Sink Or Swim (2018) Movie Script

1. LE GRAND BAIN (SINK OR SWIM) - Festival de Cannes

  • 13 mei 2018 · A group of 40-something guys, all on the verge of a mid-life crisis, decide to form their local pool's first ever synchronized swimming team – for men.

  • A group of 40-something guys, all on the verge of a mid-life crisis, decide to form their local pool’s first ever synchronized swimming team – for men. Braving the skepticism and ridicule of those around them, and trained by a fallen champion trying to pull herself together, the group set out on an unlikely adventu

LE GRAND BAIN (SINK OR SWIM) - Festival de Cannes

2. Sink or Swim (2018) | MUBI

  • Cast & Crew · Gilles LelloucheDirector, Screenplay · Guillaume CanetCast · Virginie EfiraCast · Mathieu AmalricCast · Jean-Hugues AngladeCast · Ahmed HamidiScreenplay.

  • Bertrand is depressed and going through a midlife crisis until he joins a male synchronized swimming team. On the team, each member is going through a personal issue, but together the men become stronger. Feeling unstoppable, the men attempt to compete in the World Championships in Norway.

Sink or Swim (2018) | MUBI

3. Sink or Swim (Le Grand Bain) - Cineuropa

Sink or Swim (Le Grand Bain) - Cineuropa

4. Sink Or Swim - Les productions du Trésor

  • A group of 40-something guys, all on the verge of a mid-life crisis, decide to form their local pool's first ever synchronized swimming team - for men.

  • Director : Gilles Lellouche

Sink Or Swim - Les productions du Trésor

5. 'Sink Or Swim': Cannes Review - Screen Daily

  • 13 mei 2018 · Sink Or Swim works because of a screenplay with some genuinely funny moments and a jaunty, confident approach from Lellouche that displays his ...

  • Good-natured comedy about an all-male synchronised swimming troupe directed by Gilles Lelouche

'Sink Or Swim': Cannes Review - Screen Daily

6. Cannes Film Review: 'Sink or Swim' - Variety

  • 23 mei 2018 · The swimming is synchronized in “Sink or Swim,” and so is the scripting: Gilles Lellouche's feelgood buddy comedy so painstakingly mimics the ...

  • As harmless as it is silly, but dampened by idle gags, empty characterization and an inordinate two-hour runtime.

Cannes Film Review: 'Sink or Swim' - Variety

7. 03x03 - Sink Or Swim - Transcripts - Forever Dreaming

  • 9 dec 2021 · Can you drop me off at the mall, mom? I want to get those cool new sneakers. With the tv screens in the toes. Ooh, I want those.

  • Can you drop me off at the mall, mom? I want to get those cool new sneakers With the tv screens in the toes. Ooh, I want those. Will you buy them for me, mommy?

8. Sink or Swim (2018) (Film) - TV Tropes

  • Sink or Swim (French: Le Grand Bain) is a 2018 French comedy drama film directed by Gilles Lellouche, starring Guillaume Canet, Virginie Efira, Mathieu Amalric.

  • Sink or Swim (French: Le Grand Bain) is a 2018 French comedy drama film directed by Gilles Lellouche, starring Guillaume Canet, Virginie Efira, Mathieu Amalric, Leïla Bekhti, Benoît Poelvoorde, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Marina …

Sink or Swim (2018) (Film) - TV Tropes

9. Sink or Swim | Rotten Tomatoes

  • Several 40-something guys, all on the verge of a mid-life crisis, decide to form their local pool's first synchronized swimming team -- for men.

Sink or Swim | Rotten Tomatoes

10. Sink or Swim/Transcript | Hidden Side Wiki - Fandom

  • Bevat niet: (2018) | Resultaten tonen met:(2018)

  • (Captain Jonas and his son, Jonas Jr. are fishing out in the sea.) Jonas Jr.: Can't we go home? Captain Jonas: What do you think pays for the home, lad? (He picks up a wiggling fish.) The fish! Jonas Jr.: (Sighs.) Here we go. (Jonas lets go of the fish and it knocks Jonas Jr. down.) Captain Jonas: Hard work reaps reward, my boy. (They grunt, pulling the net, when a cutlass strikes down before them.) Jonas Jr.: Dad, what's that? Captain Jonas: (He takes the cutlass.) Hard work's reward. (He insta

Sink or Swim/Transcript | Hidden Side Wiki - Fandom
Sink Or Swim (2018) Movie Script
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

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Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.