Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (2024)

Last updated on Jun 27, 2024

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Understand Fear


Prepare Thoroughly


Breathing Techniques


Positive Visualization


Body Language


Reflect Post-Interview


Here’s what else to consider

Feeling nervous before an interview is a common experience, but it doesn't have to derail your performance. With the right preparation and mindset, you can conquer those jitters and answer interview questions with confidence. Public speaking skills are not only useful for presentations or speeches; they are equally valuable in an interview setting. By treating your interview as a performance, where you are both the speaker and the subject matter expert, you can apply public speaking techniques to communicate effectively and leave a lasting impression.

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  • Deepak Parmar Learning Experience | EdTech | Looking public speaking engagements | Soft-skills Trainer | Employability Trainer |

    Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (3) Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (4) 6

  • Emily Tell Cyber Simplified. Humans empowered.

    Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (6) Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (7) 5

Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (8) Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (9) Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (10)

1 Understand Fear

Understanding your fear is the first step to overcoming it. Nervousness often stems from a fear of the unknown or a fear of failure. By recognizing what triggers your anxiety, you can address it head-on. Remember that it's normal to feel nervous and that it can even be a sign that you care about the outcome. Use this energy to your advantage by channeling it into thorough preparation, which can include researching the company, practicing common interview questions, and visualizing a successful interview.

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  • Paula Cowan Career Change | Career Coach | Career Counselling | Job Coach | LinkedIn Profile Optimization | Hidden Job Market | Energy Healing
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    First all exhale. Breath in. Repeat.. As you move through the questions, take a thoughtful pause and repeat back the questions to the interviewer. This tells them you are listening and helps to kick start your brain to retrieve the appropriate answer. It will likely come to you.


    Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (19) 8

  • Marques S. Retail Manager @ Sodexo | Hospitality Management Expert
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    Fear can hold you back, but identifying its source – whether it's fear of failure, judgment, or the unknown – is key to overcoming it. Embrace your nerves as a sign that you care about your performance.Prepare thoroughly by researching your audience, mastering your topic, and practicing your speech. Visualizing success can help ease anxiety and boost your confidence. Remember, making mistakes is part of growth, so view each speaking opportunity as a chance to improve.Using nervous energy for preparation, and adopting a growth mindset, you can turn fear into a tool for improving your public speaking skills. Embrace the challenge, get ready diligently, and believe in your ability to deliver a captivating speech.


    Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (28) 4

  • Cathy Duncan Head of Wealth Management - Passionate about customer outcomes - Currently Senior Consultant @ TCS
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    Take your time but not too long and breath, you can always comment on the question - "that is an interesting question...". Use that time to gather your thoughts and reply, responding to the question but being guided by your points and perspectives.


    Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (37) 3

  • Amanda Ramos Assistente Administrativo | APV | Faturamento
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    Estude sobre a empresa e sua cultura (essencial);Atualize seu currículo com o objetivo da vaga;Seja você mesma (o), visto que, quanto mais natural possível, melhor;Venda-se da melhor maneira possível;Seja carismático (a);Demonstre interesse pela vaga;Estude ou pesquise as perguntas mais frequentes em entrevistas;Sorria, sim, isso demonstra segurança e interesse;Vista-se bem, mesmo se for entrevista remota;Pergunte a si mesmo o porquê deseja trabalhar na determina empresa.



    Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (46) 2

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    Conquering nervousness in interviews starts with preparation and mindset. Practice your responses to common questions, focusing on key points rather than memorizing. Visualize yourself succeeding and remember, the interview is a two-way street—you're also assessing if they’re the right fit for you. Breathe deeply before answering, and see each question as an opportunity to showcase your strengths and passion. Stay calm, confident, and let your authentic self shine through!


    Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (55) 2


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2 Prepare Thoroughly

Thorough preparation can significantly reduce nervousness. Familiarize yourself with the job description and align your experiences with what the employer is seeking. Practice your answers out loud, focusing on clear and concise responses. This will help you refine your thoughts and become more comfortable with articulating them. Additionally, consider conducting mock interviews with friends or in front of a mirror to simulate the interview environment and receive feedback.

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  • Damien Gauthier –Innovation and Presentation for Experts Dedicated to make each idea shine and be heard.🔸Public Speaking, Business Storytelling, Collective intelligence, Design Thinking, Codesign-it
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    In addition, remember that you practiced. The same as Harry Potter casting his Patronus charm with confidence in the pinch of time «because he already casted before» you already prepared. You already delivered the talk in rehearsal time and time again, and therefore there is no reason you won’t deliver it again this time.


    Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (64) 2

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    Acredito que entender o formato da entrevista e as etapas do processo seletivo também ajudam a antecipar o que esperar reduzindo o medo do desconhecido.



    Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (73) 2

  • Pushkar Raj MBA II Finance, Analytics and International Business II Nestle Intern II Podcaster II Vice President: IB and Communication Club II Youth Delegate II Self-help Enthusiast
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    Most of us, get nervous because we feel that we're not good enough for the role, when makes us underconfident, but even when we understand our capabilities we much, prepare thoroughly as it'll not just give you the courage you need, but'd give you many insights to keep your answers much more effective, and substantial.

  • Jason Brown news | solutions
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    Don't make the mistake I once did of 'preparing' by nervously guzzling coffees before a big interview. My mind was so racy I could barely comprehend the questions, let alone answer them well. A coffee a few hours before is fine, but too many too close to an interview? Will leave anyone feeling jittery, nervous, and not very focused.Even if herbal tea is not a favourite, guzzle that or water instead, and take a five-minute walk before zero hour. In the last ten minutes, stop all the preparatory homework and just focus on your breathing. Try and blank out, go zen mode.Look out the windows, if there are any, focus as far as you can. Straighten back, be proud of getting this far!


3 Breathing Techniques

Controlled breathing is a powerful tool to calm nerves. Before the interview, take deep, slow breaths to help lower your heart rate and relax your mind. During the interview, if you feel anxiety creeping up, pause for a brief moment and take a breath to center yourself. This simple act can refocus your thoughts and make you feel more in control.

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  • Damien Gauthier –Innovation and Presentation for Experts Dedicated to make each idea shine and be heard.🔸Public Speaking, Business Storytelling, Collective intelligence, Design Thinking, Codesign-it
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    You can use an app for cardiac coherence, it is a simple breathing technique based on your breathing rhythm. In the app you can for instance follow a white ball movement to inhale and exhale


    Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (98) 1

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    Breathe. 2 counts in and 7 or more counts out for a few minutes before you start will keep your nervous system regulated. Breathe during the conversation.


4 Positive Visualization

Positive visualization is a technique used by athletes and performers to enhance their confidence. Picture yourself in the interview room, responding to questions with poise and assurance. Imagine a positive interaction with the interviewer, where you articulate your thoughts clearly and connect on a personal level. This mental rehearsal can build your confidence and reduce anxiety.

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  • Damien Gauthier –Innovation and Presentation for Experts Dedicated to make each idea shine and be heard.🔸Public Speaking, Business Storytelling, Collective intelligence, Design Thinking, Codesign-it
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    More than actually visualizing the situation, which can trigger anxiety, try visualizing your «safe place» and feel the peace and quiet growing in you. You can then visualize your goal as a golden ball or a light and follow it to find determination and calm.


    Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (115) 4

  • Erin Forbes, Ed.D. Hope Squad Regional Sales Executive | Advocate for suicide prevention | Ten years administrative experience grades 7 through 12
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    This technique works well for me. Pre-interview, instead of pouring through my research on the company, I will visualize me answering common interview questions with confidence and positivity. It doesn't completely lessen the pre-interview jitters but it helps frame my mind positively.


5 Body Language

Your body language speaks volumes before you even begin to answer a question. Adopt a posture that exudes confidence: stand or sit up straight, make eye contact, and offer a firm handshake. During the interview, be mindful of maintaining open body language, such as uncrossed arms and leaning slightly forward, which conveys interest and engagement.

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  • Deepak Parmar Learning Experience | EdTech | Looking public speaking engagements | Soft-skills Trainer | Employability Trainer |
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    Probably the most underrated skill in an interview...Eyes: look at the person you are talking to - right where their eyebrow meet or an inch lower Shoulders: Back and relaxed but not stiffened Hands: Keep them in staple position as much as possible. Use gestures and hand movements to emote better SMILE - This is as important as breathing Legs: Shoulder length apart and firmly grounded. Don't fiddle or shake your legs under the tableSitting: Sit slowly and deliberately such that your back is completely in contact with the chair and the coccyyx is firmly in place Sit straight. Breathe deeply. Stay Calm. It is an interview - not a police interrogation :)


    Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (132) Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (133) 6

  • Amy Thurman CEO, Resilient Futures | Educational and Community Renewal Catalyst | Best-Selling Author | Helping schools and communities work more effectively together to better prepare students for a resilient life beyond school.
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    - Start by maintaining good posture; sit or stand straight with your shoulders back, which conveys confidence and attentiveness. - Make consistent eye contact to show engagement and sincerity, but remember to blink naturally to avoid staring. - Use controlled, deliberate hand gestures to emphasize key points, keeping your movements smooth and natural. - Keep your breathing steady and take a moment to pause and collect your thoughts before answering, which can help manage anxiety. - Smile genuinely to create a positive and approachable demeanor. By focusing on these aspects of body language, you can not only manage your nervousness but also present yourself as confident, composed, and professional.


    Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (142) 2

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    BEWARE: there is only so much you can control about your body language. I mean almost nothing. What you can control is your mindset. So work on your mindset!Be open, and your body will transmit openness. Be confident, and your body will transmit confidence.Be curious, and your body will transmit interest.And yes, it is a journey. But you can practice everyday. As a cherry on the cake, try to avoid some no-no's of body language, as suggested by others, if you catch yourself doing those. And beware, you cannot control all the thousands of the body language signals. If you control one or two, the rest will anyhow give you up. And you will come of as a person, who should not be trusted, because there is something strange about you.


    Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (151) 2


6 Reflect Post-Interview

After the interview, take time to reflect on your performance. Consider what went well and identify areas for improvement. This reflection is not about dwelling on mistakes but about learning and growing for future opportunities. By recognizing your successes and addressing your weaknesses, you'll build resilience and be better prepared for your next interview.

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  • Chee Chie Yap 𝗥𝗲𝘃𝗢𝗽𝘀@𝗢𝗮𝗸𝘆 | Tech Enthusiast | Revenue Management | Passionate about all things GTM | 📨DMs are open!
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    Always treat an interview like a sales pitch. After each interview, reflect on what went well and what didn't. Consider what caused your reactions. For example, were you taken aback by certain questions? Why did you feel fear? Why did a particular interviewer intimidate you? Understanding these reactions helps you identify your fears and gauge your interview tolerance. This self-awareness allows you to build your profile, deepen your understanding, and improve your ability to handle interview questions. This skill isn't limited to interviews; it can also enhance your performance in other challenging conversational situations.


    Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (160) 2


7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Emily Tell Cyber Simplified. Humans empowered.
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    Interviews are not just about your experience - that’s on your resume already. They are really about how you react under stress, how genuine and pro-active you are and if you are a good problem solver. Do what professional speakers do when asked a tough question:Use silence to your benefit 1. Say “that’s a great question”. Pause and then answer.2. Take a sip of water to give yourself a moment to thinkBe genuine and inquisitive1. If you need an example or more context, ask for it. 2. If you haven’t done or experienced that exact thing, let them know that you need a moment to think of a relevant example. Be observant1. It will help you to stay calm and in the logical side of your brain. 2. Great questions start here


    Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (169) Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (170) 5

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    Embarking on a job interview can evoke a mix of excitement and nervousness. However, mastering the art of overcoming interview nervousness is essential for showcasing your true potential. Here are few strategies to navigate the interview process with confidence and ease, answering the question of how to calm nerves before an interview. To manage nervousness during an interview:-1. Do your research. A lot of the anxiety surrounding interviews is based on not knowing what to expect. 2. Practice makes perfect. ...3. Know the way. ...4. Know who you're meeting. ...5. Sort your outfit. ...6. Rationalise your fears. ...7. Inject some perspective. ...8. Embrace positive self-talk.


    Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (179) Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (180) 3

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    Praticar técnicas de respiração profunda, meditação ou mindfulness para reduzir a ansiedade também ajudam muito na diminuição do nervosismo e ansiedade. Além de praticar exercícios regularmente para liberar endorfina e melhorar o humor.



    Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (189) 2

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    Get comfortable with a little bit of silence and take your time. Repeat the question back and the answer will naturally follow.Remember, everybody poops. :) Your interviewer is a person too.


Public Speaking Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (198)

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Here's how you can conquer nervousness when answering interview questions. (2024)
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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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