Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)

THE GREEN BAY PRESS-GAZETTE 2r Friday Evening, July 5, 1 935 Where to Put One Is Usual Limit of First Five Years Are Most Two-in-One Playtime Suit, Twenty Minutes of Sun Enough Bid in Four Card Suit Ice Tea Spoon, Summer Problem Dress Is Popular Number for First Day BY ELI CULBtRISON TT seldom proper to bid a BI CMILT POST ixs is Important in Married Life sU DOROTHY DIX ACCORDING to statistics nearly half of the divorces ara secured during the first Ave years of married life. This would seem to put a somewhat sardonic crimp in love's young dream and to indicate that it is not made of the stuff that standi the wear and tear of domestic life. Edited by LAURA BALDT, A. M. For man years Assistant Professor of Household Arte, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, N.

V. EAR Mrs. Post: A cousin 7 ESTERDAY we lined up a RLIGAGrV child, who is less than half four-card suit except at the range of one. Sometimes a four-card suit is shown at two or list of the ill results of ex posure to the sun and it was i my age, calls me Marion. To me.

this intimacy indicates a lack of respect and I can't bear to hear long and formidable one, we'll grant. We decided that twenty minutes exposure to the direct rays of the sun is ample the first it. What could I do without up setting the mother? three because the bidder has previously shown a stronger suit to which he can return if doubled. In a y's Answer: I would tell the child that your nama is "Cousin Mar- day. Now you say what of the woman who goes in for swimming and active sports and really can iion." not limit herself to such a short Dear Mrs.

Post: What to do with Considering that the great majority of man. and women marry because they feel that existence without each other would be dust and ashes, it is surprising that so many find within so short a time that life with each other is hell. The setting of the honeymoon is too sudden, Thaj disillusionment too quick. If in the course of years and years of marriage a husband and wife got fed wp on each other, it would not be surprising. the inevitable friction of matrimony wore some of the gilt off the gingerbread, we could understand it.

time facing Old SoL an ice tea spoon, after it has been used, seems to be my summer bug hand the situation is shown in which a player properly bids 1 Protect is the answer. Protect is the word on the lips of every beauty authority. Protect that's bear. Very often there is noth ing -under the glass and, if there is, only a glass coaster. And cer what every wise woman who values the youthfulness of her skin Dorothy Dix Hy Colbertson card gujt though it is the first time the suit has been shown.

South, Dealer is doing. Remember that expo sure without protection may age the skin from five to ten years, it destroys the skin's youthful trans "A dirt day," says corpulent parency, dries and withers it, East-West vulnerable Alii, 03 A 7 4 3 Cora, "keeps the avoirdupois which means that premature wrin kles soon follow. tainly one can't drink tea from the glass with the spoon left in it? Answer: Lay the spoon on the rim of your plate. Or if the table is bare, dry the bowl in your mouth and lay it on the table But if you have no plate, and table is covered with a cloth, then hold it wilh the index finger against the far side of the glass while you drink. Dear Mrs.

Post: What kind of knife is used for salad cutting, if away." (Copyright 1935) 3 rr-r-iA 1 With the proper protection the translucent, pliant quality of the 7 4 10 A skin is preserved, wrinkles and I 8 2 coarseness kept at bay. And if 7 4 Lis JO 8 5 that isn't worth the proverbial ft even if holding only two small trumps, if the responding hand does not have four or more cards in support of the second bid suit. This applies of course only in cases in which the suit "ounce of prevention" I don't know what is. 6 8 But for two turtledoves to be metamorphosed in the short space of five years into fighting co*cks pecking each other's eyes out Is a transformation so hideous that it shocks i3. Yet, after all, it Is not difficult to see why the first five yean of marriage are the most dangerous.

They are dangerous for the same reason that all beginnings are dangerous. Because those undertaking them are amateurs who lark experience and skill and technique; who are so ignorant that they do not even know what dangers they mo due to encounter, much less how to avoid them. Although boys and girls have observed marriage as a working institution ever since they were born and have seen that it functioned none too smoothly and successfully; although they have assisted, in the French sense, at the daily spats of their parents, they are still convinced that their marriages will be entirely different Their marriages will always be glamorous and they will always be romantically in love with each other. They will always see each other as godlings. They will never squabble over bills.

All will be peace and beauty. On this romantic platform they marry, and it gives way under them. And in their youth and inexperience in far too many cases they proceed to wreck the structure instead of trying to patch up the weak places. John doesn't look a romantic hero to Mary any more when she sees him with a stubble of beard on his face. She is amazed to discover that he can be unreasonable about trifles, fussy about his any? Protective Creams and Oils which is bid second is of There are so many excellent higher rank than the first bid Answer: A silver bladed knife is proper.

Dear Mrs. Post: I'd like to be married in the cool of the evening creams, oils and lotions that form suit. 3 East wisely refrains from bid a sun-screening protection against the harmful, actinic rays of the but evening clothes would seem sun. They must be applied gener ding, knowing that a contract of five hearts may be set more than the value of a game for North and South. As it hap almost pretentious in our simple ously and frequently.

There is, for instance, a sun community. Would you suggest that I choose a daytime hour, or what? pens, five hearts should be set only two tricks so that no great Answer: In many communities loss would have been incurred proofing cream made by one of the leading cosmetologists. A light film of this cream allows the skin to become lightly tanned but guards it from painful sunburn and blistering. And the same in summer the men wear white flannels and blue sack coats to but East was correct in choos inf the safer course. The Play food, selfish and opinionated and, worst of all, critical of her.

John is equally disillusioned when he sees Mary with her complexion oft and her temDer on. and when he finds out that she has aueer little West opened the club eight and every sort of evening party. The women as well wear a variety of cottons and simple chiffons, whose long skirts seem their only claim to formality. 6 0 A 10 8 6 Tho bidding: (Figures after bids refer to numbered explanatory paragraphs.) South West North East 10 1(5? 2 4fc(2) Pass Pass Pass (3) 1 The immediate raise from one to four is a shut-out bid made on hands which are strong diptributionally but weak in honor-tricks. West's vulnerable overcall has shown strength and East knows that a four-heart contract is safe even though it perhaps cannot be made.

2 Having bid diamonds at his first opportunity. South feels sure that when he now shows the spade suit North will realize that it may be only four cards in length. Without at least four trumps North, on such bidding as this, must show a preference for the first bid suit, even though he may have a very strong three-card holding such as A in the suit. In the Culbertson Sys cream when applied quite thickly preserves a gardenia-petal pallor, if you prefer to shun suntan. ways and a clothes complex; that she knows nothing about housekeeping, and that he has to watch his step for fear of doing something that will precipitate a riot.

South won the first trick with the King Now it was proper for South immediately to attack the A sister product is a rich, pro Dear Mrs. Post: I was married spade suit. Here there was a pos sibility for South to make an er So it doesn't take the average young couple very long to get more tective cream that can be diluted to any desired consistency with skin tonic. It protects delicate secretly more than six months ror which might have cost him or less disillusioned with each other. Then comes the shock of realiz ago and now mother and some of my relatives are talking about my the hand, but by thinking the sit complexions against undue expo ing that marriage is bound to be one prolonged sacrifice, preferring another before yourself, subordinating your own tastes and desires to uation over he was able to avoid coming wedding." I'd never sure to sun and wind while one this error.

He led a spade to th dreamed that mother cared so indulges in active outdoor sports. It is waterproof (which should de another. Giving up golf so Mary can go to see her mother. Doing without a wave so John may have a thick steak for dinner. Staying at home when you want to step out.

Stepping out when you want to Ace and then a small spade back toward the King-Jack combina much about my having a conven 3486 light swimming enthusiasts). And tion in his hand. Usually, with tional wedding. What can be done nfter six months? Can I go it can be used as an evening make nn WO-IN-ONE" for playtime! And isn't it the most adoraole A style ever? eight trumps in two hands, lack ing the Queen, it is proper to fin up for arms, neck and back, giving through the ceremony again and wear white and a veil and Just nretend it had never happened be the skin a velvety, translucent fin esse but in this case South could ish. not afford to risk a finesse.

Had fore? he finessed West would have tak tem it is proper on biddingJ en the Queen, led a low heart Answer: If you choose to have second marriage after the secret from his Ace to put East in the Then there's a splendid suntan oil which allows just enough of the sun's rays to filter through and give the skin a healthy sun-glow or yellow tan, all the while sucn as this to show a preference for the first bid suit, one, I don like to criticize you. lead, and ruffed a club return since it is after all a matter that vour own conscience must Whether you can feel hanpy mak White pique printed in navy and navy buttons makes the straight from the shoulder "self-help" button-down-the-front dress. The sun-suit beneath is plain white pique with nautical influence in navy binds. Simple to sew and it takes the minimum material. Style No.

3486 is designed for sizes 2, 4 and 6 years. Size 4 requires 1 yards of 35-inch material for dress. 1 yard of 35-inch material for sun-suit with IVi yards of binding. Send fifteen cents (15c) in stamps or coin (coin is preferred) for pattern. Write plainly your name, address and style number.

Be sure to state size you wish. Summer Fashion Book costs ten cents. Send for your copy today! Book and pattern together twenty-five cents. Address order to Green Bay Press-Gazette, Pattern Department, 160 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y.

(Copyright 1935) keeping the skin soft of texture. Remember to renew these pro ing a mockery of your family as tective preparations frequently Go With Your Children to Church, Do Not Send Them well as all your dearest friends is something I can not answer. You and to use them according to di rections. There's the secret of i healthy tan without burn or can with propriety send out invitations to a wedding and you can have wedding cake. But stay at home.

Working yourself to death for a woman who is peevish because she can't dress like Mrs. Astorbilt. Cooking, stewing, baking over the cookstove for a man who never even says "thank you." Furthermore, the young can't take the punishment of matrimony, that's why so many marriages go quickly on the rocks. After the romance has paled and marriage has got down to a straight everyday living basis, they balance their accounts and decide that it isn't a paying proposition. It doesn't return enough dividends.

They don't get enough happiness out of being together to compensate them for giving up their personal liberty, their pay envelopes and their little selfish indulgences. And so they call it a day and quit And for proof of this we have only to observe that most young divorced couples remain the best of friends after they have parted. -s Another reason why there are so many divorces among the young is that boys and girls do not know how to adjust themselves to each other when they marry, and they quarrel over a thousand things that older people would diplomatically pass over in peace. It takes age and experience to teach us how to live with others and to adapt ourselves to them without friction. Youth also lacks the philosophy of marriage which enables us to make the best of its good and minimize its bad, and to get a happiness even out of living with a husband or wife who is not our hearts' desire.

That is what enables so many couples to hang up endurance records. All of which seems to indicate that those who can live through the first five years of marriage have a fair chance of celebrating their golden wedding anniversary. DOROTHY DIX. blister. BY ANGELO FATR1 tt A REN'T you going to send that boy to Sunday school, Mary?" a "I did, but he doesn't want to go and I don't want to force him, If I did that he might get to dislike the idea altogether." Elsie Pierce, famous beanty lecturer, win answer any questions on beauty you wish to ask her.

Address Miss Pierre In rare of the Green Bay Press-Gazette, enrlosing a stamped self-addressed envelope. honestly you can not wear a bridal veil now unless your secret marriage was one of form only. In th''s case, you could have the service read again without deceit. "I think he ought to be made to go. My mother made us go to Sunday school whether we liked it or not.

MENUS OF THE DAY "Yes, and now what? How long is it since you went to church?" "I'm a grown man. He is a child. I had my religious education (Copyright, 1935) (Copyright, 1935) cold, cooked potatoes cut into cubes, i4 teaspoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar, 4 tablespoons olive oil. Mix thoroughly, turn into a salad bowl and sprinkle with finely chopped picked beets. Green Apple Pie and it means something to me even if I don't go to church." A7a 1 1 TV Mr A nncn't nnir 4 of A nvurou horAe 4f v- kiiub, 'J oj tiu iiatvo ik "You make him go.

Tell him he has to go. That's all there is 2:15 to 4:15 p. and from 8:15 to 10:15 p. m. The danger periods are from 7:15 to 9:15 a.

from MENU FOR SATURDAY BREAKFAST Canteloupe, 11:15 a. m. to 1:15 p. m. and from 10:15 p.

m. until midnight. Guard your pocketbook this day as someone may have designs on its contents. Be frugal, for the practice of economical measures will prevent your having cause for Anyone seekinc advice from Dorothy Dlx may address her in cam of this newspaper, and the letter will be forwarded to her. A self-addressed stamped envelope should be enclosed for a personal reply.

Line a deep plate with pie crust rolled rather thin. Pare, core and slice thin, rather tart, apples. On bottom crust sprinkle little flour, handful of sugar and the apples, laid in smoothly, filling mound shape and extending near to the edge of plate. Over apples sprinkle 1 cup sugar, a dash of flour, about '-J teaspoon cinnamon, scattered over evenly and a few bits of butter. Place on top crust, pinch down very firmly, wet top with milk and bake from 45 to 60 minutes in moderate oven.

(Copyright, 1935) regrets. Business should com (Copyright 1935) pensate you in proportion to the efforts put forth to secure it. This day is auspicious for all forms of hominy with cream, French toast, sirup, coffee. LUNCHEON Frankfurters, potato salad, rye bread, stewed plums, cookies, tea. DINNER Boiled spareribs, new cabbage, parsnips, carrots, boiled potatoes, green apple pie, coffee.

French Toast Cut stale bread into slices. Beat one egg, add 1 cup milk, a pinch of salt and tablespoon sugar. Soak the sliced bread in the liquid, and when softened take up on a griddle cake turner, drain slightly and fry till a delicate brown in butter, turning once. Serve hot with maple sirup or orange marmalade. Potato Salad Chop finely 1 slice of mild onion, Vz of green pepper, 3 sprigs of parsley and 4 olives.

Add 1 tablespoon of piccalilli, 2V4 cups of At and the last morning comes, business activities, especially where the introduction of new lines of goods is involved a good day for the formulation of either business or social plans. New ideas expressing originality, should meet with favorable atten Home Service Corner ZT.LLA PATTERSON Director KATHRTN HEFFERNEN Instructor sun's very bright. (The storm must have played it self out in the night) tion. Avoid being late for engage Puff wakes his friend Dungle, who to it." Unfortunately that is not all there is to it. One may take a small boy and set him firmly on the chair in the Sunday school classroom.

One can force him to sit there. His body is controlled by force. That at least assures his presence. But the child is still in control of his mind, and as that is the part of him that you want to reach you have to go a bit farther along the way with him. Granted that many Sunday schools are dreary wastes as far as the children are concerned.

Accept the worst. The fact that the children need and must have religious instruction remains. The Sunday school must function in their lives. It is the first stage on the way to church, the institution that is to foster and maintain the spir-iutal life of the community. It is not enough for a parent to say that the church fails to do so, that it fails to hold the young people, that it fails to battle successfully for the rights of men on earth as in heaven.

The church is a human organization and depends upon the intelligence of its members for its health and vitality. Staying at home, withdrawing from its activities in critical mood is doing ies3 than duty demands. Two facts stand out in this situation. Children need spiritual stimulation toward a good life. Parents must do the greater part of the stimulating through their daily example.

Sending the children to church and Sunday school while staying at home yourself does not work. Children obey the force of the attitudes of those about them, not their commands. Physical obedience is useless for the growth of spiritual attitudes. Say what you will in your heart, you know that unless these spiritual attitudes are stimulated, fed, encouraged to full flower the life of the individual is blighted. You would not toss out the Golden Rule.

You would not discard the Ten Commandments. You dare not forget the law about loving your neighbor as yourself. How are the children to gather such ideas? They are not born with them in full development. It takes years of teaching and example to instil them to the degree where they take hold and grow into fixed behavior. Everybody agrees that children must have standards of living.

Reverence for all that is good and true and lovely is as essential to human life and human happiness on this earth as food and shelter. Then let us set to work to enrich the children's lives with these qualities of the spirit. Don't send them to Sunday school and church. Take them. There is all the difference in the world between those two Ideas.

One will succeed beyond your expectations. The other will fail. says "Shall we eat? What Today Means to You BY MART BLAKB "CANCER" ments, as excuses are likely to be accepted with poor grace. It is COOL JULY MEALS i teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon horseradish I teaspoon sugar 1 cup undiluted evaporated milk, chilled Add sugar, salt and horseradish to the tomato juice and allow to thoroughly chill. Add the chilled evaporated milk and serve at once.

Macaroni Salad 1 8 os. package elbow macaroni l'i oupa diced celery 's cup swwt minced plcklssi 1 cup grated carrots 1 cup diced cucumbers radishes, chopped finely 3 tomatoes, sliced thinly 3 spples minced finely (do not peel) 1 cup diced American cheese Cook macaroni in salt water until tender; drain, rinse well in cold water and drain. Combine all ingredients, add cup mayonnaise 'm wet and I ache from my head advisable to let modesty of de to my feet." meanor dominate your actions at I July 5 is your birthday, the best hours for you on this date PLAN your July luncheons and dinners in your refrigerator. At this time of the year when berries and fresh vegetables are so plentiful one is able to prepare a number of very clever desserts and salads. Don't forget to use Old Gardener Says are from 9:15 to 11:15 a.

from any friendly gahenng, as a supercilious attitude possibly will cause antagonism. Married and engaged couples and those endeavoring to win someone's heart, should refrain from displaying any sign of peevishness, if they would avoid bringing down on their heads a shower of merited, or unmerited, Flowers such as the peony and either the white or gold angel food iris will yield just one crop per FOR THE WELL DRESSED WOMAN as a base for your shortcakes. season, regardless of care; but the blooming season of many sorts may be much prolonged by the prevention of seeding. It is pos White Angel Food l'i cups egg whites l'j cups sugar 1 cup cake flour 1 teaspoon cream of tartar ij teanpnon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla teaspoon almond Beat the egg whites until frothy, sible to obtain three good crops of Veronica spicata each year by cutting all flower heads before the dressing to cup whipped cream. Chill.

Serve "in a crisp lettuca nest Serves 10 to 12. Dinner Menu Chicken Soup Marvland Fried Chlcksa Mashed Potatoes Sliced Tomatoee Creamed Peaa or Buttered Asparagua Sliced Cucumbers in Soar Cream Olives Hot Baking Powdsr Blscultt Red and white Ice Cream Wafers Coffee then add the cream of tartar and continue beating until they hold a point. Then beat in 1 cup of su last inch of buds opens. Good continuous bloom can be obtained from sweet alyssum, without weediness, by shearing the inside and outside edges of all sweet rebukes. If a woman and July 5 is your birthday, you probably are inclined to be supersensitive, taking to heart too readily what is intended as friendly criticism, or words spoken in fun.

You will be less liable to take offense unnecessarily, if you first analyse the remarks and the spirit that prompts them, before accepting them literally. Your conversational ability should make you sought after in social affairs and bring you enviable popularity. Never be tempted to assume a frivolous poise, for your soeial success will come only if you act naturally. Specialty shop, tea Mr. Patrl will give personal attention to Inquiries from parents and school teacher on the care and development of children.

Write him in care of this paper, lncludlnc stamped addressed envelope for reply. gar. Sift together the flour, salt, and cup of the sugar five times. alyssum borders three times dur (Copyright 1935) ing the season. In the home My Neighbor Says garden, shasta daisies, sweet rocket, long spurred columbine, coreopsis, gaillardias, many pinks, shirley poppies, calliopsis, bache By Fawcett i SCREEN ODDITIES Add the flavoring to the egg white mixture and fold in the fiour as quickly as possible.

Pour into an unoiled angel food pan, place cake in a cold oven, setting your regulator at 325 degrees and bake 1 hour. Allow to thoroughly cool before removing from the pan. lor's button, nasturtiums, and WYNNE- GIBSON room or office management, newspaper and clerical work are among the activities in which you tTARreo oj rue ladocr I 1 Serve with fresh crushed strawberries and top with whipped OF FAME AT A ff. I I AVO OANCta THE 1 II will do best. Through marriage you will very likely secure the I cream.

Any type oi iresn Dernes can be used. many other favorites will bloom freely all season if all seeding is prevented, and the plants are kept well supplied with food and water. (Copyright, 1935) The King of diamonds would later have won the setting trick. South avoided this by going up with the King of spades. He was then able to make the contract by happiness, and the home, that the average woman wants.

Vis srm TAKSS, tessoi, HOT. WW The child born on July 5 may, mm lilsjriw when it reaches its teens, develop a latent talent, in an unexpected manner. It will in all likelihood Now is the time to plant Canterbury Bell seeds. They will bloom next Spring. Air the bread and cake boxes frequently during the Summer months.

Mould is likely to form on bread; and cakes kept in boxes during the warm weather. Chamois wet in cold water and wrung dry will polish mahogany furniture that has become cloudy. Do not remove husks from green corn until just before putting on to boil. Corn spoils quickly so it should be used as soon as possible after purchasing. (Copyright 1935.) Genius shares with others; aa inarticulate genius is a contradiction in terms.

be a very lovable, impulsive and generous youngster. If a man and July 5 is your I sF natal day, your clarity of thought, aggressive personality, and readiness of speech, will enable you to succeed as a lawyer, lecturer. conceding a trick to the high trump and losing in addition only one heart and one diamond. TOMORROWS HAND South, Dealer Neither side vulnerable 10 4 10 0 A 3 A 6 4 mi AUDREY SMITH WAS AOT AVAILABLE aetor, writer, educator, or FOZ A PART CROCHETED JACKET PATTERN 941 Successful People Born on July 5: So oiQicroo. henW UATUAJA MAS MAD Gold Angei Food 1 cup sugar 1 cup egg yolks 4 cip hot water (heated to boiling point) 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder l'i cups cake flour 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon lemon extract or Juice Add salt and hot water gradually to egg yolks and beat 10 minutes with a dover beater or 4 minutes with an electric beater; then add the sugar and beat well again; add flavoring and then beat in the flour.

Sift the baking powder over the top of batter and reduce the speed of the beater and beat in the baking powder. Pour into an unoiled pan. Place in oven that has been heated to 325 degrees and bake 1 hour. Use a very large angel food pan, as this recipe makes a very large cake. This cake makes an excellent shortcake base.

Luncheon Menu Tomato Juice co*cktail Macaroni Balad with Cheese Pickles Olives Hot Rolls Butter Oake Coffee Tomato Juice co*cktail I pm testate Juioa Henry C. Murphy, lawyer. Phineas T. Barnum, showman. 9 8 I 1 7 5 2 u-0 4 7 9 0 10 8 7 4 1 I Twe actor oost utv.

MS CIA MS rHAT SMITH PRcsence tn a Picture Isaac Hays, physician. I I I INSURES GOOD LUCK FOR Hi4. I I I William C. Whitney, lawyer, of 4 ir.i a. AJliS 4 New York.

Joseph B. Foraker, soldiar, lawyer and United States senator. 1 iA David G. Farragut, first admiral 5 10 I This hand will be discussed in tomorrow's article. 0 THIS jacket with its flattering straight lines, is yours for the making.

Crochet it in string for summer in wool for fall, and what a smart note the contrasting jacket is today. It is an easy pattern to do; the solid and lacy alternating stripes make an interesting design. The collar can be worn standing or turned back to form lapels. The raglan bell sleeve is comfortable in any season. The jacket, lovely with the sport dress or as a summer evening jacket, is also attractive with the plain crocheted skirt pattern 871.

Pattern 941 comes to you with detailed directions for making the jacket shown; illustrations of it and of all stitches used; material requirements. Price 10 cents. Pattern 971 comes to you with detailed directions for making a plain crocheted skirt in sizes 16-18 and 38-40; illustrations of all stitches used; material requirements. Price 10 cents. Send 10 cents in sttmps or coin (coin preferred) for each pattern (20 cents for both) to Green Bay Press-Gazette, Needlecraft Department, 82 Eighth Avenue, New York, N.

Y. (Copyright 1935) CLACK oi OF HOLLtMjOOO 'S en ST CuH SHOTS. Hi HACCCO A LIMIT OF PUCK IU 2(3 MIVUTtf ATA HUNT IMG CLU9 8AJA United States navy. (Copyright, 1935) Sprinkle Ant Food along window sills, doors and openings through which ants come and co. Guaranteed to rid quickly Used in a million home.

Ineav pensive. At vourdrnggisfa. Real poverty, in Europe, is such, QUESTIONS ANSWERED I Mr. Culbertston will be glad to answer questions on kidding and CALIFORNIA I play of hands sent In oy readers. Address him la care of this newspaper, enclosing a tnree-ceat stamped, self-addressed en re lope.

as told by an eyewitness, that a child buying a small loaf of bread asks the clerk to be kind enough to cut the loaf with the knife he had just used for slicing bacon, so as to give the bread a Have. iOostrrKH MOt, ay Tat tyiitHsts, Imi (Copyright, 1935) I.

Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.