Elevating your business. And our community. (2024)

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';if(!$(field).closest(this.FORM_GROUP_CLASS).find(this.FORM_GROUP_EXAMPLE_CLASS).length > 0) {$(field).closest(this.FORM_GROUP_CLASS).append(exampleText);}$(targetElement).attr('aria-describedby', exampleId);}// Sets a value in the messaging object that is specific to the field based on the field's id that is used to indicate whether the specific field has been validated through a change or submit events. The desired result is to only show the first error message when the user leaves the field, otherwise the user will see error messaging as soon as they start typing in the field.this.setFieldReadyForValidationStatus(field, false);$(field).on('change', function(event) {this.validateField(field, event);}.bind(this));// input listens to character strokes within a field$(field).on('input', function(event) {this.validateField(field, event);}.bind(this));},setUpFormSectionValidation: function setUpFormSectionValidation() {//for buttons on a normal form that want to validate in sections$(this.FORM_CLASS + ' button[data-form-validate-section]:not([data-hide-path-chunks]),' + this.FORM_CLASS + " button[data-form-validate-section]:not([data-show-path-chunks])").each(function(index, element) {element.addEventListener('click', function(event) {element.disabled = true;this.validateFormSection($(event.target).closest(this.FORM_SECTION_CLASS), event);element.disabled = false;}.bind(this));}.bind(this));//for buttons on a form that's been set up to hide/show in sections$(this.FORM_CLASS + ' button[data-form-validate-section][data-hide-path-chunks],' + this.FORM_CLASS + " button[data-form-validate-section][data-show-path-chunks]").each(function(index, element) {//need to unbind the default click event, otherwise Chrome will submit this guy twiceelement.addEventListener('click', function(event) {var hasShow = event.target.dataset.showPathChunks;var hasHide = event.target.dataset.hidePathChunks;element.disabled = true;var allSectionFieldsValidated = this.validateFormSection($(event.target).closest(this.FORM_SECTION_CLASS), event);element.disabled = false;//if all the fields validated, do the button hide/showif(allSectionFieldsValidated) {if(hasHide) {this.addHideShowListeners(element, hasHide);}if(hasShow) {this.addHideShowListeners(element, false);}if(hasHide || hasShow) {event.target.click();}} else {//if fields are not validated, prevent the hide show listeners from firingevent.preventDefault();event.stopImmediatePropagation();}}.bind(this));}.bind(this));},validateFormSection: function validateFormSection(formSection, event) {var allFieldsValid = true;var firstInvalidField = null;$(formSection).find('input, textarea, select').each(function(index, element) {if(allFieldsValid) {if($(element).hasClass(this.VALIDATION_CLASS) && !$(element).hasClass(this.VALIDATION_ADDED_CLASS)) {this.setUpFieldValidation(element);}this.setFieldReadyForValidationStatus(element, true);var returnVal = this.validateField(element, event);if(!returnVal) {allFieldsValid = false;firstInvalidField = element;}}}.bind(this));if(!allFieldsValid) {firstInvalidField.focus();}return allFieldsValid;},updateHideShowPathChunks: function updateHideShowPathChunks(pathChunks, newRowIndex) {var componentsToToggle = this.getComponentsToToggle(pathChunks);var newVal = "";componentsToToggle.forEach(function(item, index) {if(item.indexOf("/multifield") > -1) {newVal += (item + "-" + newRowIndex);if(componentsToToggle.length > 1 && index !== componentsToToggle.length) {newVal += ","}} else {//newVal += item;//we only allow targeting entries within the same multifield//TODO enforce checking we are within the same multifield and not just a multifield}});return newVal;},setUpFormMultiFields: function setUpFormMultiFields() {$(this.FORM_MULTI_CLASS).each(function(index, element) {if(element.hasChildNodes()) {//clone the row whenever the button is clicked//and add a delete button which removes the row when clickedvar buttonElement = element.querySelector("button[name='multi-field-add-another']");if(buttonElement) {buttonElement.addEventListener("click", function(event) {event.stopImmediatePropagation();event.preventDefault();var rows = element.querySelectorAll(".js-form-multi-row");if(rows && rows[0]) {var newRowIndex = rows.length - 1;function recurseAndAddNewIndex(i, child) {// iterate through and alter any ids or data names so that we aren't conflictingif(child.id) {child.id = child.id + "-" + newRowIndex;}if(child.htmlFor) {child.htmlFor = child.htmlFor + "-" + newRowIndex;}if(child.hasAttribute("name")) {child.setAttribute("name", child.getAttribute("name") + "-" + newRowIndex);}if(child.dataset.pathChunk) {child.dataset.pathChunk = child.dataset.pathChunk + "-" + newRowIndex;}//items on a multifield with hide/show are only allowed to affect the same row//that they are on. add the current index to any path chunks that contain multifield// hoping/assuming users would not target a field on another multifield to hide showif(child.dataset.hidePathChunks) {child.dataset.hidePathChunks = this.updateHideShowPathChunks(child.dataset.hidePathChunks, newRowIndex);this.addHideShowListeners(child, true);}if(child.dataset.showPathChunks) {child.dataset.showPathChunks = this.updateHideShowPathChunks(child.dataset.showPathChunks, newRowIndex);this.addHideShowListeners(child, false);}//clear entered form valuesif(child.nodeType == 1 && child.nodeName == "INPUT") {child.value = "";if(child.checked) {child.checked = false;}}if(child.nodeType == 1 && child.nodeName == "DIV" && child.classList.contains("sun-select-container")) {//if we are on the sun-select-container, grab the child select and set it back to the parent//need to do this because there is some logic applied to all selects on the page during page loadif(child.hasChildNodes()) {var selectField = child.querySelector("select.js-form-validation");var ariaLabel = child.querySelector("span[aria-hidden='true']");if(selectField) {child.removeChild(ariaLabel);child.removeChild(selectField);var parentNode = child.parentNode;parentNode.removeChild(child);parentNode.append(selectField);$(selectField).uniform({selectClass: 'sun-select-container',selectAutoWidth: false}).each(function() {$(this).siblings("span").attr("aria-hidden", true);});}}}if($(child).children()) {$(child).children().each(recurseAndAddNewIndex.bind(this));}};//detach the first row element so we can copy itvar original = $(rows[0]).detach();var cloned = original[0].cloneNode(true);//iterate through the children and change the name, id, for, etc to make it a unique entry$(cloned).children().each(recurseAndAddNewIndex.bind(this));//put back our detached element we copied$(element).prepend(original);//add a delete buttonvar hiddenDeleteButton = $(element).find("button[name='multi-field-delete-entry']")[0].cloneNode(true);hiddenDeleteButton.hidden = false;hiddenDeleteButton.addEventListener("click", function(event) {element.removeChild(cloned);element.removeChild(hiddenDeleteButton);});$(hiddenDeleteButton).insertBefore($(buttonElement));//add our new element$(cloned).insertBefore($(buttonElement));//need to set up field validations within multifield elementsthis.setUpFormValidation();}}.bind(this));}}}.bind(this));},valOrFunction: function valOrFunction(val, ctx, args) {/* eslint-disable no-else-return */// returns static error messages and error messages that include the field value as part of the error messageif(typeof val === 'function') {return val.apply(ctx, args);} else {return val;}/* eslint-enable no-else-return */},fillAgain: function fillAgain(form, event) {$(form)[0].reset();$(form).show();$(form).siblings(this.FORM_FILL_AGAIN_CLASS).hide();},getMessaging: function getMessaging(field) {// returns the object that houses messages associated with the fieldvar targetElement = this.getTargetElement(field);var elementId = targetElement.id;if(targetElement && elementId) {if(!this.messaging[elementId]) {this.messaging[elementId] = {requiredMessage: this.DEFAULT_REQUIRED_MESSAGE};}if(targetElement.dataset) {if(targetElement.dataset.requiredMessage) {this.messaging[elementId][this.REQUIRED_MESSAGE] = targetElement.dataset.requiredMessage;}if(targetElement.dataset.exampleMessage) {this.messaging[elementId][this.EXAMPLE_MESSAGE] = targetElement.dataset.exampleMessage;}if(targetElement.dataset.validationMessage) {this.messaging[elementId][this.VALIDATION_MESSAGE] = targetElement.dataset.validationMessage;}}return this.messaging[elementId]}return null},getTargetElement: function getTargetElement(field) {// the target element for displaying error messages is actually the group and not the individual element for radio buttons and checkboxes// for all form fields other than radio buttons and checkboxesvar targetElement = field;// For radio buttonsif($(field).is('[type=radio]')) {targetElement = $(field).closest('fieldset')[0];}// For checkboxesif($(field).is('[type=checkbox]')) {targetElement = $(field).closest('fieldset')[0];}return targetElement;},getFieldReadyForValidationStatus: function getFieldReadyForValidationStatus(field) {// gets a field's status as ready (true) or not ready (false) for validation// a field is ready after a change or submit eventvar fieldMessaging = this.getMessaging(field);var readyStatus = true;if(!fieldMessaging) {return readyStatus;}// For all form fields other than radio buttons and checkboxesif(!$(field).is('[type=radio]') && !$(field).is('[type=checkbox]')) {readyStatus = fieldMessaging[$(field).prop('id')];}// For radio buttonsif($(field).is('[type=radio]')) {var radioGroup = $(field).closest('fieldset');readyStatus = fieldMessaging[$(radioGroup).prop('id')];}// For checkboxesif($(field).is('[type=checkbox]')) {var checkboxGroup = $(field).closest('fieldset');readyStatus = fieldMessaging[$(checkboxGroup).prop('id')];}return readyStatus;},setFieldReadyForValidationStatus: function setFieldReadyForValidationStatus(field, readyStatus) {// marks a specific field as ready (true) or not ready (false) for validation// a field is ready after a change or submit eventvar fieldMessaging = this.getMessaging(field);if(!fieldMessaging) {return;}// For all form fields other than radio buttons and checkboxesif(!$(field).is('[type=radio]') && !$(field).is('[type=checkbox]')) {fieldMessaging[$(field).prop('id')] = readyStatus;}// For radio buttonsif($(field).is('[type=radio]')) {var radioGroup = $(field).closest('fieldset');fieldMessaging[$(radioGroup).prop('id')] = readyStatus;}// For checkboxesif($(field).is('[type=checkbox]')) {var checkboxGroup = $(field).closest('fieldset');fieldMessaging[$(checkboxGroup).prop('id')] = readyStatus;}},validateField: function validateField(field, event) {// validates form fields and displays an error message if the field is invalidvar fieldMessaging = this.getMessaging(field);var isValid = true;// indicate if the field is being validated via a changeif(event.type === 'change') {this.setFieldReadyForValidationStatus(field, true);}// only validate if the field has been flagged as having had a change or submit eventif(this.getFieldReadyForValidationStatus(field)) {// the targetElement is the group for radio buttons and checkboxes - check for validation status at the group level but use the validate API on individual radio buttons/checkboxesvar targetElement = this.getTargetElement(field);var targetElementParent = this.getTargetElement($(field).closest(this.FORM_GROUP_CLASS));var ariaDescribedByAttr = $(targetElement).attr('aria-describedby');// -- CLEAR existing error messages --if($(targetElementParent).find(this.ERROR_MESSAGE_CLASS).length) {$(targetElementParent).find(this.ERROR_MESSAGE_CLASS).remove();}// clear any visual error formatting on the parent and children$(targetElementParent).removeClass(this.INVALID_CLASS_NO_DOT);$(targetElementParent).find('.is-invalid').removeClass(this.INVALID_CLASS_NO_DOT);// clear any aria-describedby mappingif(typeof ariaDescribedByAttr !== typeof undefined && ariaDescribedByAttr !== false) {$(targetElement).removeAttr('aria-describedby');}// -- SET validity on the actual field --// reset the custom validity message on the field to the empty stringfield.setCustomValidity('');// set the empty field or invalid field message if appropriateif(field.validity.valueMissing) {field.setCustomValidity(this.valOrFunction(fieldMessaging.requiredMessage, window, [field]));} else if(!field.validity.valid) {field.setCustomValidity(this.valOrFunction(fieldMessaging.validationMessage, window, [field]));}if(field === targetElement) {// confirmation fields have separate validation logicif($(targetElement).hasClass(this.CONFIRMATION_CLASS)) {//check if we are valid by verifying this input has same value as confirmation targetvar targetElementName = $(targetElement).prop("name");if(targetElementName && targetElementName.indexOf(this.CONFIRM_POSTFIX) > -1) {targetElementName = targetElementName.substring(0, targetElementName.indexOf(this.CONFIRM_POSTFIX));var targetConfirm = document.querySelector("input[name='" + targetElementName + "']");isValid = targetConfirm && targetConfirm.value === targetElement.value;}} else {// for all form fields other than radio buttons and checkboxesisValid = targetElement.validity.valid;}} else if($(field).is('[type=radio]')) {// for radio buttons check to see if at least one radio button in the group is checkedif($(field).prop('required')) {if($(targetElement).find('input[type=radio]:checked').length === 0) {isValid = false;}}} else if($(field).is('[type=checkbox]')) {// for checkboxes check to see if at least one checkbox in the group is checkedif($(field).prop('required')) {if($(targetElement).find('input[type=checkbox]:checked').length === 0) {isValid = false;}}}// -- SET new error message --// only show the visible error and add an aria-describedby mapping if the field is invalidif(!isValid) {var errorMessage;//if the field is empty, and is required, show required messageif(field.validity.typeMismatch || field.validity.patternMismatch && fieldMessaging.validationMessage) {errorMessage = fieldMessaging.validationMessage;} else {errorMessage = fieldMessaging.requiredMessage;}var errorId = $(targetElement).prop('id') + '-error';errorMessage = '

' + '' + errorMessage + '

';$(targetElementParent).append(errorMessage).addClass(this.INVALID_CLASS_NO_DOT);$(targetElementParent).find(this.FIELDSET_LEGEND_CLASS).addClass(this.INVALID_CLASS_NO_DOT);if(!$(targetElementParent).find(this.LABEL_CLASS).hasClass(this.LABEL_FIELDSET_CLASS_NO_DOT)) {$(targetElementParent).find(this.LABEL_CLASS).addClass(this.INVALID_CLASS_NO_DOT);}if($(targetElementParent).find(this.EXAMPLE_CLASS_NO_JS).length) {var exampleId = $(targetElement).prop('id') + "-example";$(targetElement).attr('aria-describedby', errorId + ' ' + exampleId);$(targetElementParent).find(this.EXAMPLE_CLASS).addClass(this.INVALID_CLASS_NO_DOT);} else {$(targetElement).attr('aria-describedby', errorId);}if($(targetElement).parent().hasClass(this.INPUT_GROUP_CLASS)) {$(targetElement).parent().addClass(this.INVALID_CLASS_NO_DOT);} else {$(targetElement).addClass(this.INVALID_CLASS_NO_DOT);}} else if($(targetElementParent).find(this.EXAMPLE_CLASS_NO_JS).length) {// reset the aria-describedby attribute if there is example textvar exampleId = $(targetElement).prop('id') + '-example';$(targetElement).attr('aria-describedby', exampleId);}}return isValid;},isFillAgainSubmit: function(form) {return form && $(form).siblings(this.FORM_FILL_AGAIN_CLASS).length > 0;},isNoRedirectSubmit: function(form) {return form && form.length > 0 && form[0] && form[0].dataset && form[0].dataset.noRedirect && form[0].dataset.noRedirect == "noredirect";},validateForm: function validateForm(form, event) {//clear thank you / error messagesvar show = false;this.hideShowFormThankYou(form, show);var formId = '#' + $(form).prop('id');var elementSelector = formId + ' input:not([type=hidden]), ' + formId + ' select';var firstInvalidField = null;for(var i = 0; i < $(elementSelector).length; i++) {var element = $(elementSelector)[i];this.setFieldReadyForValidationStatus(element, true);var isValid = this.validateField(element, event);if(!isValid) {if(firstInvalidField === null) {firstInvalidField = element;}}}if(firstInvalidField !== null) {firstInvalidField.focus();//enable submit button again$(form).find("button[data-form-submit]")[0].disabled = false;return;}var currentThis = this;//all fields are valid, check recaptcha value and include in request to server// grecaptcha.ready(function() {// grecaptcha.execute('6Ld4WY8iAAAAAOrnyjLnapE6Ddj00KRmWzAcujgS', {action: 'submit'}).then( function(token) {//add hidden input so that it will be included//if we are doing the async submit, need to update the value instead// if(form.find("input[name='__g_recaptcha']").length > 0){//form.find("input[name='__g_recaptcha']")[0].value = token//}else{//form.append("");//}if(isRecaptchaValidated) {if(currentThis.isFillAgainSubmit(form) || currentThis.isNoRedirectSubmit(form)) {currentThis.performAsyncSend(form);} else {form.submit();}} else {return false;}//});//});},performAsyncSend: function performAsyncSend(form) {var action = form[0] ? form[0].action : "";if(!this.httpRequest || !action) {//unable to create requestreturn;}this.httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {if(this.httpRequest.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {if(this.requestedId) {var form = $(this.requestedId);if(form) {var formButton = form.find("button[data-form-submit]");//todo handle difference between good and bad request (need design)var response = this.httpRequest.responseText;if(this.isFillAgainSubmit(form)) {var form = $(this.requestedId);form.hide();var display = $(form).siblings(this.FORM_FILL_AGAIN_CLASS);display.show();} else {//assuming we are on a no redirect submitvar show = true;if(formButton) {this.hideShowFormThankYou(form, show);//do hide show for whatever is set on the form submit button because the listener is preventedif(formButton && formButton[0]) {if(formButton[0].dataset) {if(formButton[0].dataset.hidePathChunks) {this.hideAndShowComponentsForPathChunks(formButton[0].dataset.hidePathChunks, true);}if(formButton[0].dataset.showPathChunks) {this.hideAndShowComponentsForPathChunks(formButton[0].dataset.showPathChunks, true);}}}}}if(this.httpRequest.status != 200) {console.log("Problem with request, status " + this.httpRequest.status);}//renable button after request no matter whatif(formButton) {formButton[0].disabled = false;}}}}}.bind(this);this.httpRequest.open('POST', action);this.httpRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');var formData = form.serialize();if(formData) {this.requestedId = '#' + $(form).prop('id');this.httpRequest.send(formData);}},hideShowFormThankYou: function hideShowFormThankYou(form, isShow) {var formButton = form.find("button[data-form-submit]");if(formButton) {//should only be one submit-form button,//could be multiple submit-container buttons//TODO scope submit to containersif(formButton[0]) {formButton[0].disabled = false;var buttonParent = formButton[0].parentNode;if(buttonParent) {var thankYouSpan = $(buttonParent).find("span.form-thank-you");var formparent = buttonParent.parentNode;if(thankYouSpan && thankYouSpan.length > 0) {if(isShow) {// thankYouSpan[0].classList.remove("form-hidden");// $(formparent).find(".js-form-group").addClass("tli-form-fields-hide");// $(formButton).addClass("tli-form-fields-hide")testSlideRight();//$(formparent).find(".js-form-group").addClass("slide-out-bottom");//$(formButton).addClass("slide-out-bottom")//$(thankYouSpan[0]).addClass("slide-in-right");//thankYouSpan[0].hidden = false;} else {// thankYouSpan[0].classList.add("form-hidden");// $(formparent).find(".js-form-group").removeClass("tli-form-fields-hide");// $(formButton).removeClass("tli-form-fields-hide")$(thankYouSpan[0]).removeClass("slide-in-right");$(formparent).find(".js-form-group").removeClass("slide-out-bottom");$(formButton).removeClass("slide-out-bottom")//thankYouSpan[0].hidden = true;}}}}}},init: function init() {this.bindEvents();this.setUpFormValidation();this.setUpFormSectionValidation();this.setUpFormFillAgain();this.setUpFormMultiFields();}};_internal.init();};$(function() {if($('.js-form').length) {new FormComponent();}});function doRegisterAgain() {var form = document.getElementById("form-container-div");var formButton = $(form).find("button[data-form-submit]");var buttonParent = formButton[0].parentNode;var thankYouSpan = $(buttonParent).find("span.form-thank-you");var formparent = buttonParent.parentNode;$(thankYouSpan[0]).removeClass("slide-in-right");$(formparent).find(".js-form-group").removeClass("slide-out-bottom");$(formButton).removeClass("slide-out-bottom")$(form).parents('form').get(0).reset()grecaptcha.reset();return false;}function testSlideRight() {var form = document.getElementById("form-container-div");var formButton = $(form).find("button[data-form-submit]");var buttonParent = formButton[0].parentNode;var thankYouSpan = $(buttonParent).find("span.form-thank-you");var formparent = buttonParent.parentNode;$(thankYouSpan[0]).addClass("slide-in-right");$(formparent).find(".js-form-group").addClass("slide-out-bottom");$(formButton).addClass("slide-out-bottom")thankYouSpan[0].hidden = false;//slide-in-right}

Elevating your business. And our community. (2024)


What does it mean to elevate your business? ›

What does “elevate your business” mean? Elevation is about capturing learnings and key measurements, both positive and negative, from your new hire journey and applying them for increased business success.

How does your business connect with and support your community? ›

Small business owners tend to also sponsor, organize, and host local events to maintain a lively community. Plus, as previously mentioned, giving locals job opportunities is another way small businesses help the community.

How does your business impact the community? ›

Increase City Revenue to Increase Community Improvements

Local businesses pay local taxes which means more revenue goes back into the community. That additional revenue means more money for improvements to city roads, schools, and other needs. While shopping online is easy, it doesn't keep tax revenue local.

Why is it important for a business to keep the community happy? ›

Authentically and consistently showing care for and involvement in the community builds the trust necessary for creating a loyal customer base. Customers trust businesses that care about the community they serve.

What is an example of elevating? ›

Examples from Collins dictionaries

He was elevated to the post of prime minister. Don't elevate your superiors to superstar status. Emotional stress can elevate blood pressure. Jack elevated the gun at the sky.

What does it mean to level up your business? ›

When we talk about leveling up a business, we mean taking it from one growth plateau to the next. There is no one correct way to level up. It looks for every business owner depending on where they are in the the business-growth journey. Leveling up can look like: Going from zero sales to getting the first sale.

How can a business engage with the community? ›

Stronger trust: community engagement can be a great way to build trust with customers. Participating in local events, supporting local charities and building relationships with local partners helps to breed confidence in your business.

How does my business support the local community? ›

By genuinely engaging with your local community through sponsoring local events, providing opportunities to young people, sourcing locally, engaging in volunteer work, and promoting diversity and environmental responsibility, your business really can make a positive impact.

How does your business give back to the community? ›

Hold donation drives in the workplace to give employees a convenient place to give their extra canned food, clothing or books to people in need. Partner with a local food bank, women's shelter, school or charity and set an overall donation goal for your team.

How does business help the local community? ›

Small businesses impact their local communities by creating jobs and circulating money in the economy. Besides that, they also help the environment and give customers access to more product and service choices. Some iconic businesses even become part of the community's identity, attracting visitors from far and wide.

How does the community influence a business? ›

If a business affects a large number of local residents negatively, they may protest or object through the local council. They can also support businesses by buying products and services. The local community could also force a business to focus more on social and environmental causes.

Why should businesses get involved in the community? ›

From increasing your business's exposure and brand awareness in the community to raising employee morale, being an involved member of the community is a good investment for any small business. Here are a few ways your small business can make an impact in your community.

How does business contribute to society? ›

The role of a business is to produce and distribute goods and services to satisfy a public need or demand. According to Business News Daily corporate social responsibility (CSR) is “a business practice that involves participating in initiatives that benefit a society.”

What does it mean to be involved in your community? ›

Community involvement is the power to bring positive, measurable change to both the communities in which you operate and to your business. Community involvement examples include in-kind and financial donations, employee volunteer days, skills-based volunteering programs, enduring nonprofit partnerships, and more.

Why is community involvement important? ›

Community engagement can lead to improved outcomes for communities when government organizations and public decision-making entities seek out the aspirations, concerns and values of communities, who, in turn, share their aspirations, concerns and values with governing entities.

What does it mean to elevate something? ›

Elevate, enhance, exalt, heighten mean to raise or make higher in some respect. To elevate is to raise something up to a higher level, position, or state: to elevate the living standards of a group.

What does it mean when you elevate? ›

elevated; elevating. 1. : to lift up or make higher : raise. 2. : to raise in rank or importance.

What does it mean to elevate a brand? ›

Brand elevation simply means engaging in an intentional strategy to define and position your brand in a positive and authentic light, then consistently advertise the brand to the public it serves.

What does elevate mean in work? ›

A boss can elevate, or promote, a worker to a better position. For example, a restaurant manager might elevate a superb busboy to the position of waiter. Elevate comes from Latin elevates, which means “to raise” or even "to lighten.”

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Views: 6371

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (42 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.