the “AnsheMaariv Cemetery.”

1913: RabbiIsrael Klein is scheduled to lead Friday evening services at the Zion Temple inChicago.

1914(2ndof Av, 5674): Parashat Matot-Masei

1914: Thismorning “Mr. A.H. Silver, a senior at the Hebrew Union College, conductedservices for Jews staying at the resort at Cedar Lake, Wisconsin.

1914: As Jewsobserved Shabbat, the Emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire signed themobilization that included orders to start offensive actions against Serbia“within 72 hours” which war was inevitable, but the question still hung in theair if it would be a Balkan War or a World War.

1915:Sephardic Bikur Holim Synagogue opens in Seattle, Washington.

1915: InChicago, a special summer course sponsored by HUC came to a close today.

1915: Picturestaken by Hal Reid showing Leo Frank in “prison garb” and showing his “life injail” will start appearing “on the screen in all Marcus Loew’s theatres in NewYork as an addition to the regular program on view in these houses.”

1915: Aftervisiting Leo Frank today and seeing his wounds, Governor Harris expressed theopinion that “Leo Frank’s days are numbered” despite what the doctors have saidabout his recovery.

1915:Birthdate of solicitor Sir David Napley.

1916: RussianCossacks and Dragoons continued their Pogrom at Lokachi for a second day.

1916: “Dr.Judah L. Magnes, the Acting Chairman of the American Jewish Relief Committeeand a member of the Joint Distribution Committee” is scheduled to set sail forEurope today where will “investigate the condition of the Jews in the war zonesand the machinery used for the distribution of the large sums sent from theUnited States for relief work.”

1916:Reinforcements for No. 1 Squadron of the Australian Flying Corps, a unit whichplayed a critical role in the campaigns to liberate Palestine from the Turks,were photographed today aboard the P & O “Malwa” on their way to Egypt.

1917: Theappeal for funds by the Central Committee for the Relief of Jews SufferingThrough the War published read “Was there ever sorrow like unto their sorrow?Their countless voices cry to us Jews in America. No man can escape this duty;rich and poor alike must give.”

1917: BennyLeonard (Dov Ber ben Avraham Gershon) won a non-title bout by a TKO at ShibePark in Philadelphia, Pa.

1918: Afterfive days, on the Western Front, fighting along the Ourcq River during whichArtilleryman Louis Henry served with such bravery that he was twice decorated,came to an end today.

1918: It wasreported today that Americans will follow the practice of other allied nationsand use the double triangle to mark the graves of soldiers killed in combat.

1918: Louis N.Hammerling, President of the of Association of Foreign Language Newspapers wasarrested today on a charge of him criminally libeling Vaclav G. Hajek a formerinvestigator for the Department of Justice.

1919(27thof Tammuz, 5679): Thirteen-year-old Mitchell Levin the Stafford Springs, CTborn son of Eli and Bessie Aronson Levin passed away today after which he wasburied in the Beth Israel Cemetery at West Springfield, MA.

1919: Funeralservices were held today for Louis Marx, the husband of Rose Marx with whom hehad two daughters and two sons – Milton and Harry – followed by burial at theSouth Side Hebrew Congregation Cemetery.

1919: “TheCanonsburg Jewish Community” published today in the Pittsburgh Jewish Criterionopened with a sentence “Thirty years ago [c. 1890] Morris Bernstein came toCanonsburg and his is the distinction of being the first Jewish settler of thatthriving and progressive community.”

1920(10th ofAv 5680): Tish’a B’Av

1920(10thof Av, 5680): Albert Hessberg, the Albany, NY born son Simon Hessberg andHannah Westheimer and the husband of Frederika Cohen who became a partner inthe law firm of Peckham, Rosendale and Hessberg and who served as president ofthe Albany Jewish Society as well as Recorder of Albany for two terms andPresident of the Gideon Lodge of the Independent Order of B’nai B’rith passedaway today.

1920: Frenchforces captured Damascus, forcing out King Faisal who would be made King ofIraq as a consolation prize for the British not keeping their promise – a movethat would help to sow dissension in the Middle East that is felt to this day.

1921:Birthdate of Murray Handwerker, “who transformed his father’s Brooklyn hot dogbusiness, Nathan’s Famous, into a celebrated national fast-food chain.”

1922: In LosAngeles, CA, attorney Benjamin Lewis and pianist Pauline Kallin gave birth tojournalist Flora Lewis, the wife of New York Times correspondent Sydney Grusonwho eventually joined that same paper as foreign and diplomatic correspondentin 1972.

1923: In NewYork City, Polish-Jewish immigrants “Sarah and Charles Scher, the owner of aglass store” gave birth to Estelle Scher, who gained fame as Emmy-Award winningactress Estelle Getty best known to most for her role in the sitcom “GoldenGirls.”

1923:Birthdate of “David Gerber, an Emmy- and Peabody Award-winning televisionproducer who brought forward-thinking series like “Police Story” and “PoliceWoman” to prime time in the 1970s and produced more than 50 television filmsand mini-series during a four-decade career.”

1924: “DieStadt ohne Juden (The City Without Jews) an Austrian Expressionist film basedon a book of the same name was released today in Austria.

1924:Birthdate of Hans Arnold Wangersheim who fled to the United States from NaziGermany as a 13-year-old and as Arnold Hans Weiss returned as an Americansoldier during World War II, becoming a principal in the investigation that ledto the discovery of Hitler’s last will and political testament.”

1925: In Ohio,the Sandusky Star Journal ran “anuncredited illustration of Louis Wolheim.

1926:Birthdate of Ray Solomonoff, the son of Julius and Sarah Solomonoff, “theinventor of algorithmic probability, and founder of algorithmic informationtheory, who was an originator of the branch of artificial intelligence based onmachine learning, prediction and probability.”

1927: TheJewish Telegraphic Agency announced that “Nathan Straus will build a $75,000health center” at Tel Aviv. Straus hasalready funded a similar clinic in Jerusalem.

1927: In St.Paul, MN, clothing and sporting goods store owner Harry Rosenthal and RoseCalemnson gave birth to Midge Rosenthal who gained fame as “Midge Decter, awriter and editor who abandoned liberalism to help lay the intellectualfoundation for the neoconservative movement and the so-called culture wars overfeminism, gay rights and other social issues…” (As reported by Douglas Martin)

1927: “HisDog,” a silent film starring Joseph Schildkraut was released today in theUnited States.

1928:Birthdate of “Igor Birman, a Russian émigré economist who virtually predictedthe collapse of the Soviet Union years before its fall.”

1928(8thof Av, 5688): Sixty-three-year-old Monia Mathers, the sister of Henri Bergsonpassed away today.

1929: Ahdut HaAvoda and Hapoel HaTzair, thetwo major labor parties in Eretz Israel officially merge.

1929(17th of Tammuz, 5689): TzomTammuz

1929: In New York City, Solomon and CeceliaFarb gave birth to Vanderbilt University Phi Beta Kappa graduate Peter Farb,the linguist and author of such books as Man’s Rise to Civilization and WordPlay: What Happens People Talk who was the husband of the former Oriole Horchwith whom he had two sons – Mark and Thomas.

1929(17th of Tammuz, 5689): Seventy-two-year-oldMorris Gusdorf, the husband of Pauline “Lena” Peyser, the father of Melvin andFlorence Gusdorf and the son-in-law of Philip Peyser and Natalie Ann Kilinksipassed away today after which he was buried in the Hebrew Cemetery inWashington, DC.

1929: Jackie Fields (born Jacob Finkelstein)won the Welterweight Championship today when his opponent whom he had knockeddown twice in the second round “delivered a foul blow which left Fieldsincapable of continuing the fight.”

1929: Birthdate of Yosef Alon, an Israeli AirForce officer, who was murdered in suburban Maryland while serve as AirAttaché. The murder has never beensolved.

1929: Anna Rachel (Berman) Asimov and JudahAsimov gave birth to Stanley Asimov, a younger brother of author Isaac Asimov“who was vice president of New York Newsday.”

1929: In Los Angeles, Nathaniel Shenberg, who“owned a business that specialized in beveled glass” and his wife Hortense gavebirth to Mildred Shenberg who gained fame as “Mildred Friedman, a curator atthe Walker Art Center in Minneapolis in the 1970s and ’80s.” (As reported byWilliam Yardley)

1930: In Green Bay, WI, Morris and Fanny Saidelgave birth to Lillian Saidel who gained as comedian Mitzi Shore, “theco-founder of the Comedy Store.”

1931(11th of Av, 5691): Dr. Lee K. Frankelpassed away.

1931: “The Magnificent Lie” with a script byLeonard Merrick and Samson Raphaelson was released today in the United States.

1932: Hermann Pressman wrote in his diary todaythat “the people are all waiting for the voting on the new Reichstag,” which“would be a contest between the Social Democrats and the Nazis.” 1934: InManhattan investment banker Marcos F. Hellman and the former Ruth Koshland gavebirth to Frederick Warren Hellman the great-grandson of “Isaias W. Hellman, aJewish immigrant from Bavaria who became one of California’s leading financiersand served as president of Wells Fargo Nevada National Bank, which later becameWells Fargo” who became a president of Lehman Brothers. (As reported by PeterLattman)

1933: RabbiJonah B. Wise announced today that “total pledges of $950,000 have been made inthe two million dollar campaign of the American Jewish Joint Distribution forthe relief of German Jews…”

1933: “TheJewish Telegraphic Agency was informed through the United States ConsulateGeneral here today that the German Government had lifted its prohibition andgranted permission to the organization to resume its foreign news service,permitting its correspondents here to resume sending out news of events inGermany.”

1934: TheNazis attempted to overthrow the Austrian government. Chancellor Dollfus wasassassinated, but the putsch failed and Kurt von Schuschnigg was appointedChancellor. He in turn tried his best to curtail Nazi influence in Austria.

1934(12th ofAv, 5694): Louis E. Afenger passed away today in St. Louis, MO.

1935: New York born Dartmouth graduate and TimeMagazine Moscow Bureau Chief Richard Edward Lauterbach, “the son of MortonEdgar and Hazel Augusta (Kronthal) Lauterbach” today married the former “Elizabeth S. Wardell” with whomhe had three children – Jennifer, Ann and David”

1935: Birthdayof Larry Sherry. Along with his brotherNorm, they formed an all Jewish battery combo that led the L.A. Dodgers to theWorld Series Championship in 1959.

1936: InPalestine, “military planes today again dropped leaflets printed in Arabic overArab villages…pleading with the villagers to cease acts of violence and call oftheir strike” since as the leaflets also stated, “the royal commission will notcome until order is restored.”

1937(17thof Av, 5697): Sixty-seven year old Jacob Diner, the Russian born son GermanJews who went on to become the “first president of the New York Academy ofPharmacy” and “founder and first dean of the Fordham University College ofPharmacy” and who was the husband of Hilda Diner with whom he had two children– Milton and Irene – passed away today.

1937:Representative Hamilton Fish, the New York Republican stated today “that theproposed partition of Palestine by the British Government was ‘a deliberatebreach of trust’” which “smacks of duplicity and double dealing.”

1937: HymanSafran, the Detroit born son of Elias and Freida (Mendelsohn) Safran, marriedthe former Leah Yoffee before going on to serve as U.S. Navy Lieutenant duringWW II and founded Safran Printing Company

1938: Fiftythree persons were killed and fifty-eight were today as a bomb exploded at theentrance of the Arab market in the heart of Haifa. While Arabs rioted in response to theviolence, Jewish newspapers called for an investigation to find out who wasresponsible “demanding that the guilty parties, whether Jew or Arab, be broughtto justice.”

1938(25th ofTammuz, 5698: A Jewish farmer was killed by a land mine planted near Ein Veredand Jewish guard was killed at Kfar Haroesh when he was attacked by a band of25 armed Arabs.

1938: A groupof Jewish laborers were fired on this morning as they worked in quarry inTiberias. One worker was killed andanother was wounded.

1938: Tonight,the National Council of Palestine Jews issued a proclamation holding the Arabsaccountable for the horrific outbreak of violence in Haifa saying that “theoutrages” were an attempt to bring about a civil war in Palestine.

1939(9th ofAv, 5699): Tish’a B'Av

1939: As partof the observance of Tish’a B’Av, “the interior of the Spanish and PortugueseSynagogue was draped in black” as “the congreagants read their prayer books insemi-darkness during a service led by Rabbi David de Sola Pool, Rabbi D.A.Jessurun Cardozo and assistant rabbi James M. Wahnon

1939: Theobservance of Tish’a B’Av included he traditional fast was an appeal by the JNFfor contributions for its Palestine Land Redemption work.”

1940: Frencharmy officer and rabbi, David Feuerwerker was demobilized today followingFrance’s defeat by Germany. He was awarded the Croix de Guerre with a bronzestar for his service as chief of artillery communications during which heshowed “drive, courage”…and contributed to maintain “the fighting spirit” ofthose around him.

1940:A cablefrom Simon Davidovitch Kremer, Secretary to the Soviet Military Attaché inLondon specifically identified Ivor Montagu as the head of the X Group spy ring“Ivor Montagu (brother of Lord Montagu) sic, the well-known local communist,journalist and lecturer.”

1941: InLondon, cinematographer Wolfgang Suschitzky and his wife gave birth to PeterSuschitzky who followed in his father’s professional footsteps and is bestknown for his work on The Rocky Horror Picture Show and The Empire StrikesBack,

1941:“Immediately after the Germans occupied the city of Lvov, Ukrainian militiacommanders proclaimed Petliura Day (in memory of the Ukrainian nationalist herowho was assassinated in 1926 during his exile in Paris by a Jewish avenger) andembarked on a three day pogrom that massacred 6,000 Jews.

1941: Aftertwo day killing spree in Liepaja conducted primarily by the Arajs Kommando, “aunit of Latvian Auxiliary Police, approximately 900 Jews lay dead.

1941: Infive separate incidents, Jews in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, threw gasoline bombs atNazi cars.

1941: A two day long Pogrom began in Kovno, Lithuania which would claimthe life of 3, 800Jews.

1942(11thof Av, 5702): Shabbat Nachamu; Parashat Vaetchanan

1942(11thof Av, 5702): Fifty-year-old New York College of Dentistry, Dr. Milton Cohen,D.D.S. the long born son of David and Pauline Greenberg Cohen, the husband ofAda Cohen with whom he raised one daughter, Shirley, passed away today.

1942: InBelgium, The Jewish Council completed a comprehensive list of the names andaddresses of approximately 56,000 Jews living in the country. The SS orderedthe creation of the list which was no available through existing governmentalchannels since Belgium did not track citizens by their religious affiliation.The SS told the Jews they needed the list so they could organize labor groupsto be sent East to work. When the Jewish Council did not produce the listquickly enough, the SS threatened to start grabbing Jews off the street andshipping them East regardless of age, sex or physical description. What theJewish Council did not know was that the SS was implementing the first steps ofthe Final Solution that had been agreed to in January, 1942. This list of Jewswould in fact be used to prepare the transports for Auschwitz.

1943:Mussolini was dismissed from office. It was hoped that his downfall would easethe situation for Italy's Jews. In point of fact, things would actually getworse as the Nazis seized control of the Italian mainland.

1943: Funeralservices are scheduled to be held for Amelia Ackerman the mother of Max, Abe,Stella Yarvin, Lt. Sidney and Myron Ackerman and a member of of the AnscheChesed Sisterhood at The Riverside..

1943: JohnGarfield and his wife Roberta Seidman gave birth to their second child and onlyson David Garfield whose middle name was Patton in honor of the famous general.

1943:Birthdate of actress Janet Margolin. Born in New York City, she first gainedpopular acclaim for her role in the 1962 film David & Lisa.

1944:Three tankers carrying more than1600 Jews from the Italian-held island of Rhodes stop at the island of Kos,where 94 additional Jews are forced aboard

1944:Thirty-one faked postcards fromdeportees arrive at the Lódz (Poland) Ghetto. The writers claim to have beenhappily resettled, when in reality they have been gassed at Chelmno.

1944:Lord Walter Moyne, chief Britishofficial in the Middle East, finally approves British military training forJewish Palestinians who are being sent on suicide missions into OccupiedEurope. He writes: "The scheme would remove from Palestine a number ofactive and resourceful Jews.... The chances of many of them returning in thefuture to give trouble in Palestine seem slight."

1945(15th of Av, 5705): Tu B’Av

1945: Following duty in England and on theSeine River, the SS President Warfieldarrived at Norfolk, Virginia. After deactivation and re-sale, the PresidentWarfield would gain fame as the SS Exodus.

1945: Kurt Gerstein, theformer head of the Waffen-SS Institute of Hygiene in Berlin and anadvocate of euthanasia hangs himself in prison.

1946: Birthdate of Nicole Farhi, “a Frenchfashion designer and sculptor” who “is the daughter of Sephardic Jews fromTurkey” and who is married to author David Hare.

1946: Theodore Levin was confirmed by theUnited States Senate to a seat on the United States District Court for theEastern District of Michigan vacated by Edward Julien Moinet.

1946: Dean Martin (the Italian crooner) andJerry Lewis (the Jewish clown) perform together for the first time. During the next ten years, Martin and Lewiswould move from clubs, to movies to a hit television program.

1947: Birthdate of Moroccan native Victor Drai,the “Franco-American nightclub owner, entrepreneur and film producer” whosecredits include “The Woman in Red” and “Weekend at Bernies.”

1948: During Operation Shoter, Israeli forcesrenewed their attack on an area south of Haifa known as the “Little Triangle.”

1949: As the war with Israel wound down “Mohsenel Barazi, Premier and Foreign Minister of Syria, said today that the SyrianGovernment would welcome a United States plan for settlement of the Palestineproblem and that Syria would study it with greatest interest.”

1949(28th of Tammuz, 5709): RabbiEliyahu Mordechai Finkelstein pass away today.

1950: The government of Lebanon protested tothe United Nations claiming that an Israeli fighter plane had crossed into itsterritory and fired on a civilian airliner.According to the Israelis, the airliner had violated Israel’s airspacewhen it flew over the northern Galilee.When the plane failed to obey signals to land, the Israeli fighter firedwarning shots. The Israelis said they alsoplanned to file a protest with the UN.

1951: The Jerusalem Post reported from Polandthat former SS General Jurgen Stroop and Captain Franz Konrad were sentenced todeath in Warsaw for the extermination of the Jewish population of the WarsawGhetto. In Jaffa, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, addressing a crowd of 10,000,mostly new immigrants, insisted that food and other government controls werenecessary to fulfill the aim of reaching a population of two million and toestablish 1,000 new settlements, even if this meant a temporary shortage offood and housing. "The newcomers will build their own homes and will growtheir own food," he concluded.

1952:Birthdate of Ephraim “Effi” Eitam, the native of kibbutz Ein Gev whosepolitical career has included membership in the Knesset from 2003 until 2009.

1952: Funeralservices are scheduled to be held today at the Riverside Chapel for MorrisSchacther, the husband of Ruth Schacter and a member of the AssociatedMillinery Men, Inc. followed by burial at the Mouth Judah Cemetery.

1953(13thof Av, 5713): Shabbat Nachamu observed for the first time during the Presidencyof Dwight David Eisenhower.

1955: “NewFound Land” published today provided a review of The Little Tailor,written and illustrated by William Gropper, the New York born of son of Jewishimmigrants and garment industry workers Harry and Jenny Gopper.

1956: ActressRuth Roman was one of those aboard the Andrea Doria who was rescued when theliner collided with the MS Stockholm.

1956(17thof Av, 5716): Seventy-four-year-old New York native and NYU trained attorneyElias D. Cohen, a leader in “the wallpaper, paper box and graphic artsindustries” who raised a daughter, Estelle, with his wife “the former AnnaBrandenburg” passed away today.

1956: TheJordanians attacked UN Palestine truce keepers.

1956: In LosAngeles, Mona (Weichman) Bilson and Bruce Bilson, the director of such sitcomsas “Bewitched” and “Get Smart” gave birth to writer, director and producerDaniel “Danny” Bilson, the father of actress Rachel Bilson, Hattie ElizabethBilson and Rosemary Bilson.

1957: The Republic of Tunisia is proclaimed.Despite the fact that Jews like André Barouche had played an active role inTunisia’s struggle for independence and the fact that it was a Pierre MendesFrance, the Jewish Prime Minister of France, who granted Tunisia herindependence, the conditions for Tunisia’s Jews deteriorated rapidly. The newlychosen President, Habib Bourguiba “ordered the dissolution of all Jewishorganizations into one body known as the Jewish Religious Council, the membersof which were appointed by the President... Under an order for slum clearance,the ancient Jewish quarter was razed to the ground, thereby demolishing theoldest and most historic synagogue in Tunis.” Things were so bad that 40,000Jews (about 40% of the 1948 Jewish population) left for Israel. (This is the Refugee Problem that nobodytalks about)

1957: “Run ofthe Arrow,” directed, produced and written by Samuel Fuller, the Jewish son ofRebecca Baum and Benjamin Fuller.

1958: Today “HighlandPark Reform Synagogue will raise the curtain on its first “temple-in-the-round”production which Rabbi Sholom Singer will be the first in a series of dramaticreadings that will replace the customary Saturday morning sermon.”

1958(8th ofAv, 5718): Movie mogul, Harry Morris Warner passed away. Along with his threebrothers, Harold Warner founded Warner Brothers Studio in 1923. These Jews madeAmerican movies. There first major star was a dog, “Rin Tin Tin.” The caninehero made 26 films for them and these hits were a big help in providing cashfor the brothers. Warner Brothers took a gamble in 1927 and produced the firsttalking motion picture, The Jazz Singer. Harold apparently was not originallyenthusiastic about the project since one of his most famous quotes is,"Who wants to hear actors talk?"

1959(19thof Tammuz, 5719): Parashat Pinchas

1959(19th ofTammuz, 5719: Rabbi Isaac Halevi Herzogwho had been serving as the second Chief Rabbi of Israel since 1936 passed awaytoday. Born in Poland 1888, the son of a rabbi, Herzog spent his childhood inEngland and France. A brilliant student, he completed the study of the Talmudat the age of 16. He pursued secular academic excellence as well, earning adoctorate from London University. His thesis was uniquely Jewish – "TheDyeing of Purple in Ancient Israel." Herzog served as the Chief Rabbi of theIrish Free State before moving to Palestine to succeed the great Rabbi AbrahamIsaac Kook. Herzog worked diligently to try and save Jewish children trapped inEurope. After the creation of the state of Israel, he was faced with thechallenge of applying halachah to life in a modern Jewish state, somethingnobody had done since the fall of Jerusalem in 70. His two most famous worksare Main Institutions of Jewish Law and his responsa entitled HekhalYitzhak. Herzog’s life is life is a testament to the best in combiningOrthodoxy and Zionism.

1960(1st ofAv, 5720): Rosh Chodesh Av

1964:Birthdate José Joaquín Bautista Arias who may have been the only Jewishbaseball player from the Dominican Republic to pitch in the Major Leagues.

1964: InWashington, DC, Harvey M. Applebaum, a Covington and Burling partner, andElizabeth Applebaum of the Corcoran Gallery of Art gave birth to Pulitzer-prizewinning author Anne Elizabeth Applebaum.

1965: BobDylan (born Robert Allen Zimmerman) goes electric as he plugs in at the NewportFolk Festival, signaling a major change in folk and rock music.

1966(8thof Av, 5726): Erev Tish’a B’Av

1966:Eighty-four-year-old Cara B. Baldauf Fohs, the Kentucky born daughter of Morrisa d Lina Kahn Baldauf and the wife F. Julius Fohs whom she married in 1908passed away today after which she was buried in the Westchester Hills Cemetery.

1966: Fourmonths after the merger of the AFL and NFL, when Al Davis found he would not becommissioner of the new league, Davis resigned as Commissioner of the AFLrather than stay in the figurehead position until 1970.

1967(17thof Tammuz, 5727): Tzom Tammuz

1967: RabbiPhillip Hiat officiated at the funeral for former General Sessions Jonah J.Goldstein which were held at the Mount Neboh Congregation on 79thStreet followed by burial the Nebo Congreation Cemetery in Glendale, Queens,NY.

1967: In LosAngeles, producer and director Irwin Winkler and his wife Margo gave birth toNYU trained attorney Adam X. Winkler, “a professor of constitutional law at theUCLA School Law.”

1967: Funeralservices are scheduled to be held this afternoon at “The Riverside” for JacobFrankel the father of Emmy Rosenstein with whom he raised three children and “afounder and president of the American Friends of ORT.”

1969: AsOperation Boxer continues, IAF aircraft pounded Egyptian positions.

1969: InHighland Park, Illinois, Elise and Henry Loeb gave birth to screenwriter andproducer Allan Loeb.

1969(10thof Av, 5729): Cooper Institute trained inventor William Dubiller, the New Yorkborn son of Anna and Abe Dublier, and “apioneer in electronics and radio who was the holder of 600 patents” and a“founder of the Cornell-Dubilier Electric Corporation” passed away on his 81stbirthday.

1970(21stof Tammuz, 5730): Parshat Pinchas

1970: Today, thewife of Norton Simon. the millionaire industrialist and Portland born son of Jewishparents Lillian Gluckman and Meyer Simeon filed suit yesterday to end their 37year marriage because of “of irreconcilable differences.”

1970)21stof Tammuz, 5730): Eighty-six-year-old American businessman Joseph Grosberg, theson Jacob and Anna Lasky Grosberg and husband of Rachel Grosberg who “a founderand the president of Central Markets, a chain of grocery stores in upstate NewYork that established some of the first supermarkets in the United States”passed away today in Miami Beach, FL.

1971(3rd ofAv, 5731): Eighty-two-year-old Smith College graduate Margaret Adler, the NewYork born daughter of Felix Adler and a former teacher at the Ethical CultureSchool, passed away today.

1972(14thof Av, 5732): Seventy-seven-year-old Lodz Poland native Zalman Zylbercweig, whofollowed in the footsteps of his father, author and publisher Tsvi, HirshZylbercweig and became an authority on Yiddish literature and thespians whileliving in Palestine, New York and Los Angeles passed away today.

1972: Two daysafter he had passed away funeral services are scheduled to be held for Eighty-five-year-oldNew York native Moses Fertig, the CCNY trained teacher and NYU trained lawyerMaldwin Fertig, the unsuccessful candidate for President of the New York CityCouncil who was “president of the Bronx Young Men’s Hebrew Association.:

1973: “TheMackintosh Man” a cold war thriller starring Paul Newman and featuring WolfMorris was released in the United States today by Warner Bros.

1973(25thof Tammuz, 5733): Ninety-two-year-old NYU trained attorney Isaac Allen, “afounder of the of the American Jewish Committee and the American JewishCongress,” an organizer of “the Federation of American Zionists” and “a founderof the Mizrachi Organization of America who “wrote regularly for the YiddishTageblatt” passed away today.

1973:Birthdate of Israeli champion Paralympic swimmer Keren Or Leibovitch

1974(6thof Av, 5734): Ninety-two Dr. Nima H. Adlerblum, a promoter of the works of JohnDewey as well and active member of the world’s Jewish community as can be seenin her role as “a founder of the national cultural and educational program ofHadassah and her authorship of such works as A Perspective of Jewish LifeThrough Its Festivals passed away today at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem,her original hometown.

1974(6thof Av, 5734): Seventy-four-year-old real estate develop Joseph Eichler passedaway today.

1975: MarvinHamlisch’s “A Chorus Line” opened on Broadway at the Shubert Theatre tonight.

1975: “TheOther Side of the Mountain” a skiing biopic with a screenplay by David Selzerand music by Charles Fox was released today in the United States

1976: The Jerusalem Post reported that theAsian Games Federation resolved that it was in the interest of Israel and forthe safety of other nations' athletes that Israel should not participate in the1978 Asian Games. [In the early days of the War on Terror, this is an easy victoryfor the forces of terror.] The DefenseMinistry announced that it intended to allow Arabs living in Southern Lebanonto work inside Israel and that there would be no discrimination betweenChristians and Moslems willing to come. Israel had also sent truckloads of foodto the Lebanese civil war victims. [This would be the start of what was knownas The Good Fence Policy.] In his address to the Israeli Press Council, PrimeMinister Yitzhak Rabin severely criticized the country's press and other mediafor "failing to check facts and for not presenting a balanced picture ofnews."

1976 (27th ofTammuz, 5736): One soldier was killed and three more were wounded when aterrorist set off a bomb in a restaurant in Batala.

1976: Thefirst performance of the Philip Glass opera Einstein on the Beach

1977: Funeral services are scheduled to be held at noon today at TempleBeth Israel for eighty-four year old Kiev born Abraham Feldman who 1906 wherehe “graduated from HUC and the University of Cincinnati and was ordained in1918 after which he Temple Beth Israel in West Hartford and served as“president of the Central Conference of American Rabbis and Synagogue Councilof America while raising three children – Daniel, Joan and Ella – with “hiswife, the former Helen Bloch.”

1979: Anothersection of the Sinai Peninsula is peacefully returned by Israel to Egypt.

1980: Funeralservices are scheduled to be held at The Riverside, for Rabbi Max Kadushin, thehusband of Evelyn Kadushin and the father of Phineas and Charles Kadushin whohad been part of the Jewish Theological Seminary for six decades.

1981: On thesecond day of The Battle of Bint Jbeil Brigadier General Gal Hirsch prematurelyannounced that the town had been taken.

1981(23rd ofTammuz, 5741): Former MK Yosef Goldschmidt passed away today. Born at Frankfurt in 1907, he was certifiedas a high school science teacher before he made Aliyah in 1935. After leaving the Knesset, he served asDeputy Mayor Jerusalem.

1982: InMassachusetts, two “Russian-Jewish refuseniks” with musical background gavebirth to Daniel Lopatin “best known as Oneohtrix Point Never or OPN, is anAmerican experimental electronic music producer, composer, singer andsongwriter.”

1983(15thof Av, 5743): Tuba Av

1983(15thof Av, 5743): Sixty-nine-year-old composer Jerome Moross passed away today inMiami.

1986(22ndof Tammuz, 5646): Five days before his 73rd birthday, Walter Bergmanthe refugee from Nazi Germany who arrived in 1936 arrived in South Africa wherehe joined the Army, fought his way across North Africa and Italy and returnedto Cape Town where he became a leading numismatist.

1989(22ndof Tammuz, 5749): Seventy-six year old Max Ableman, the Russian born son ofFrank and Frieda Abelman and husband of Lillian Napsky Ableman passed awaytoday after which he was buried at the Westlawn Cemetery in Norridge, Illinois.

1990: Roseanne“Barr performed "The Star-Spangled Banner" before a baseball gamebetween the San Diego Padres and Cincinnati Reds at Jack Murphy Stadium.”

1991(14thof Av, 5751): Eighty-three-year-old Pennsylvanian Paul Friedlander, theCarnegie Tech quarterback who led his 6th ranked team to play No. 1Texas Christian University in the fifth annual Sugar Bowl passed away today.

1991(14thof Av, 5751): Ninety-seven-year-old Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich, one of thelast of the original Bolshevik revolutionaries passed away today. (As reportedby Francis X. Clines)

1993: The IDFcrosses into Lebanon in Operation Accountability. The weeklong incursion was brought on byHezbollah’s rocket attacks on Israeli settlements and the PLFP’s a killing ofIsraeli soldiers.

1993: AlanBlinken began serving as United States Ambassador to Belgium

1994: IsraeliPrime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Jordan's King Hussein signed a declaration atthe White House ending their countries' 46-year-old state of war.

1994(17thof Av, 5754): “Border policeman Sgt.-Maj. Jacques Attias, 24, died of hiswounds after being shot by Palestinian policemen during the riots at Erezcheckpoint on July 17.”

1996: YakovKreizberg performed the United Kingdom premiere of Berthold Goldschmidt'sPassacaglia op.4 today in the presence of the composer just months before hedied.

1996(9thof Av, 5756): Tish’a B’Av

1996:In “JewishStudies: Part of the Canon,” published today Jonathan Mahler warns that “thequarrel at Queens College over the selection of a non-Jewish professor to leadthe school's Jewish studies program provides a lesson in the dangers ofcombining academic disciplines with identity politics.

1997: InJerusalem, The Dead Sea Scrolls: Fifty Years After Their Discovery a conferenceorganized by Emanuel Tov came to an end.

1998(2ndof Av, 5758): Parashat Matot-Masei

1998: Selma Jeanne Cohen's"Encyclopedia of Dance"

1999: The New York Times featured an articleentitled “Streetscapes /Giorgio Cavaglieri; Near 88, a Preservationist Is Stilla Maverick describing the importance of the Jewish, Italian born, architect.

1999: TheNew York Times features reviews books by Jewish authors and/or of specialinterest to Jewish readers including Legacy:A Biography of Moses and Walter Annenberg by Christopher Ogden and recently released paperback edition of TheProcess: 1,100 Days That Changed the Middle East by Uri Savir

1999: “The Chicago Jewish Historical Society, in cooperation with theDawn Schuman Institute are scheduled to offer a tour that includes a stop atLigonier “a special Indiana community where the Jewish population made asignificant impact from the 1850’s well into” the 20th century and astop at South Bend, “an active Jewish community with a rich history.”

2000: The Trilateral Statement on the Middle East Peace Summit at CampDavid was issued today.

2000: The INS Tkuma wascommissioned today.

2001: The SS Regent Sun formerly the SSShalom of the Israeli Zim line, sank off the coast of South Africa.

2001(5th ofAv, 5761): Ninety-one-year-old “Lillian Kiesler, artist, art patron and thewidow of the sculptor and avant-garde architect Frederick Kiesler” passed awaytoday in Manhattan. (As reported by Holland Cotter)

2001: “Issuesin Jewish Philosophy,” a colloquium sponsored by The European Association forJewish Studies (EAJS) came to a close today.

2001: Afterfour hours of searching for the body of Chandra Levy under a broiling summersun in Rock Creek Park, 28 police candidates break off the hunt not knowingthat that missing interns body was a mere 79 yards below the trail where theyhad stopped.

2002: InAmsterdam, the seventh conference of The European Association for JewishStudies (EAJS) under the presidency of Professor Albert van der Heide came toan end.

2003(25thof Tammuz, 5763): Seventy-seven-year-old film director John Schlesinger passedaway today.

2003: Geshergives its last performance of “Shoshah” a play based on a novel of the samename by Isaac B. Singer at the Lincoln Center in New York City.

2003:” Seabiscuit,” the horse biopic directed by Gary Ross who also wrotethe screenplay, filmed by cinematographer John Schwartzman and with music byRandy Newman was released today in the United Sates.

2004: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewishauthors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including the recentlyreleased paperback edition of When Hollywood Had a King: The Reign of LewWasserman, Who Leveraged Talent Into Power and Influence Connie Bruck’s''fascinating book which is a methodical portrait of an often secretive mogulwhose vindictiveness, cunning and temper matched his shrewdness andprescience.''

2005(18th of Tammuz, 5765): Eighty-two year old SonnyHertzberg, the CCNY guard who was a leading player for the New York Knicks intheir first season, passed away today. (As reported by Richard Goldstein).

2005: Starting today the Zabriskie Gallery began showing a selection ofwatercolors of Isadora Duncan by Abraham Walkowitz, the Siberian born Jew whocame to the United States with his mother

2006: In “…No, It’s Survival” published today Richard Cohen defends hiscontroversial comments about the existence of the state of Israel.

2006: Today ina “column for the New York Post thatdiscussed the Israel-Lebanon conflict, JohnPodhoretz advocated a moreMachiavellian policy in Iraq, writing: "What if the tactical mistake wemade in Iraq was that we didn't kill enough Sunnis in the early going tointimidate them and make them so afraid of us they would go along with anything?Wasn't the survival of Sunni men between the ages of 15 and 35 the reason therewas an insurgency and the basic cause of the sectarian violence now?"

2006(29th of Tammuz, 5766): Seventy-eight-year-oldProfessor Ezra Fleischer, an Israeli poet whose scholarly work re-defined viewson the antiquity of prayer, passed away today.(As reported by Ari L. Goldman)

2006: Eliot Spitzer took part in a gubernatorial debate at PaceUniversity prior to the Democratic primary which is scheduled for September.

2006: AtJerusalem’s Confederation House, the third and last concert in the series basedon baskot (requests), songs of supplication traditionally sung during the earlyhours of Shabbat morning in Middle Eastern Jewish communities.

2006: Thefollowing were among a total of 43 Israeli civilians (including four who diedof heart attacks during rocket barrages) and 116 IDF soldiers were killed inthe Israel-Hezbollah war: Doua Abbas, 15, of Mughar; David Mazen, 75, of Haifa.

2006: BluGreenberg, best known for her work on behalf of feminism within OrthodoxJudaism, was honored with Hadassah's highest honor, the Henrietta Szold awardfor outstanding leadership in the Jewish community. Greenberg, who shared theaward jointly with her husband, Rabbi Irving "Yitz" Greenberg, thusjoined a list of prominent world leaders—from Elie Wiesel to Yitzchak Rabin,Shimon Peres, and Golda Meir—to be so honored. (As reported by JWA)

2007: CBSdistributed the last of episode of “Clark and Michael” produced and directed byMax Winkler.

2007: InJerusalem, a celebration of InternationalJewish Music entitled “Come to the Jewish Music Marathon,” featuresJewish musicians from around world including, Daniel Kahan of Germany, PSOY ofRussia, DJ Yonatan from Oi Va Voi of England, Trio Karfion of Israel, and OyDevision of Israel.

2007: TheUnited States Holocaust Memorial Museum's traveling exhibition Fighting theFires of Hate: America and the Nazi Bookburning opens in Baltimore, at theEnoch Pratt Free Library.

2008: Apowerful explosion ripped through a car on a busy Gaza City killing four andwounding 23, Hamas security officials said.

2008: AtManhattan’s Museum of Jewish Heritage, an exhibition that tells the story ofJewish refugees who took Trujillo up on his offer and settled in the town ofSosua, on the Dominican Republic’s northeastern shore comes to an end.

2008: LarryLeiber was presented the Bill Finger Award today “during the 2008 Will EisnerComic Industry Awards ceremony at Comic-Con International.”

2009: Ascreening of “Rachel.” a controversial film that purports to investigate thedeath of anti-Israel activist Rachel Corrie, is scheduled to take place theCastro Theatre in San Francisco.

2009:In “Shabbat special for C.R. congregation,”published today Molly Rossiter of the Gazette describes upcoming events atTemple Judah.

The Shabbat service on Aug. 1 at Temple Judah will havetriple significance for the congregation there. The Shabbat is the first forthe congregation’s new rabbi, Todd Thalblum. The day also marks the ShabbatNachamu, the Sabbath of Consolation, which follows the Jewish fast of TishahB’Av, the first of seven services leading up to Rosh Hashanah. And for thethird year, it is also the Raoul Wallenberg Sabbath, a day marked by Gov. ChetCulver in 2007 to remember the man who helped the Jews in Budapest avoid theconcentration camps. Thalblum joins the congregation after being named rabbilast month. Thalblum, 41, last served a congregation in Texas. He said lastmonth that he was “looking forward” to returning to the Midwest and to servingas rabbi at Temple Judah. “The first priority is going to be getting to knowthe congregation, that’s going to come first,” he said. But he plans to getactively involved fairly early in community interests, as well. “Thecongregation has talked very much about what they’ve enjoyed about the rabbibeing involved in the community,” he said.

2009: Thisyear’s “World Outgames,” a festival of sports and culture hosted by the gay communityin a different city every four years opens in Copenhagen where it pays tributeto Tel Aviv’s Centennial celebration by converting on of Copenhagen’s canalinto a Tel Aviv Beach and hosting leading Israeli artists, Israeli music andbeach games.

2009: In Jerusalem “Beit AviChai's Saturday night music line, directed by Shaanan Street, presents Amir Levin a new concert marking the release of his album Hakol Kan. The concertfeatures familiar and new songs about the lives of ordinary people, with theirlaughter and tears. The concert will include a special piyyut for Tisha B’Av.”

2010: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or special interest toJewish readers including The Cookbook Collector by Allegra Goodman and Dreyfus:Politics, Emotion, and the Scandal of the Century by Ruth Harris

2010: Hadassah 95th annual convention openedtoday.

2010: “Jews and Baseball: An American LoveStory” premiered at the Stony Brook Film Festival

2010: During the afternoon session of the annual HadassahConvention, Deborah Rosenbloom, Jewish Women International (JWI) programdirector, was a presenter at a workshop that will provide resources and aJewish context for parents to help their daughters identify and develop healthyrelationships entitled “Dating, Sex and Love: How to Help Our Daughters DevelopHealthy Relationships,” based on two national curricula—Love Shouldn’t Hurt andStrong Girls, Healthy Relationships.

2010: Israel and the United States signed an agreementtoday under which the Defense Ministry will receive full funding for thedevelopment and production of the Arrow 3 ballistic missile defense system. Theagreement was signed in Tel Aviv by head of the ministry’s MAFAT Research andDevelopment Directorate, Brig.-Gen. Ofir Shoham, and the head of the US MissileDefense Agency, Lt.-Gen. Patrick O’Reilly.

2010: The ninth congress of The EuropeanAssociation for Jewish Studies (EAJS) opened today in Ravenna

2010: First Annual New York Sephardic Jewish Book Fairpresented by ASF opened at noon today.

2010: Rabbi Manfred Gans announced his retirement after60 years behind the pulpit that now stands in Forest Hills.

2011: The Silver-Garburg Piano Duo isscheduled to perform at Mannes College The New School for Music. “Sivan Silver,born in Israel in 1976, and Gil Garburg, born in Israel in 1975, studied withProf. Arie Vardi at Tel-Aviv University and at the “Musikhochschule” inHanover, Germany.”

2011: Israeli born dancer and choreographerDana Ruttenberg is scheduled to conduct a Contemporary Dance Workshop at thePeridance Capezio Center in New York City.

2011: The chairman of the Israel Medical Association, Dr.Leonid Eidelman, announced that he was going on a hunger strike today toprotest the state of the health care system in Israel, after exhausting allefforts to reach a negotiated agreement with the Finance Ministry

2011: After 5 protesterswere arrested for blocking traffic in Jerusalem this morning, at least 200protesters demonstrating against soaring rent prices gathered in Kikar Parisoutside the Prime Minister's Residence in Jerusalem today, blocking traffic onAza Road.

2011: Nobel Prize winningeconomist Joseph “Stiglitz participated in the "I Foro Social del15M" organized in Madrid (Spain) expressing his support for the 2011Spanish protests.”

2011: The first everreunion of the Ritchie Boys, a unique intelligence unit that served in Europefrom D-Day to VE-Day came to a close today at the Holocaust Memorial Center inFarmington Hills, Michigan.

2012: The North AmericanPremiere of “Ameer Got His Gun” and the West Coast Premiere of “Just 45 Minutesfrom Broadway” are scheduled to take place at the San Francisco Jewish FilmFestival.

2012: In New Orleans,Gates of Prayer and Beth Israel are scheduled to present part 2 of Tevye’sWorld, their combined continuing education program. (For more about Jewish lifein the Big Easy, see

2012: Israel’s gas maskdistribution centers are reporting a significant rise in the number ofcivilians seeking protection against chemical weapons.(As reported by StuartWiner)

2012:“Mogul’s Latest Foray Courts Jews for G.O.P.” published today described SheldonAdelson’s mulit-million dollar effort to gain Jewish votes for Mitt Romney.

2012: White Housecounter-terrorism adviser John Brennan arrived in Israel today for talks withseveral senior officials, according to a statement from the National SecurityCouncil spokesman. (As reported by Sam Ser)

2012: Under the Lone Staranother the Star of David is blessed when Abbie and Feivel Strauss gave birthto their first child this evening in Houston, TX. Mother and son are doing well as is the dadand the proud maternal grandparents Dr. Bob & Laurie Silber.

2012: Former Citigroupchairman Sanford Weill publicly changed his views on banks as the financialsupermarket, when he told CNBC that “what we should probably do is go and splitup investment banking from banking, have banks be deposit takers, have banksmake commercial loans and real estate loans, have banks do something that’s notgoing to risk the taxpayer dollars, that's not too big to fail."

2012(6th ofAv, 5772): Sixty-four-year-old Suzy Gersham the author of 16 “Born to ShopGuides” including Born to Shop New York passed away today in SanAntonio, TX. (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)

2013: “Next Stop, Greenwich Village,” “asemi-autobiographical account of Paul Mazursky’s life” is scheduled to be shownthis evening as part of the Only In New York Summer Film Series

2013: The 17th annualJerusalem 3x3 Streetball tournament at Safra Square is scheduled to come to anend today.

2013(18th ofAv, 5773): Ninety-year old “decorated World War II veteran, attorney andjudge,Arthur Edwin Lasker,” the second son Philip and Hannah Lasker and the nephew Emmanuel Cohen, a formerpresident of Paramount Pictures, passed away today.

2013: After a busy year that has included a trip toJerusalem and a move to Columbus, Ohio, Jacob Strauss celebrated his firstbirthday.

2013: In the southernRussian state of Dagestan, Rabbi Ovadia Eisekoff, a Chabad “emissary in thecity of Derbent who was shot in the chest by an unknown assailant was taken toa hospital for emergency treatment at 1 a.m. this morning.

2013: Following anincrease in violence that has included a double homicide two days ago and astabbing last week, authorities in Jerusalem are stepping up their patorls inthe Israeli capital. (As reported by Daniel Eisenbud)

2014: Following servicesat Riverside Memorial Chapel, Madeline Amgott, one of the female pioneers inthe field of television news production is scheduled to be interred at BethIsrael Cemetery in Norwalk, CT.

2014: When a unit of theNahal infantry brigade was “targeted by a terror cell with an anti-tankmissile” 22 year old Staff Sgt. (res.) Yogev Ofir, responded “to thesounds of blasts, rushed to the site and returned fire, using ammunition fromother soldiers when his own ran out and provided cover so the wounded could beevacuated and helped treat them while returning fire despite sustaining an injuryhimself during the battle” – actions for which he received “the Chief of StaffDecoration.”

2014(27th ofTammuz, 5774): Eighty-six-year-old financial mogul Alan C. Greenberg passedaway today.

2014: “A French Jewishactivist whose address was published in anti-Israel forums online was ambushedoutside his home by several men who caused him minor injuries.”

2014(27th ofTammuz, 5774): Bel Kaufman, author of Up the Downstairs passed awaytoday. (As reported by Margalit Fox)

2015:My Report to theWorld: The Story of Jan Karski” is scheduled to be performed for the last timetonight.

2015: Dan Bern, the sonof Marianne Bern, is scheduled to perform at a special kid’s show in Mt.Vernon, IA at the First Street Community Center.

2015:Israel’s nationalsoccer team faces slim chances against two of the world’s best soccer teams inorder to qualify for the 2018 World Cup in Russia after being picked in thesame group as titans Spain and Italy” today.

2015: The Museum ofJewish Heritage and Lab/Shul are scheduled to host “a curated night ofinnovative performances, discussions, gallery tours, and candlelitcontemplation as we mark Tisha B'Av”

2015: Aly Raismancompeted at the U.S. Classic where she “performed her Amanar vault for thefirst time since 2012 and scored a 15.400.”

2016(19th ofTammuz, 5776): Ninety-four year old James M. Nederlander “the American Jewishtheater impresario” passed away today. (As reported by Bruch Weber)

2016: Today, New York’sMetropolitan Transit Authority announced today that the L. Train “will stoprunning in Manhanttan for 18 months beginning in 2019 “which could make lifetougher for the Satmar Hasidim who rely on Williamsburg’s booming real estateindustry for jobs and income.”

2016: The American DanceFestival featuring Dafi Atabeb and LeeSaar, the company established in Israelin 2000 by Lee Sher and Saar Harari is scheduled to open in Durham, NC.

2017: The San FranciscoHistorical Association is scheduled tohost an appearance by Lynn Downey who will talk about her latest book, LeviStrauss: The Man Who Gave Blue Jeans to the World

2017: The Center forJewish History is scheduled to host “New and Journalism in the Age of Trump”presented by Wall Street Journal Editor in Chief Gerard Baker.

2017: “Afteryears of backing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the free daily Israel Hayomcastigated the premier’s “display of feebleness” and his “helpless” response tothe Temple Mount crisis on its front page, in a large above-the-fold headline.”

2017(2nd ofAv, 5777): One hundred three year old high jumper Margaret Bergman Lambert whowas kept from competing in the 1936 Olympics because she was Jewish pass awaytoday. (As reported by Ira Berkow)

2017: “Israel ministersdecided that the metal detectors set up outside the Temple Mount in Jerusalem —in the wake of a terror attack at the holy site in which two Israeli policeofficers were killed — would be removed and replaced with security measuresbased on “advanced technologies.” (As reported by TOI)

2017: “The Young KarlMarx” is scheduled to be shown this evening at the San Francisco Jewish FilmFestival.

2018: In Memphis, TN,Rabbi Feivel Strauss is scheduled to lecture on “How Playfulness Can Get YouOut of a Rut” at the JCC’s Shainberg Art Gallery.

2018: Diarna, TheGeo-Museum of North African and Middle Eastern Jewish Life is scheduled topresent the Passport to Jewish History lecture describing the results of arecent expedition to Egypt featuring Josh Shamsi.

2018: The Nefesh B’NefeshAliyah Ceremony is scheduled to take place at the Ben Gurion Airport.

2018: In Beachwood, Ohio,“The Matlz Museum of Jewish Heritage is scheduled to host its ‘Panel Discussionon Cleveland African-American Heroes.

2018: The photographicexhibition “Bedouin and Arab Israeli Communities in the Negev” which is part ofthe “Home: Lens on Israel” is scheduled to come to an end today at theStreicker Center.

2019: Clare Bronfman, anheiress to the Seagram's liquor fortune, who “pleaded guilty to conspiracy toconceal and harbor people who were not in the United States legally forfinancial gain and fraudulent use of identification” and who was “part of analleged pyramid scheme that involved sex trafficking and racketeering” isschedule to be sentenced in a New York federal court.’

2019: Today the SanFrancisco Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to host screenings of thedocumentary “You Only Die Twice” and “Latter Day Jew” which tells the tale ofMormon comedian H. Alan Scott’ conversion to Judaism.

2019: The YIVO Institutefor Jewish Research is scheduled to host Dovid Braun as he talks about “WhatYiddish Is That?” part of the Yiddish Civilization Lecture Series.

2019: In Des Moines, IA,at Tifereth Israel Synagouge, Jonathan Schachter, a “former advisor to PrimeMinister Netanyahu” is scheduled to speak at “The 2019 AIPAC Iowa Annual event.

2020: B’nai JeshurunCongregation is scheduled to host “Starbucks, Bread & Torah Online.”

2020: The Village forFamilies With Young Children at Temple Israel of Boston is scheduled to presentonline “TGIS at Home.”

2020: In Tel Aviv-Jaffa,the Barby Club is scheduled to host Israeli singer-songwriter Daniela Spector

2020: B’nai JeshurunCongregation: Starbucks, Bread & Torah Online

2020: The Vision forShabbat Chazon will be even brighter today as the friends and family of JosephLevi Strauss celebrate his birthday along with the Day of Rest.

2020: Temple Israel isscheduled to present online “Clergy Havdalah, co*cktails and Mocktails” wherepeople gather with the clergy for Havdalah and say goodbye to Shabbat.

2020(4th ofAv, 5780): Parshat Devarim; Shabbat Chazon;

2021: Contemporary JewishMuseum is scheduled to present “The Fabric of Heritage,” an in-person talkabout a new addition to the Levi Strauss exhibit: a jacket belonging to AlSmith, a Klamath Nation member and activist who shaped U.S. religious freedomlaws.

2021: The Breman Museumis scheduled to host the opening tour of the “The Absence of Humanity Exhibit.

2021: ENGAJ, Moishe HouseSilicon Valley and Young Adults at Addison-Penzak JCC are scheduled to present“It’s a Hot Summer,” a “Tu B’Av party to celebrate the Jewish day of love, withmusic, munchies, games and open bar.”

2021(16th ofAv, 5781): Worldwide people willmark the first anniversary of the passing of our beloved Rabbi Adin Even-IsraelSteinsaltz z"l with an online Zoom gathering scheduled take place takeplace at 1:00pm Eastern (8pm Israel).

2021: Hagai Segal isscheduled to return to LSJS for a special session exploring the changing natureof US-Israeli relations now that both states have new leaders and new politicalagendas and priorities.

2021: YJP of Boston isscheduled to present a “Tu B’Av White Party,” where participants party in their“best white outfit.”

2021: Vocalist SigalVardi is scheduled to lead a kid-friendly sing-along for Tu B’Av, the Jewishday of love, in OFJCC’s Jessica Lynn Saal Town Square

2022: Final performanceof Tom Dugan’s one-man show “Tevye in New York” is scheduled to take placetonight at the Wallis Theatre in Los Angeles.

2022: New Lehrhaus and Contra Costa JCC arescheduled to present U. of Oklahomaprofessor Andrew Porwancher discussing The Jewish World of AlexanderHamilton his 2021 book which tells the story of the founding father’slikely Jewish birth and upbringing, and its consequences for the nation.

2022: The Center for Jewish History (CJH) inNew York City is scheduled to hold avirtual talk about a new memoir by author Lisa Brahin, Tears Over Russia: ASearch for Family and the Legacy of Ukraine’s Pogroms.

2022:TheWiener Holocaust Library in London is scheduled to hold a virtual screening of the documentary film“Complicit,” about the fate of the refugee ship MS St. Louis in 1939, as wellas a panel and talk featuring former child refugees aboard the vessel and thefilm’s creator and director, Robert Krakow.

2022:The San Francisco Jewish Film Festival is scheduled to present “Remember This,”“ a one-man filmed play about Jan Karski’s amazing diplomatic/undercover workfor Poland during WWII.”

2023:YIVO is scheduled to present a lecture by Shachar Pinsker on “When Yiddish WasYoung In Israel.”

2023:“In response to the Kneseet’s passage of the government’s first judicialoverhaul law” yesterday the Israeli Medical Association is calling for aone-day general strike on the on healthcare system today. (As reported by ReneeGhert-Zand)

2023: The Tzofim (Israeli Scout) Friendship Caravan is scheduled to be in DesMoines, Iowa today.

2024: The Prime Minister of Israel is scheduledto meet separately today with President and Vice President of the United States.

2024: The ADL is scheduled to host a webinar on“Mistinformation and Disinformation: What Can You Do?”

2024: As July 25th begins in Israel, an unprecedented wave ofanti-Semitism that has included Hamas supporters calling for Zionist passengerson a New York subway to raise their hands, sweeps the United States and theHamas held hostages begin day 293 in captivity.(Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so weare just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time

This Day, July 25, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.