The V.I.P from Vallejo, California (2024)

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The V.I.Pi

Vallejo, California

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10 Vyllejo Independent Press Wed Nov 231983 Sandy Beach Slides Small By BRITT TRIMBLE Minor mud slides have started in the Sandy Beach area due to the last two weeks of rain but resi dents of the bay side com munity 'arc not overly concerned have a wait and see attitude" according to Julie Strat ton president of the Sandy Beach Homeown ers Association "Its really not at the saturation point it's holding" Stratton said citing only small slides none of which has block ed residents walkways or caused property damage Slides during last storms broke water and sewer lines which had to be completely redone by crews from the Vallejo Sanitation and lood Control District Gas lines had to be re paired by Pacific Gas and Electric crews and after six months ol work resi dents had everything re paired and the boardwalk cleared of mud hich had hampered access to up to 30 homes in the area At one point the mud was reported moving at one to three inches a day but Stratton is optimistic that the extensively re built boardwalk and resi dents'attempts at erosion control will prevent such damage this year "The residents have done mud control without help from the city or county" Stratton said citing the area's status as private property and an unincorporated section of Vallejo The homeowners asso ciation holds quarterly meetings to raise funds for projects through such functions as pot luck ben efit dinners and car washes However one resident has done extensive work on his own feeling that his home is in the most precarious position Ray Raible of 28 Sandy Beach said he is the only one of the residents to do Omegas To Hold Disco Discomania II and III will be presented riday and Saturday from 9 pm to 1 am at the Omega Clubhouse A free Polaroid camera will be awarded each evening Those in attendance should bring their tickets from the last dance Admission is $150 and $2 after 10 pm The first 25 girls will be admitted free Elementary school students are asked not to attend extensive terracing of the hillside near his home and feels that the mud is enough that it might come down" onto his home this winter Raible has spent long hours digging five to six foot deep horizontal rows three feet back into the hill above his home He said concrete and steel braces built by residents last yearcouldn't hold the mud and so he decided to try the terracing this year Chester Heck Solano County Emergency Ser vices coordinator said he had "received no calls of property damage or slide related problems so but he will be out to in spect the area this week to check on the mud move ment to date Stratton said hergroup had not called a meeting since the rain started but the association plans to set a date in December She hopes to inform new rental residents of condi tions in the area as well as keep long time residents some of whom have lived in the area 50 years ap praised of developments West Jobs Gain Seen SACRAMENTO (UP1) California and other Western states will have significant employment and personal income gains next year although inflation will increase in terest rates irst Inter state Bank of California says outlook forI984 and 1985 is bright as employment and personal income gains will occur through out the 13 Western states including Alaska 'and the bank said in its latest forecast "As jobs become more plentiful and hours work ed lengthen personal income gains of about 1 1 percent can be expected in both 1984 and 1985 in the West The West will again attain some growth advantage over the na On the darker side the forecast predicted: "By the latter part of 1984 the economy will be facing a sizable increase in infla tion As 1985 progresses the inflation rate may move up to slightly more than 85 percent" The bank's chief eco nomist James Meigs sa'd inflation during the last three years has made a plunge from 15 percent in year to year wholesale prices to less than 2 percent Vallejo Independent Press I VIP The VIP Ii a five times per week newspaper produced every Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and riday by striking employees of the Times Herald In Vallejo until acceptafte contract settlements enable them to end the strike and return to work Publisher: Vallejo Strikers Press Inc DBA Vallejo Independent Press ounded August 16 1978 Offices: 316 Napa St Vallejo Pressroom: 200 Commercial St Vallejo Mailing Address: PO Box 112 Vallejo CA 94590 Main Telephone: (707) 643 2593 Classified Ads: 643 1718 Circulation: 643 7956 If no paper by 7:30 am call 643 7956 by 9 am weekdays and by 10 am Sundays for special delivery Subscriptions: Home delivery by carrier every Tuesday Wednesday Thursday riday and Sunday $3 a month In Vallejo and Benicia By mail $5 a month In advance Voluntary pay tor home delivery on Wednesday and riday In Vallejo $150 a month Adjudicated a newspaper of general circulation for legal advertisem*nt on Dec 81980 ROGER WARNOCK DON GLEASON': General Manager Editor Governing Board: Roger Warnock Bou Jeffers Don Gleason Jan Stockstill Larry Johnson Michael Lengyel Harold luke The Local No 1 vauejo independent 1 VERIIED Press Is a member of audit circulav' I I Attorney Claro Mamaril of Vallejo left is presented his trophy as the most outstanding ilipino in the field of law and community service for 1983 by ice Consul Shulan Primavera of the Philippines during an Awards Night sponsored recently by the ilipino Americans of Northern California Organizations (ANCO) in San rancisco Attorney Claro Mamaril Honored Claro Mamaril of Vallejo an active Bay Area community leader has been named the most outstanding ilipino in the field of law and community service for 1983 by the ilipino Americans of Northern California Organization (ANCO) An attorney with law offices in San rancisco Mamaril is a member of the California and the Philippine Bars and an alumnus of San Beda College in he Phili ppines where he was awarded a Bachelor of Arts degree cum laude and a Bachelor of Laws degree with honors He recently was granted the Carnegie Endowment for Inter national Peace to the Singapore External Program of the Hague Academy of Inter national Law He finished international trade and audited corporate tax at the Georgetown University Law Center in Washing ton DC and attended the Corporate Law Workshop sponsored by the Practicing Law Institute at Los Angeles Active in ilipino community affairs Mamaril is president of the assembly of the ederation of ilipino Organizations of Solano County president ot the ilipino Community of Solano County Inc the first ilipino commis sioner of the Vallejo School Signups Public registration for the winter trimester will be held at the Vallejo Adult School 1140 Capitol St on the following days: Monday Thursday Nov 28 Dec 1 and Monday Thursday Dec 5 8 The school will be open from 10 am to 3 pm and evenings from 6:00 to 8:30 pm There is no riday registration Classes will begin on Dec 5 for high school diploma test pre paration English as a second language and business and vocational training programs or additional infor mation call 553 1390 BALLET TOUR The Oakland Ballet will go on tour Community Develop ment Commission chairman of the Vallejo Community Relations Committee member of the board of regents of St High School and the only ilipino member of the Private Industry Council of Solano County He also is legal advisor of the Baguio Califor nians inc the ilipino American Senior Citi zens of Vallejo and ANCO Mamaril is co founder and a former director of the ilipino Legal Defense and Educational und and co founder and former vice president of the ilipino orum and the ilipino American Involvement League of San Mateo County In the Philippines where he born Mamaril was a professor and bar reviewer at Adamson University College of Law and worked forthe Philippine Supreme Court in the legal staffs of Justice Jose Bengzon and the late Chief Justice red Ruiz Castro LEGAL NOTICE' CASE NUMBER: 26853 NOTICE DEATH KATHRYN JONES AND PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE To all heirs beneficiaries creditors contingent creditors and persons who may be other wise interested in the will or estate of KATHRYN JONES A petition has been filed by KENNETH JONES in the Superior Court of Solano County requesting that KENNETH JONES be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent A hearing on the petition will be held on 12983 at 8:30 AM in Dept Vallejo Branch 321 Tuolumne St Vallejo CA I YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition you should either appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney I YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased you must file your claim with the court or present it to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in section 700 of the California Probate Code The time for filing claims will not expire prior to four months from the date of the hearing noticed above YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court If you are a person interested in the estate you may serve upon the executor or administrator or upon the attorney for the executor or administrator and file with the court with proof of service a written request stating that youdesire special notice of the filing of an inventoryand appraisem*nt of estate assets or of the petitions or accounts mentioned in sections 1200 and 12005 of the California Probate Code Attorney tor petitioner: MOSSMAN IOAKIMEDES Attorneys at Law 440 Santa Clara Street Vallejo CA 94590 Michael Nov 23 27 Dec 2 1983 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE PUBLIC SALE TO: RICHARD KRANIG ROBERT KRANIG PAT KRANIG DALE BENNETT and YVONNE BENNETT 401 Rydar treat Vallejo Caufocnm 94590 AND ANY OTHER INTEREST ED PARTY "NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the property designated described below collateral under a Promissory Note and Security Agreement dated ebruary 1 1991 executed by RICHARD KRANIG ROBERT KRANIG PAT KRANIG DALE BENNETT and YVONNE BENNETT af Debtors will because of Debtors default be sold by the undersigned at a public sale on November 30 1983 at 10 00 am at401 Ryder Street Vallejo California To inspect said property or for further details please contact the und er signed Dated: November 21 1983 KOLLER MacCONAGHY 8 November 23 1983 ILE NUMBER 1053 83 iled in the Office of the County Clerk of Solano County State of California this Oct 31 1983 NEIL CRAWORD County Clerk By HU ICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT THE OLLOWING PERSONS ARE DOING BUSINESS AS: Jennefs ashions 930 Admiral Callaghan Lane Vallejo CA Rudy Dela Vega 100 Monica Place Vallejo CA 94590 Corazon Dela Vega 100 Monica Place Vallejo CA 94590 Carlos A Dimailig Parkhaven Dr Valleio CA 94590 Eleanor Dimailig 81 Parkhaven Dr Vallejo CA 94590 1 his business is conducted by a gen eral partnership Signed Corazon Dela Vega Typed or Printed CORAZON DELA VEGA I hereby certify that this copy is a cor rect copy of the original statement on file in my office NEIL CRAWORD County Clerk Nov 9 16 23 30 1983 NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS GIVEN that the Govern ing Board of the Greater Vallejo Rec reation District will receive bids for the furnishing of all labor materials trans portation and services necessary for the installation and completion of Enclosing Area under Bleachers at Wilson Park Each bid must be in accordance with the provisions of the contract docu ments now on file at the office of Bond Dougherty Inc 2118 Sacramento Street Vallejo CA 94590 which con tract documents are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof Contract documents may be obtained from said office Bids will be received until 10:30 a PST December 8 1983 at the office of the Greater Vallejo Recreation District 395 Amador Street Vallejo CA 94590 at which time bids will be opened BY ORDER THE GOVERNING BOARD THIS 9th day of November 1983 GREATER VALLEJO RECREATION DISTRICT278 November 23 1983 NOTICE THUS I tt'S SALt On November 30 1983 at 9 00 a VALLEJO LAND TITLE COMPANY a California corporation as Trustee or Successor Trustee or Substituted Trustee of that certain Deed of Trust executed by GEORGE POWELL JULY 12 1979 as Instrument No 33833 in Book 1979 Page 57141 of Official Records of SOLANO County California and pursuant to that certain Notice of Default thereunder recorded AUGUST 2 1983 as Instrument No '32482 in Book 1983 Page 61661 of Official Records of said County will under and pursuant to said Deed of Trust sell at public auction for cash lawful money of the United States of America a cashier's check payable to said Trustee drawn on a state or national bank a state or federal credit union or a state or federal saings and loan association domiciled in this state at LOBBY AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE TO VALLEJO LAND TITLE COMPANY 2415 SONOMA BLVD VALLEJO CALIORNIA all that right title and interest conveyed to and now held by under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as THE EAST 12 LOT 12 IN BLOCK 421 AS THE SAME ARE SHOWN ON THE OICIAL MAP THE CITY VALLEJO MADE BY ROWE CE ILED OR RECORD IN THE OICE THE COUNTY RECORDER SOLANO COUN TY CALIORNIA ON SEPTEMBER 19 1868 IN BOOK 1 MAPS PAGE 123 The purported street address or other common designation of said property: 723 A LOUISIANA STREET VALLEJO CALIORNIA Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty express or implied as to title possession or en cumbrances to satisfy the unpaid balance due on the note or notes secured by said Deed of Trust tc wit: $4638684 plus the following esti mated costs expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of this Notice of Sale: $2082 58 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER YOU ARE IN DEAULT UNDER A DEED TRUST DATED JULY 6 1979 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE I YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION THE NATURE THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER DATED November 4 1983 VALLEJO LAND TITLE COMPANY A California corporation 2415 SONOMA BOULEVARD VALLEJO CALIORNIA 94590 (707) 644 0421 BY: Charles De Moulin Vice President Nov 9 16 23 1983 CASE NUMBER: 26845 NOTICE DEATH ARTHUR COLE AND PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE To all heirs beneficiaries creditors contingent creditors and persons who may be otherwise interested in the will or estate of ARTHUR COLE A petition has been filed by DAVID COLE in the Superior Court of Solano County requesting that DAVID COLE be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent A hearing on the petition will be held at Superior Court on 12983 at 8:30 at 321 Tuolumne Street Vallejo CA 94590 I YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition you should either appear at the hearing and state yourobjections or file written objections with the court before the hearing Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney I YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased you must file your claim with the court or present it to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in section 700 of the California Probate Code The time for filing claims will not expire priorto four months from the date of the hearing noticed above YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court If you are a person interested in the estate you may serve upon the executor or administrator or upon the attorney for the executor or administrator and file with the court with proof of service a written request stating that you desire special notice of the filing of an inventory and appraisem*nt of estate assets or of the petitions or accounts mentioned in sections 1200 and 1200 5 of the California Probate Code Attorney for petitioner: MOSSMAN IOAKIMEDES 440 SantA Clara Street Vallejo CA 94590 By MichaelG Nov 23 27 DO 1983 CLASSIIED 20 Personals 1QQ Mlscellananiis 110 Halo Wanted CAR POOL members wanted: Vallejo to Treasure Island work 730 AM to 4 PM some flexibility Must take turns driving Call 643 1806 Jim or 554 1150 Mary Ann DRUG ABUSE Hot Line 24 Hours 557 3165 GRACE GOSPEL CHURCH PRAYER PHONE 554 1087 PALMCARD 11 READING jw with love sweetheart frlenda buO jjj'nee Troubled: I (707 S52g27 21 Senior Care BOARDCARE for the aged 3 meals and snacks American Canyon Villa 552 2183 30 oods WALNUTS 50c A POUND SUISUN 1 864 0440 HOT TUB: 2 years old good condition asking $l200offer 554 3238 TOP the line SEVILLE water bed accessories $285 best offer 552 1144 PIANO Upright walnut case beautifully refinished com pletely restrung and recon ditioned $1900 Call 552 2495 Days 255 8028 Evenings CAR POOL members wanted: Vallejo to Treasure Island work 7:30 AM to 4 PAI some flexibility Must take turns driving Call 653 1806 Jim or 554 1 150 Mary Ann 8 NAl GAHYDE hide a bed and 6 matching Love Seat $500 excellent condition Call 644 9643 after 6 pm OR SALE: dining room table and 6 matching swivel chairs $400 very good condition 2 sliding metal doors 24'Zr inches 78 inches each Both $7500 excellent condition 2 sliding metal doors 36'2 inches 78 inches each Both $100 excellent condition Call 552 2470 40 Lost nnnri OUND: black velvet kitten on Central Ave 552 5914 LOST: Black and white female cat Greenmont area 552 5355 OUND BLACK WHITE Striped Male Cat BIG with Barrell ID Card on neck 557 3101 SO Motorcycles 1981 CR 125 Elsinore $600 643 6764 60 Automobiles '69 PONTIAC $600 "76 Honda CVCC $1500 ord Econoline Van $800 All in good shape Call 644 1260 before 3 pm WANTED: '64 to 74 COM PACT or mid size car Auto matic good condition with low marginal mileage Cash 644 6420 after 2 pm LOOK I HQ OR A USED CART lretSee' mOToiy 800 Admiral Cillighin lint 80 at Radwood 5537:00 70 CHEV Kingwood Wagon good 350 engine Excellent body needs minor mechanical work $25000 Call evenings only 642 1140 ONE USED model MAV 12 long frozen food display merchandize Self contained complete with 2 'x hp compressors wired for 112 volts Phone 554 3650 SAXOPHONE YAMAHA Excellent condition cost $700 sell for $350 57 Pontiac and transmission offer' 643 6764 WASHER AND dryer for sale $50 and up Guraranteed Call day or night 642 0570 7 PIECE water bed set $500best offer 552 1160 BUCK STOVE IREPLACE INSERT 1 year old complete with grate $800 552 5355 1OR SALE: 45 gal plexiglass fish aquarium hood pump $55 Ward's Signature jet fan conventional oven roasts bakes broils portable $35 6 ft split leaf philodendron in red wood planter $30 Call 642 1 140 evenings only GITS OVER 1000 Burlitems Clocks guaranteed Tables etc Burl wood Crafts (707) 642 6265 METAL DETECTORS: Now in stock the brand new Com pass 70 Challenger and isher 1260X Many others (707) 644 8377 BICYCLE 5 speed 20 inch Schwinn $85 642 1885 CLEAN 01 1 1 HE OLD bring in the new Sell the old with a VIP want ad Call 643 1718 WHEN YOU BUY YOUR CAR GET SMOGGED AT BROOKS 64 1 9300 1965 ORD MUSTANG needs work Sealed bids accepted until December 1st Retail Clerks Local 373 ederal Credit Union 441 A Nebraska Vallejo (707) 643 2575 65 Trucks 79 ORD PICKUP 100 8 mags 4 speed 18000 miles Ps excellent $4500 642 4003 79 TOYOTA red pickup one owner camper shell air 5 speed chrome wheels $4000 642 9253 70 Rec Vehicles 1984 ALLEGRO Class A motor homes 23 27 33 foot models finally available for sale Campers Stuff 1 80 at Alamo Exit in Vacaville (707)446 7700 LAND LINER 22' 1968 self contained Perfect condition Make offer 554 3620 554 4965 ask for Pete or Judy 90 Pets Supplies CANARIES GINGERS and hens All colors Guaranteed to sing 641 1249 SECOND HAND rv R0S Do your Xmas shopping with us Gigantic Xmas discount sslel Tum Wed rl Sat 1 0 6 732 TENNESSEEST IREWOOD CONNECTION Quality spilt Oak A Madrons $160cord hsul Delivery aveuaoie Mu Visa accepted (707) 746 1430 100 Miscellaneous DRUM SET 5 piece paid 1200sel ling $800 firm Train set best offer 8' Camper 644 5813 after 5 pm MAGS WITH TIRES Air each 15x8 and 15x7 Wheel includes lugs locks and key $15000 Call evenings 643 6132 or 554 3061 DOUBLE DEPTH plot in' Skyview Memorial Lawn Reasonable Telephone (707) 894 2664 IREWOOD TRUCK LOAD $40 552 2370 TWO INURNMENT spaces in of Abbey Me morial Gardens Vallejo Ca $495 Call 642 7160 101 Wanted to Buy WANTED! Silver Dollars Pre 1964 US Coins scrap gold (old wedding bands class rings dental gold etc) Scrap sterling flatware holloware Call the rest Then call us! We pay the most Vallejo Coin Exchange 327 Tennessee St (707) 554 1754 108 Child Care DO YOU NEED a babysitter? Excellent care in my home at reasonable rates Call 643 3104 109 Work Wanted TRASH MAUI ING: Garages back yards cleaned ree estimates 642 4809 110 Help Wanted COUNTER PERSON: Engi neering re manufacturing company is seeking aggressive sales orientating individuals with minimum 2 years experi ence in automotive field Ex cellent working conditions If you qualify call Mike 426 1540 HELP WANTED API now accepting applications for managers manager trainees drivers and mlsc help Wages plus tips commission bonuses Apply direct 11 4 pm dally 333 TENNESSEE ST AtK tor Jimmy MUSICIANS WANTED Bas sist and Keyboards need for local Band experienced only or information call 642 9224 anytime IMMIGRANTS DO you have problems finding a job because of a heavy accent? Applicants who can read write and speak English may be eligible to par ticipate in the accent modifica tion program and job work shop Call 642 8944 or come to 1000 Marin Street EARN EXTRA MONEY ORTHE HQUOAYSI Sell Avon Set your own hours CALL 643 7634 WANTED CHURCH organist and choir accompanies! and choir director St Pauls Iuthern Church 643 5761 weekday mornings DENTAL ASSISTANT full or part time Wanted enthusiastic RDA to work in a progressive people oriented office This is an office that allows you to use your expanded duties Salary depends on experience Call (415) 724 8004 DENTAL RECEPTIONIST: Light bookkeeping experience preferred 32 hours week Send resume to VIP PO Box 112 Vallejo CA Attn: 237 LVN RN WANTED for relief position 3 to 11:30 pm 11 to 7:30 am Skilled nursing good benefits The Living Center 643 2793 AST OOD COUNTER sales person Must have experience Call 642 4431 NURSES OR experience required per diem position available The Surgical Staff 707 575 9441 WAITRESS WANTED: Supper Club 2565 Springs Rd 642 6334 call after 4 pm Wednesday lhe VIP has all local news and everything else worth read ing If you are not receiving The VIP at least two days a week it' means we don't have a carrier in your area Do you know a boy or girl 1 2 or older who wants to earn extra money for Christmas? Call 642 4255 or 643 7956 and leave name and phone number for more information NEEDED ZONE agent part time hours flexible To supervise approx 42 carriers Apply VIP 643 7956 EARLY MORNING ROUTE open young persons in College Park Call 552 7499 or 643 7956 A Zone EXPERIENCED DENTAL ASSISTANT PART TIME 642 3710 NURSING ASSISTANTS full and part time day and PM shifts apply in person Rafael Convalescent Hospital 234 No San Pedro Road San Rafael (415) 479 3450 EARLY MORNING ROUTE open for Notre Dame Erin Dublin Shamrock etc Call 643 7956 or 552 7499 COUNSELOR for intensive in home child abuse interven tion program in Solano County Behavioral and regerian tech nique Masters preferred Variable hours and weekends Send resume to PRAVL CENTER 502 Mac Blvd Suite 8 Davis Ca 95616 130 Apart for Rent EAST VALLEJO apart ment 2 bedrooms l'2 baths $415 month including water garbage irstlastplus de posit 3 bedroom I bath home Large back yard $525 month firstlastplus deposit 3 bedroom 1 bath condo $450 month including water garbage and cable $450 month first last plus deposit Call Ganzon Realty 554 4660 EAST VALLEJO 4 plex 2 bed room convenient to freeway shopping AEK drapes carpet carport Watergarbage paid No pets $310 month $300 deposit 415 837 6905 EXECUTIVE HOME Nice location 4 bedroom 3 bath fireplace drapes family room $700 month Call Ganzon 554 4660 UNURNISHED: One bed room near Mare Island Stoverefrigerator watergar bage furnished $180 plus deposit 644 1689 CLEAN SEC RE roomy up stairs 2 bedrooms wallwall carpet drapes formal dining room Private sundeck and washroom 2 year employed $425 642 8924.

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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.