The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

10 THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER BATTJEDAY MORNIKG, MARCH 22, 1902 75 ATS TRIMMED FREE WHILE YOU WAIT rr? a Ann CONFERENCE ON HIGH FIRE RATES Trades League Committee Talks Things Over With Representatives of Underwriters Bi iJ0fl? jiies Are Especially Invited to Write to Mrs. Pinkham For Advice Regarding Their Health. All Such Letters Are Strictly Confidential. 8TH ST. UK HATS Today SUPERB CHRISTENING ROBE 44-46 NORTH Great Display of EASTER .98 Flrsipw Untrimmed Mats to-day, for children, all shapes 33 9 I Our collection of creations and trimmers, but also Among these elegant ideas, all the latest from which to make S3.fiS, S4.93.

To and becoming, we collection. Nowhere less than S10 to $15. $2.98, Trimmed Hats includes the best and latest achievements, not only of our own skilled of the most prominent milliners in Europe. styles you will find all the newest fads; you will find live thousand Hats vour selection; no two alike; at S2.9S, you'who admire a stylish Hat, beautiful extend an invitation to see this great else could you find a Hat in the lotfor We mark them at our popular price of $3.98, $4.98 I If Jl i i SS 4, A v- iX i Pri JaJC J's" ssss ss vH I School days are danger days for American girls. Often physical collapse follows and it takes years to recover the lost vitality.

Sometimes it is never recovered. Perhaps she i.s not over-careful about keeping her feel? dry; through carelessness hi this respect the monthly sickness is usually rendered very severe. Then begin ailments "which should be removed at once, or they will produce constant suffering. Headache, faintness, slight vertigo, pains in the back and loins, irregularity, loss of sleep and appetite, a-tendency to avoid the society of others are symptoms all indicating that woman's arch-enemy is at hand. This need not be so if mothers would have a thought for the physical condition of their daughters, and see to it that they have proper assistance.

Lydia K. IMnkham's Vegetable Compound has helped many a young girl over this critical period. With it the' have gone through their trials with courage and safety. With its proper use the young girl is safe from the peculiar dangers of school years and prepared for hearty womanhood. If there is anything you don't understand write to Mrs.

Piiikhani at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and always helpful. Tailor-Marie Suits and Spring Jackets Price To-Day ALL GOODSURCHASED Inquirer Patterns These Two Patterns. Selected From 'Our Large Assortment. Give a Pretty Good Idea of the Style of the Patterns Carried by This Department.

By sending an additional two-cent stamp for each pattern ordered can have patterns sent to them immediately in sealed envelope. An important member of the Elsie de Wolfe company nightly appearing with the star is the sweet little babe who in the christening scene wears an exquisite robe, an exact copy of the one worn by the heir of the Oelrichs millions. It is of the sheerest Indie de Linon, beautified by rows of genuine Valenciennes, bows, insertion and a deep fall of lace on edge. Underslip of white taffeta. 8623 Ladies' Flv Gored Skirtwith Spanish Flounce.

22. 24. 26, 28 and 30 in. waist. To malii thl" skirt In tho mpHum size will rviuir; six mid 'T ynrrts tit 44-inch material.

The piittern. No. Kli6o. is cut Iu sizes for a 22, 24. Utj.

lis and 30-inch waist nieuiure. How Miss Wilson and TO CONSIDER ARGUMENTS Objections of the Alerchants Will Be Given Attention Next Tuesday The Trades League Committee on Insurance yesterday met Chairman George E. Wagner, Secretary Wilmerding, Charles A. Hexamer, Clarence E. Porter and John W.

Miller, of the Underwriters' Association. at Fourth and Walnut streets, and they were in conference for several hours. The Trades League committee consists of Charles M. Biddle, chairman; W. W.

Foulkrod, Mahlon X. Kline, Edward F. Beale, Lewis J. Levick, E. C.

Irwin, Howard R. Sheppard and Secretary X. B. Kelly. A formal written protest and request for reconsideration of the conflagration charges was presented by the Trades League committee, and different members supplemented this with verbal statements, showing why they believed that the increased charges bore unjustly upon the business section.

Question of Commissions Charles M. Biddle, in making the prin cipal address for the committee, said that the pamphlet, "Why Rates Had Been Advanced," had been issued without signature; that it claimed that Philadelphia premiums in the last seven years had amounted to less than "losses and expenses. it must oe Dome in minu that we have no means of knowing what these expenses are," said Mr. Biddle. The underwriters' commissions reached nearly 25 per cent.

The new advance is very material to them. Perhaps we maybe pardoned for suggesting that a reduction of insurance expenses would help the business communitv." He then said the estimated premiums from the congested district for several years prior to 3 S90 avereaged $700,000, but by 1901, under the increased rating and 2T-cent advance, thev jumped to $1,277,710. The congested district was taxed 75 per cent, more than in IStX). In the whole citv the average premiums for several vears before were in ltMTL, $4,250,000. an increase of $750,000, of which $570,000 was obtained from the congested district alone.

The advance in the whole city was only 20 per in the congested district 75 per cent. The fire losses in the whole citv in 1901 were $2,058,190, in the congested district, $728,222. and in the 50- cent so-called conflagration district there was not a dollar ot loss last year. he mere increase of premiums in the congested district in 1901 over 1899, OOO, came within $175,000 of paying all the losses that district. The total premiums in that congested district overpaid the actual losses by half a million.

No Authority for Prophecy was not fairly taken. The Underwriters Association said that a fire in a large department store would make it impossible for firemen to stay in the streets or get close enough to work and that it would be the beginning of a conflagration like that ot Boston or Chicago. What authority they had for a prophecy of that kind did not appear. The conditions here were not abnormal compared with other cities. The risks in New York, Boston and Chicago seemed to be as great as in Philadelphia, yet in 1800 only in Philadelphia and Chicago had rates advanced, while Boston, Buffalo.

Cleveland, -Pittsburg, San Francisco, St. Louis all enjoyed reduced or stationary rates. It was claimed rates had been advanced in Boston, but there notable exceptions were made in favor of mercantile buildings, while in New York city the advances recently ordered applied only to hotels, apartment houses and such buildings. He argued that the recent advance was "arbitrary." and should meet the earnest protest of "all actuated by a spirit of fairness." The Underwriters committee promised to lay the matter before the full Executive Committee next Tuesday. Meanwhile the more general movement started at the Master Builders' Exchange meeting was pushed along yesterday by Chairman W.

8. P. Shields, who sent letters to a number of organizations asking the appointment of committees to lay their protest before the underwriters. Penrose Gets Ten Years John Penrose, the burglar who was captured at the point of a pistol by Mr. and Mrs.

S. Megarpee Wright, was sentpnecd by Judge Biddle In the Criminal Court, yesterday, to an Imprisonment of ten years in the Kastern Penitentiary. Penrose pleaded guilty to six Indictments, charging burglary. The houses entered were as follows: S. Mesargee Wright.

Walmit street; Rulon. 2004 Chestnut street; J. Warren Coulston, 2L'Oo Oe Lancey street: Annie H. Trooper, 2123 De Ijancey street; Christopher English, 158 North Twenty-second street, and George R. Allen, 1934 Park avenue.

Trolley Car in Evidence During the trial of the suit of Michael Jennings against the Union Traction Company to recover damages for personal Injuries received In falling from a car near Kighth and Spruce streets, five years ago, there was a conflict In the testimony of witnesses in Common Pleas Court Xo. 1 3-esterday as to whether the car had an aisle down, the centre or not. The car itself was then run to the south side of the City Hall, where It was inspected by the jury and found to have no centre aisle. The trial will be resumed to-day. tonight.

Dear Mrs. Pinkham Your Vegetable Compound lias done myself and sister so much g'ood that if I can possibly help some sufferer by sending- you a testimonial for publication I feel as though I ought to do so. For several years I suffered with painful menstruation. The pain would sometimes begin ten to twelve hours before menses appeared, and sometimes not until that length of time after, and for a day or two I would be weak and exhausted. I tried many doctors and other remedies and had about given up hopes of being-any better, but thought I would give Jjytlia 13.

Pinkham's Vegre-taile Compound a trial. i "'I have taken 6ix bottles and am so much better I can hardly believe I am the same person. My sister is also much pleased with your medicine." Mabel E. Wilson, Attica, Ind. (Oct.

13, 1900.) Indies' and misses' costumes usually consist of two patterns, 10c. each pattern, or 20c. for the lull SPEri.vr, NOTICE. When callinjr for or ordering patterns bo careful to set proper alien, AS PATTERNS WILI. NOT HE KXCHANORU.

TEIjA YS IN IKJ-IVKRY ARE INVAUIAHI.V CAUSED BY FAILURE TO STATE NAME ASlt ADDRESS CLKARLY. WHEN PATTERNS ORDERED BX MAIL ARE KOT RECEIVED IN 5 DAYS KINDLY NOTIFY I'S IMMEDIATELY. Illustrated catalogue eeiit on application. Inquirer readers can obtain these patterns by cutting out the afovc illustration and aenil-Insr tbem, with 10 cents for each pattern desired (either in postage stamps or coin, properly wrapped), or can obtain them immediately of -'-'i The Inquirer Pattern IIC9 Market St. Do not send money loose in enrelopc.

Be areful to state fully size and address in order. Her Sister Were Cured. Owirjj to the farfthat rome skeptical people have trom time to time questioned the genuineness of the testimonial letters we are constantly publishing we have deposited with the National MISS DE WOLFE INTRODUCES "NIGHTCAP" INTO VOGUE Some of the smart lingerie shops are showing dainty nightcaps of stheer lace, ne linen, and even oi chiffon, with trimmings of baby" ribbon. These are called the "Elsie de Wolfe" nightcap, and have been recently introduced into vogue by that actress. The nightcap wa.s regarded as an indispensable adjunct to the retiring toilette in the days of our grandmothers.

Of recent years it has been banished, owing to the fact that modern young women regard Mich adornment as unbecoming. The fallacy of such opinion will be illustrated by the adjustment of one of these dainty confections. They fire, moreover, a protection to the hair, and a boon to the jrirl with the curl paper habit. It was dames Lane Allen who remarked facetiously, and with truth, that the head of the woman in "curl papers" suggested the paper garnishes surrounding a leg of mutton. If "a word to the wise is sufficient," the girl who is dependent upon the nocturnal disfigurement of paper wrapped lrese in order to achieve the fluffy matutinal curl will cling to the restored night tap and sing paeus of gratitude in praise of the pretty acties to whom -he owes the renaissance of the fad.

City Bank, ef Lvnn, 5,000, which will who will show that the above testimonials are rot published before obtaining the writers' special permission. rinkham Medirioe Company, Lynn, JVWDM RULES FOR CORRESPONDENTS No letter will be answered in this column unless the name and address of the writer are given, not for publication, bat as an evidence ot good faith. All communications must be written in ink and o.i one side of the paper only. Otherwise they will be consigned to the waste basket. MRS.

B. Mfxbatilcsburg, Fa. At a formal dinner the hostess is always serTfrt "first, the waitress or those especially em- irioyed attending to all the details for the (flltmer, in the way of" scrying, the 'host or hostess taking no part. At an in- fortnal dinned the host should do the carv- ine or serve the fonv. The plates for the name are arranged at the nldt and as they axe filled are placed tefore quests, seal loped oysters served In laraikins are as an entree.

MRS. M. F. Leave your skirt as it is and i put a band of narrow striped white and black silk at edge of skirt. Through the entre of back of blouse put three bias bands of silk: have Test extending from throat to waist lino with, shaped revers from centre of bust to waist.

Lay your silk waist in small tucks both front and 'back. Put In vest of cream lace from throat to waist: on either side of the front place small bows of narrow black velvet caught with oval steel buckle about 'two Inches apart. Sleeves tucked to elbow. Then a puff and turnover cuffs of lace edged with shirred velvet. Stock of lace; from either end at top and base take bands of narrow velvet drawn close together In centre, causht under rosette, with ends of various size in black velvet.


For whitening the complexion, to the well beaten yolk of an egg add 2 drachms almond oil and 10 drops tincture benzoin; apply with tips of fingers to the face before retiring, robbing and kneading it well Into the flesh. Once a week wipe the face off with a linen cloth dipped in water containing lemon Juice, the proportion being three tablespoons of juice to a cup of water. This whitens and softens the skin. It Is well to take a mild aperient, cpsoiu salts bein; one of tbe best. Please take them as recommended to Hlondle in this column.

If you have too much color, avoid hot drlnksr take cooling ones lemonade or cream of tartar; take no rich foods, but plenty of fruit and salads. Io not take the complexion wafers of which you speak. OLLJE. The best remedy for a sty Is to PPly cloths wrung out of hot water, as hot as can be borne. P.athe the eyes daily with warm water, containing spirits of -amphor the proportion being 5 drops to half a cup of water.

To increase growth of eyelashes, rub on cocoanut everv ulght. MISS HAZBU-For warts apply calomel. 1 drachm; boric acid, drachm; salicylic acid, 10 grains. Mix well and rub the warts once dally. A.

r. T. Fcr bad breath, take a tea-j spoonful of tincture of rhubarb In a little water for three consecutive morn-1 Jngs. After five days repeat the dose, until nine teaspoonfuls have been iaken. Bad breath is caused by deranged condition of the stomach or decayed teeth.

Perhaps you rioil to consult it dentist. Alcohol will often allay itching of the skin. A TIK A I) KB- For oily hair I hav given several remedies; perhaps you have already triexl one and found relief. Rub the scalp over night with alcohol and water. A good plan Is to pour into a shallow dish about a cupful of water, containing two tablespoons of alcohol; with nail brush go ovpr the whole scalp, giving it a thorough wotting.

Once a week wash the scalp and hair in warm water, after the hair is partly dry nib scalp with alcohol undiluted. TtLONrUK. A prescription for pimples on the face is desired, and the question asked if epsom will clear the skin. It Is a very good' spring medicine, and taken in the following way acts as an alterative: Dissolve pound epsom salts In 1 pint water and take a small wineglass of this every morning. After Ibis is used up, wait week and repeat the dose until you have taken a pound of the salts.

An emollient for any slight eruption on the Is made of: Laid. rj drachms: glycerine, drachms; carbolic acid, ti drachm. 'Mix lard and glycerine thoroughly and then add the carbolic acid slowly. When using anything on the face which contain an be careful not to Touch the eyes. To 'Increase growth of eyelashes, rub them with olive or cocoanut oil.

MISS CAHOLJNK. Media. Ph. In the prevalence of spring colds, cold sores, and chapped lips the virtues of honey should not be overlooked. In all catarrhal disorders It will be found most excellent i while used as an ointment It is both puri-ffying and healing.

A teaspoonful of honey boiled in one cupful of water makes 'reliable gargle for a sore throat or a heal-'Ing lotion for inrtamed eyes. Tip a linen riot in the liiitiid and lay over tbe eyes. Any dressing over the eye should be very 1 light. A til of the pure houey in water makes tonic drink for the aged that, has the recommendation of centuries behind it. A Suggestion For a Plain -Home Dinner Chicken Soup, lleef Stew.

String Beans. leituce ami Tomato Salad. Cotlce. Fruit. Cheese.

CALIFORNIA YOSEMITE VALLEY ALASKA YELLOWSTONE PAR.K TOUR APRIL 22 and 23 Magnificent Trains Charming Itineraries SEND FOR BOOKLET raihd 111(01(0. 1005 Chestnut Street PHILADELPHIA Jr AB RE WAR ERECT be paid to any person genuine, or were Ij-dia E. SPLENDID EGO SHAMPOO ladies and Worth CH EECCH A GE 3973 Fancy Shirt 32 to 40 Bust. To rut thin waist for a womno of ntfrlionj slfct- if1', yards of ma tf rial. 20 lnchMi widn, 3 arris.

-7 iuolie. or li yards, 44 Inches wide, will bo ritjuircil. Tbe patti rn. No. "973.

Is out in Eizes for a 32. 31. 3ti. 38 and 40-bust meanure. RAILROAD LINES PHI LA.

READING RY. Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke. Trains Leave Reading Terminal, Pfaila. Daily. Sundays only, 'f week-days only.

NEW YORK 2 30 A New "ik and Trenton Express. oo A. M. New York Express so A New York Exp. (2 hour train).

7 8, to 3 A. M. New York Lip. Ci hour train it 00 A M. New Yolk mid Trenton Express.

30 A. M. New York Exp. 12 hour train. 30 A M.

New York and Trenton Express. 3(1 A. M. New York Express. in Til 12 25 M.

New ork ami I renton Kxirreas. 13 New York mid Trenton Express. 52 M. New York Express. 3d New York ami 'J' renton Express.

"1 2 To 4 5 v5 in 12 .10 P. M. New York ami I renton Jr-xpress. 25 M. New iiTk ami ireuion r.xpruws.

(Ml M. New York and Trenton Express. 00 M. New York and Trenton Express. 4: p' M. Limbed only). I'! M. Ro'viil Limited Pullmans onlyi. 55 M. New York and Trenton Eipiess.

New York and Trenton Express. 05 Night N. Y. A Trenton (Pullman BETHLEHEM BRANCH 2 A. M.

Bellili hi'in, Kaslou Allent'n Ac. ti.oOA. M. Bethlehem, Eastou ic Scranton Ao. A.M.

Bethlehem, Easton Scranton Ac. A. M. Bethlehem, Easton Buffalo Ac. 8 A.

M. Bel hlcheni, Eastou Sr. BuQalo Acc. A. M.

Bethlehem, fll fi A. M- Bethlehem, Accommodation. OO M. Bethlehem, Euston Scranton Ac. S4.HO P.

M. Bethlehem Alleiitcwn Acc. i4 P. M. Bethlehem, fnstonAScranton Exp, 5 ".0 P.

M. Bethlehem At 'Easton Ace. Tfl.oo P. M. Fusion Scranton Exp.

8.80 P.M. Bethlehem, JluffaloAtMag. Fls.Exp. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY 400 i4.30 J6.04 S7.06 7.21 78.58 49.06 10.21 1'l. .18 11.08 tl2.42 ti.a 1.51 4.ort 4.D5 t5.21 K6.21 t6.36 t7 21 SK.36 11.36 A.

M. Har'hurg, Pot Exp. A. M. Har'burg.

PortH'leAcW'uis'pt Acc. A. M. I'erkloiuen Valley Accommodation. A.

M. Har'burg, Potts'le Ac i'erk. Val.Ac. A. M.

Pottsville. Byers, Barto Acc. A.M. Hiir'biirg, Potts'le W'ms'pt Kx, A.M. I'erkiomen Valley Aecoirimydatlon.

A. M. Pots'le. Wm'iit, Bvers, Ex. A.

M. 1'olts'le, Har'fig. liett'g. W'pt Ex. A.

M. Pottstown and Barlo Ace. A. M. Pottstown and Burto Acc.

P. M. Beading Market Train. P.M. I'ot'le, Shamokin, Perk.

Val. Ac. I. M. Pottstown and Reading Acc.

P. M. Potts'le, Har'burg W'ms'pt Ex. P. M.

Pottstown Accommodation. P. M. Pots'le MHi-'burg Vestibuled Kx. M.

Reading. Byers it Downlngt'n Acc. P. M. I'erkiomen Valley and Baito Acc.

P. M. Pottsville Accommodation. I'. M.

Pottsville, Perk. Val Baito Ac. P. M. Har'hnrg.

Potts'lcAShamouin Ac. P. M. Reading and Harrlsbitrg Acc. I.

M. Reading and Harrisburg Acc. P. M. I'ot'le A- Wm'pt.

Exp. (P. Sleeper.) ATLANTIC CI I K- K- From Chestnut St. and South St. Ferries.

8.00 A. M- Atlantic City. (Lakewoodt) Acc. A. M.

Cat" MayA-Ocean City (Lakew'dtl. H.oo A. M. Atlantic City Express. IIO.OO A.

M. Atlantic City Express. tlO.45 A. M. Atlantic City Express LOOP.

M. Atlantic City Express (Sat. only). 2 00 P. M.

Atlantic City and Lake-wood Exp. t4.00 P. M. Atlantic City Express t4 15 I'- M. Cape Mav.

(icean City Lak'wd. OO P. M. Atlantic Ciiy ExprcHt60 minutes). 5 fs M.

Atlantic City Accommodation. 15 M. Atlantic City Accommodation. 7 15 P. M.

Atlantic City Express. Sundavs. Soufh Street, 8. HO A. M.

Detailed time' tables at ticket offices. ISth and Chestnut 8.:4 Chestnut 1005 Chestnut 609 South ud o9i2 Market and at Statious. Union Transfer Company will call for and rheck bsgi-'MUe from hotels and residence. A. GARRETT, EDSON J.

WEEKS, Gen'l Supt. (it'll I Pass'r Agent. BALTIMORE OHIO R. R. THROUGH TRAINS WESTWARD Leave Philadelphia.

24th and Chestnut Streets Daily tExeopt Sundays. (Sundays only. Chicago, 7.H0 a. p. in.

Sleepers. Cincinnati. St. liouis, a. p.

m. and p. m. Sleepers. Cleveland, t4.17 p.

in. Sundays. 3.08 p. Pittsburg, 7.3o a. 74.17 p.

JS.08 snd 9.38 p. m. "Pittsburg Limited." first-class (are from Philadelphia on "tuis train only $8.00, second class, $7.50. Pullman drawing-room sleeping-car. Dining car scries breakfast.

KOYAI, BLUE For Baltimore and Washington, a.r.5, 7.30, 10.26 a. t2.2' D. 1.37 D. 3.08. 4.17 5.48 D.

7.25 aud U.3S p. iu. U. "Royal Limited." finest daylight train in the world Exclusively Pullman Equipment. Lufl'et Smoker.

Parlor aud Ohservadou Buffet Cars, uexcelled Dining and Cafe 'Car Service. No extra fa- other than Pullman charge. D. Dining Car. For other trains to Chester and Wilmington secure time tables from Ticket Agents.

Olncc, 834 Chestnut 13th aud Chesinut KHi5 Chestnut 3962 Market twr.i North 2d and at Station, 24th and Chestnut. ACKERS "Own Baking" Delicious Pastry 1 The Erect Form, by placing all pressure of lacing upon the hips and back muscles, does away with the ills of tight lacing and develops a beautiful incurve at the base of the spine. It is the only proper model to wear with the new Erect Form and Princess gowns. Fit your new dress over an Erect Form and it will be a masterpiece of grace and elegance. Prices from up.

If your dealer cannot supply you send direct to WEINGARTEN 377-379 Broadway, New York AX exchange gives the following directions for an egg shampoo: Separate the white and yolk, and beat each with a tablespoonful of water, until thoroughly 'mixed. First rub the yolk into the scalp, and Ihen the white of the egg. Rinse with tepid water, and finish with cold. "Never take hot water after an egg shampoo. If the' hair is brittle and harsh, the yolk only may be used.

Better results are obtained by the use of the white only when the hair is excessively oily. When the hair is dry and lifeless, a slight- oiling of the scalp after the bath is permissible. (Ireat cart; must taken that the fatty matter is sweet and pure. For this reason, vegetable oil is best. Cocoanut oil is safest for general use.

If the scalp is tense and dry, a composition of one-third lanoline and two-thirds car-bola ted 'vaseline warmed and beaten together may be applied with benefit. As before stated, it is the exception where any oil application is necessary. With proper care, massage and cleanliness, the glands about the root of each hair will do their part. Young-Old Man Ft! ward Fverett Hale will be eighty years old on the od of April. On his last visit to this city he boarded a crowded Broadway car for a trip up town: A lad in a corner rose and politely offered the grand old man his seat.

Dr. Hale took it. saying in his hearty way as he did so: you, my boy, thank you. I'll do as much for you when you are eighty if I liajpien to be around then." Open iiMi Easter is one of the few seasons in the year when one can lind a use for dried grasses, mosses and things of that hind. They are delightful for decorating baskets and nests for Kastev eggs, ami can be purchased in some of the shops.

Pretty and inexpensive Kaster egg bonbon boxes arc of paper, a bright red, with ra libit upon them. One of the many varieties of rabbit-forms to be seen have representations of human faces tn wax. The rabbits themselves are gray, gray plush they are called professionally, but "that is merely a name. They have no resemblance to plush. Any number of ill lo veil are on the market.

There is the tegular tulle mesh in place of the large mesh known more generally as veiling, and upon this there are the "dots and lines of silk in black. A tiuaint individual ice cieanj mold which is good for a woman's luncheon i.s a tiny coffee pot which can made in any color-desired, and it comes out in the cream looking exceedingly natural. With this coffee pot- in cream are frequently used tiny cups and saucers of gum paste in colors, and the whole design never fails to delight the heart of the woman to whom it is' served. FOR MAIDS AND WIDOWS RAILROAD LINES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD TRAINS LEAVE P.RO.U STREET STATION'. Dining car.

FOR TIIK OKTII S.40 A. M. daily. Pittsburg; Chi'-aeo, Cincinnati, Louisville and St. Limit; (Dining Car).

10 2.) A. M. daily, for Pittsburg and Chicago. I No coachPs lo Pittsburg). Limited to two buffet parlor cars.

11. 40 A. M. daily, Pittshiirs and Cleveland. 12.2D P.

M. daily. '-Limited. Pittwburs. Chicago, Cleveland, Toledo.

Cincinnati, Louisville and St. Louis. (limine Can. 4-30 P. M.

dailv. Pittsbura. Toledo. Chicago. Loulsvilln (via Cincinnati, Indianapolis and St.

Louis. (Dinin? S.2. P. M. dllj.

Plttxburjf, Columbus, Indian- roiis, ijOuiKVille anil St. Ixnil. P. M. daily.

Pittsburg and Chicago; for Tolodo, except Saturday. 11.00 P. M. daily, Pittsburg, Cincinnati and Cleveland. Jl.LV P.

M. daily. Pittslmrc and Chicaco. dlsily for Knoxville. ria Shenandoah Valley Route; fr Cleveland, except Saturday.

4.25 A. M. dally Lock Haven Express. 8.30 A. M.

veek-davs. Kane K.tpress. 11. 40 A. M.

week-days, Klmira and Kenovo Kxp. 4.HO P. M. Sundays, Williamsnort lixpress. P.

M. week-da vs. Wiliiamsport lixpress. P. M.

dailv, lirlf Express. 11. 2n P. M. dailv, Krie Express.

Cumberland Valley It. 4.25. 8 40, 11.40 a. 5.80, 11.20 p. in.

week-days. Sundays, 4.30 awd 11.20 p. m. FOlt BIFFALO Via Emporium Junctiou, 'M a. m.

and 8.25 p. in. daily. Via Canniidaitrua. 8.J50 n.

ni. week-days. 8.50 p. m. except Saturday and li.zo p.

m. aauy. DIVISION For Phoeuixville, Pottstown and Reading, 5.40. 9.10, J0.2-S a. 12.52 (Saturdays onlyi, 1.30, 4.10.

and 11. SO p. m. Sundays, B.50. 0.00, 9.2;.! a.

12.32. 5.o8, 8.30 p. m. Phoe- nixvllle only, 7.20 a. 2.52 4.4S and 5.52 p.

m. week-days. For Pottsvllle, 6.40. 9.10. 10.28 t.RO, 4.10, 8.42 p.

week-days. Sundays, 6.60, 9.23 a. 5.58 p. m. For Hazleton and Wilkes-Barre (Through Vesti- buled Trains.

Pullman Huffet Parlor Cars and Coaches), connection for Scranton, 9.10 a. m. and 4.10 p. m. week-days.

FOR NEW 'OUK Express vreek-davs, 3.20. 4 20. 4.40, 5.00, 5.18, H.50, 7.33. 8.20, 9.03, 11.00 a. 12.00 noon, 12.35, 1.00, 1.4o, 2.30.

3.00, 3.50. 4.H0 (Limited 4.11), 5.0. 5.50. 7.02. 8.05 lO.On p.

m. 12. 02 night. Sundays. 3.2o, 4.2o, 4.40.

5.0O, 5.18, 8.25. 9.50. 10.21. 11.20 a. 12.30.

12.35. 2.30. 4.00 (Limited. 4.11i. 5.20.

5.53. 6.35, 7.02, 8.05, 10.00 p. 12.02 night. For Boston without change, 10.50 a. weekdays and 8.05 p.

in. daily. For Sea Girt. Ashlmry Park, Ocean Grove Dd Long Branch, 8.20. 11.02 a.

3.30 and 4.0o p. ni. week-days. For Lambertville, Easton and Scranton, 6.50, 9.08 a. 12.00 noon.

3.52. 5.0(1 (Lambertville nod Kastrtn only), and 7-02 p. m. daily. Buffalo, O.OtJ a.

in. week-days, and 7.02 o. m. daily. WASHKGTOS AMI TIIK SOUTH For Baltimore and Washington, 3.50, 7.20, 8.32, 10.20, 11.23 12.03.

12.3d. 1.13, 3.13, 3.29, 4.4. 5.25, 6.05, 6.20, 6.55, 7.31 p. tn. and 12.20 night, week-davs.

Sundavs, 3.50, 7.20. 9.12. 11.23 a. 12.03. l.i3, 3.13, 3.2!.

4.40, 5.25, 6.05, 6.55, 731 p. in. and 12.20 night. For Baltimore, accommodation. 9.12 a.

2.18 and 4.01 p. m. week-days, 5 07 and 11.28 p. Atlantic Coast Line. "Florida Special," 4.43 n.

hi uaijy. iu. week-days. Ex xpress. 12.03 d.

m. and 12.20 night, daily. Souttiern Railway, "The Southern's" Palm Limited," 3.16 p. m. week-days.

ExprebS, 6.05 and G.55 p. in. daily. Seaboard Air Line Railway. "Florida and Metropolitan Limited." 3.29 p.

m. daily. Express, 7 20 a. m. daily.

Norfolk and Western Hallway. For Memphis and New Orleans, 605 p. m. daily. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway.

Express, 10.20 a. m. week-days, and 7.31 p. m. dally.

For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10.16 a. m. week-days, 11.26 p. m. daily.

FOR ATLANTIC CITY Leave Broad Street Station via Delaware River Bridge. Express. 9-40 a. 4.14, 7.14 p. week-days.

Sundavs. 9.20 a. 7.14 p. m. Leave MARKET STREET WHARF.

Express 9.00 a. m. (1.00 Saturdays only), 2.00, 4.00 (60 minutes), 5.16 p. m. week-days.

Sundays, 9.00, 10.00 a. m. Leave MARKET STREET WHARF as follows: For New York: Express. 9.00, 9.48 a. 4.28 p.

m. week-days, for Seaside Park, Island Heights and Long Branch, 8.12 a. and 4.0O p. m. week-days.

Sundays, 8.30 a. m. FOR CAPE MAY. SEA ISLE CITY, OCEAN CITY. Avalon, Stone Harbor.

Anglesea, Wildwood and Holly Beach Express, 9.oo a. and 4.00 p. ni. week-days. Sundavs.

9. Oil a. m. For Somer' Point. Express, O.iM) a.

m. fl.00 Saturdays oulvi, 4.00. 5.16 p. ru. weekdays.

Sundays. 9.00 and 10. 00 a. m. The I'niou Transfer Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and residences.

J. B. HUTCHINSON, R. WOOD. General Manager.

General Passenger Agt. vlnoed that his position was a mistaken Pimples and KrecWiei en Face. Your druggist will refund yonr money if PAZO OL.NiMt.VI UU to cure fuu. oO cent. FORM V.

B. Erect Form. Accept no substitute. INSURANCE COMPANIES THE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OFFICE, COMPANY'S BUILDING 308 31 0 Walnut Philadelphia CASH CAPITAL SSOO.OOO.OO Keierre for eiBsnrance ami all other Claim nrplns over all Liabilities 136, 713. o7 TOTAL AfjsETSJAS.

1,1902, $2,360,888.03 THOf MONTfjU.MKltV. I'resident. RICHARD MARIS. Sec and Treas. WM.

F. WILLIAMS, Asst. Sec'y. WM. B.

KELLY, Genl. Mgr. DIRECTORS Thomas H. Montgomery, Ciia.iles S. Whelen.

Israel Morris, Edward F. Beale. Pemberton p. Hutchinson John S. Gerhard, Joseph E.

Gillingbam. Edward Lowber Welsh. Archibald R. Montgomery. EASTER EGGS made from fresh cocoanuts and high-grade chocolate.

You can give the youngsters all they want; they're pure and wholesome so reasonable, too. If you want names on them give us your orders at once. This is the great candy day at Hans-com's, don't forget a box or two. HANSCOM'S, I31M5 Market St. a en's Shoes Worn No other corset can take the place of the To Plank a Whole Shad BrirrTS' BEST BROILER is by far the best broiler and planker on the market.

This etyla will talte a large-sized shad or extra large piece of meat. Lessens the time of broiling. Elimi-nates all smoke. Leares no smell. Absolutely the only broiler which retains the nataral juicea tn the meat.

Tell your grocer or meat mia to get it for you. Continuous demonstration at our office. We will send you one to your house for examination on receipt of your request S. B. HILLMAN, Room Life 1001 Chestnut St.

Agents wanted everywhere. Big SeUer. BIG REDUCTION! (HIlDREtl'S ttSIHEl NOTMUPIIS 50c. Per Dozen, for 30 Iays Only WALTERS, 1204 Chestnut St. Duties of a Lone Juryman In consequence of an inquiry made by one of the members of the jury that failed to agree upon a verdict, after an all night's deltferation, in the case of McCoach vs.

the Traction Company. Judge- Davis, of Common Pleas Court No. 5, took occasion rt HfinA Vn dutii nf Kolitarv 1 1K1J VI 1 11'. talesman whose conclusion differs from the majority opinion or tne otner eleven members of a punel. The Judge said: "I was Hit nna viir nnmhor W'Yt Vl 1" 3 iXOJX i- v.

member of a jury could, without violating his obligation, set aside his own conscientious conviction and conclusion from the testimony, under the charge of the Court, for the purpose of making an accord with the eleven other members of the jury who differed from him. In answering that Question I desire to say that the wan who, Maker to IVearer. $3 and $3.50 and that is enough to give you the best-wearing shoe in the world, made from the finest leathers, and with the full beauty of artistic shape. Hallahan-made $3 and $3.50 shoes differ from others Crystal Corner, N.W. Cor.

Eighth and Filbert Branch Store Front and Dauphin Factory 236 to 24(W. Ninth Of the days in tlic wpc1 "Wednesday is the bet and Saturday the worst on which to get married. The old rhyme runs: for wealth, Tuesday for Wealth. Wednesday the best day of all; Thursday for crosses, Friday for losses, Saturday no luck at all." Tf we are to believe superstition, a bride's happiness depends not a little on what she wears. "Something old and something new, something borrowed and something blue," is invariably regarded by brides.

According to an old rhyme: "Married, in white. You have chosen all right. Married in gray, You will go far away. Married in black, You will wish yourself back. Married in red You had better be dead.

Married in greerr, Ashamed to be seen. Married in blue, You'll always be true. Married in pearl, You'll live in a whirl. Married in yellow. Ashamed of the fellow.

Married in brown, You'll live out of town. Married in pink. Your spirits will sink i in this they are not made way off in Boston, Cincinnati, and other cities, by shoe-workers of all grades of skill, and by makers that know little or nothing of your wants. They are made by Hallahan in Hallahan's own factory in Philadelphia, which is the home of the best women's-shoe-workers in the world. Our store watches your wants tells them to our factory the factory does the rest.

Boys and Girls' Shoes $1 up, according to size. under the solemnity of the obligation he took upon entering the jury box, would so act would violate his obligation, insult his manhood and degrade his citizenship. One who has reached an intelligent conclusion from the testimony, affected as the testimony always must be, by the Charge of the Court, would be cov.ard if he were to submit to the dictation of -the other member a of hi jury, unless be wer con- P.T. Hallahan.

The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.